Gardner, Percy, New Chapters in Greek History, London, 1892; Manual of Greek Antiquities, London, 1895.—Garnett, R., A Chaplet from the Greek Anthology, London, 1892.—Geddes, William D., The Problem of the Homeric Poems, London, 1878, 8 vols.—Geldart, E. M., Modern Greek Language, Oxford, 1866.—Gell, W., Itinerary of Greece, with Commentary on Pausanias and Strabo, London, 1810.—Gerard, P., L’Éducation athénienne au cinquième et quatrième siècles B.C., Paris, 1889.—Gerhard, E., Griechische Mythologie, Berlin, 1854.—Gervinus, G. G., Gesch. des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Leipsic, 1853.—Gibbon, E., Decline and Fall of Roman Empire, London, 1853.—Gilbert, G., Beiträge zur inneren Gesch. Athens, Leipsic, 1877; Handbuch der Griechischen Staatsalterthtümer, Leipsic, 1893.—Gillies, J., History of Ancient Greece, London, 1825.—Gladstone, W. E., Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age, Oxford, 1858.—Glover, R., Leonidas (poem), London, 1737.—Godkin, E. L., Historical Educator, London, 1854.—Goldsmith, O., History of Greece, London, 1825.
Oliver Goldsmith was born at Pallas, County Longford, Ireland, November 10, 1728; died at London, April 4, 1774. The name of Goldsmith has been everywhere a household word for more than a century, but probably comparatively few of the multitude of readers of The Deserted Village and The Vicar of Wakefield are aware that the famous poet and novelist was also a writer of histories. And, in point of fact, it would be going much too far to claim for Goldsmith any such rank in the field of history as, by common consent, he is accorded in these other walks of literature. Indeed it might almost be said that Goldsmith was not a historian at all in the modern sense of the word; he did not prepare himself by any extended series of intimate personal researches; he did not attempt to ferret out any new facts, or bring any novel lights to bear upon the subject. To put the matter briefly, he took up the writing of history as pure hack-work for whatever monetary recompense it would bring at the moment, with probably little thought beyond that. Nevertheless Goldsmith had some of the inherent instincts of the scholar, and, moreover, he was too great an artist not to know that truth lies at the foundation of all art; hence, even though he wrote in one sense carelessly, he could not do less than ground himself in at least the main outlines of the story that he had to tell, and it would be quite a mistake to suppose that his history of Greece is utterly despicable as a mere narrative of facts. Generally speaking, on the contrary, it may be depended on as to mere statement of fact, while its manner of presentation is, it goes almost without the saying, such as to give it a place quite aside from the ordinary.
There are indeed times when the spirit of the writer seems somewhat to flag, and one misses here and there that felicity of expression and charm of narrative which one is wont to associate with the name of Goldsmith; but, in the main, the story, as a story of Grecian life, is told in a manner not unworthy of the author of The Vicar, which is equivalent to saying that the mere story of Greek history has rarely elsewhere been told so well. The skill of the trained writer is shown, however, perhaps even more in the selection and massing of materials than in the mere matter of verbal style in the narrower sense. In particular Goldsmith has followed out the tangled web of post-Alexandrian history and woven it into something like a continuous and uniform texture with a facility of literary resource that is rare indeed among writers of history. Of course matter, rather than manner, is the sine quâ non with the historian, and it was not to be expected that the history of Goldsmith could retain the prestige which it once enjoyed, after such writers as Mitford, Thirlwall, Grote, and Curtius had devoted years of effort to a more extended treatment of the same subject. Nevertheless the history of Goldsmith still has its utility for a certain class of readers. Judicious selections from it are fully entitled to stand beside the best that has been written on the subject. If, on the whole, one regrets that Goldsmith did not take the time to give his work greater authority, one cannot but regret also that some of the later writers, and notably Grote, were not able to add to their more ponderous productions something of the charm of style which is the chief merit of Goldsmith’s history.
Goll, H., Kulturbilder aus Hellas und Rom, Leipsic, 1878.—Gossellin, P. F., Géographie des Grecs analysée, Paris, 1790.—Grant, A., Greece in the Age of Pericles, London, 1893.—Grote, G., History of Greece, London, 1846-1856; Plato, London, 1865.
George Grote was born near Beckenham in Kent, November 17, 1794; died at London, June 18, 1871. He was educated for a commercial life, and as a banker became a partner in the firm of Prescott, Grote & Co. He continued in active business until 1843, and he three times represented the city of London in parliament, retiring from public life in 1841. The first two volumes of his History of Greece were published in 1846, the remaining volumes appearing successively between 1847 and 1856. His Plato and the other Companions of Socrates, in three volumes, appeared in 1865. In politics Grote was greatly influenced by his friend James Mill, accepting his theories upon church establishment and government. Years before the passage of the reform bill, Grote was one of the earnest reformers who strove to further the views of Mill and Bentham. His work as a politician, however, was quite subordinate to his importance as a historian, for the latter work was taken up at first as a mere labour of love, and only carried to completion, it is said, at the instigation of his wife. We have already commented at length upon Grote’s work in the introduction to this bibliography.
Grundy, G. B., The Persian War. 1901.—Guerber, H. A., The Story of the Greeks, London, 1898.—Guhl, E., and Koner, W., The Life of the Greeks and Romans described from Antique Monuments (trans. by F. Hueffer), London. 1877.
Hadley, J., Philological Essays, New York, 1873.—Hahn, J. G. von, Folk Lore of Modern Greece, London, 1884.—Hall, H. R., The Oldest Civilisation of Greece.—Hammond, B. E., Political Institutions of the Ancient Greeks, London, 1895; Greek Constitutions, Cambridge, 1896.—Harrison, J. E., Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens, London, 1890.—Harrison, J. A., The Story of Greece, New York, 1885.—Hase, H., The Public and Private Life of the Ancient Greeks, London, 1836.—Hegel, G. W. F., Lectures on the Philosophy of History, London, 1857.—Heine, H., Gesammelte Werke (Zweiter Cyklus), Berlin, 1887.—Helbig, W., Die Italiker in der Po-Ebene, Leipsic, 1879.—Hermann, K. F., Lehrbuch Griechischer Antiquitäten, Freiburg, 1880; Kulturgeschichte der Griechen und Römer, Göttingen, 1857.—Herodotus, Heroditi Historiæ, ed. Schweighäuser, Strasburg, 1816, 5 vols.; History of Herodotus, translated by Wm. Beloe, London, 1806.—Hertzberg, G. F., Gesch. der Griechen im Alterthum, Berlin, 1885; Geschichte von Hellas und Rom, 1879; Geschichte Griechenlands unter der Herrschaft der Römer, Halle, 1866-1875; Gesch. Griechenlands seit dem Absterben des antiken Lebens bis zur Gegenwart, Hamburg, 1876-1879. Professor Hertzberg’s works have the merit of pleasant presentation, and may be depended upon as a representative presentation of the most authoritative views. They make no claim to any such amount of original investigation as characterises the standard works of Grote and Curtius.—Hogarth, D. G., article on “Mycenæan Civilisation” in the New Volumes of the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, London.—Holm, A., Gesch. Siciliens im Alterthum, Leipsic, 1870-1874; Griechische Gesch., Berlin, 1893; History of Greece, London, 1898.