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Ihne, W. R., Society in Rome under the Cæsars, London, 1888. (A good popular account of the daily life of the period.)

Jacobi, R., Die Quellen der Langobardengeschichte des Paulus Diaconus, Halle, 1877; Jaffé, Philip, Geschichte des deutschen Reiches unter Lothar dem Sachsen, Berlin, 1843; (see also classical section).—Jäger, O., Geschichte der Römer, Gütersloh, 1861.—Jahn, A., Die Geschichte der Burgundionen, und Burgundiens, 1874, 2 vols.—Jay, B., Synopsis of Roman History, London, 1894.—Jonson, Ben, Tragedy of Catiline, London, 1611.—Jordan, H., Topographie der Stadt Rom im Altertum, Berlin, 1871, 1878, 1885, 2 vols.—Jung, J., Geographie und politische Geschichte des klassischen Altertums, in Ivan Müller’s Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, vol. 3, Nördlingen 1889.

Kärst, F., Kritische Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des zweiten Samniten-krieges, in Neues Jahrbuch für Philologie, Luppe, vol. 13.—Kaufmann, G. H., Deutsche Geschichte bis auf Karl den Grossen, Leipsic, 1880-1881, 2 vols.—Keightley, Thomas, The History of Rome to the End of the Republic, London, 1842.—Kiepert, H., Handbuch der alten Geographie, Berlin, 1878.—Kingsley, Charles, The Roman and the Teuton, London, 1875; 1889.—Klein, J., Die Verwaltungsbeamten der Provinzen des römischen Reiches, Berlin, 1878.—Köpke, Der Anfang des Königthums bei den Gothen, Berlin, 1854.—Kornemann, E., Zur Stadtentstehung in den ehemals keltischen und germanischen Gebieten des Römerreiches, Giessen, 1898.—Körte, G., Ein Wandgemälde von Vulci als Dokument der römischen Königsgeschichte.—Kraschenimkow, M., Die Augustalen und das Sacral-magisterium, St. Petersburg, 1895.—Krumbacher, K., Byzantinische Zeitschrift, Leipsic, 1892 (in collaboration with A. Ehrhard and H. Gerzer); Geschichte der byzantinischen Litteratur, in I. Müller’s Handbuch der klassischen Alterthumswissenschaften, vol. 9, Munich, 1897.—Kuhn, E., Verfassung der Städte des römischen Reiches, Leipsic, 1864.

La Barte, J., History of the Arts of the Middle Ages, London, 1855.—Lanciani, Rodolfo, Le Acque e gli acquedotti di Roma antica, Rome, 1880; Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries, London, 1889; Pagan and Christian Rome, London and Boston, 1892; Forma urbis Romæ, Milan and New York, 1893-1901; A Manual of Roman Antiquities, London, 1894; New Tales of Old Rome, Boston, 1901.—Lange, L., Römische Alterthümer, Berlin, 1876-1879, 2 vols.—Lau, G. J. T., Gregor I der Grosse, nach seinem Leben und seiner Lehre geschildert, Leipsic, 1845.—Laurent, F., Études sur l’histoire de l’humanité, Paris, 1880.—Lavisse, E. (in collaboration with Alfred Rambaud), Histoire générale du IVᵐᵉ siècle à nos jours, Paris, 1893, etc., 8 vols. in progress.—Le Beau, Charles, Histoire du Bas-Empire depuis Constantin, Paris, 1757-1779, 22 vols.—Lecky, W. E. H., History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne, London, 1870.—Lecointe, Charles, Annales ecclésiastiques de la France, Paris, 1665-1680, 8 vols.—Lehmann, C. F., Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, 1902.—Leighton, R. F., A History of Rome, New York, 1880.—Lemonnier, H., Étude historique sur la condition privée des Affranchis, Paris, 1887.—Lenormant, F., La grande Grèce, Paris, 1881-1884, 3 vols.; (a biographical notice of this writer is given in vol. I, p. 588).—Lewis, George Cornewall, An Inquiry into the Credibility of the Early Roman History, London, 1855, 2 vols.

George Cornewall Lewis, a statesman and man of letters, was born in London, April 21, 1806. Educated at Eton and Oxford, he was called to the bar in 1831. Although almost constantly engaged in public life, he devoted much attention to literature, writing numerous essays and contributions to reviews, besides publishing several translations from the German. All of his writings are distinguished for clear, sober, and original thought. He died in April, 1863. In his inquiry into the credibility of early Roman history Lewis submits early Roman history to the same tests that are applied in determining credibility in judicial investigation. In applying these tests to Niebuhr’s positions he decides that many of them are based on insufficient foundations, and comes to the conclusion that all efforts to clear up early Roman history are thrown away since there is no contemporary evidence.

Lézardière, Marie Pauline de, Théorie des lois politiques de la monarchie française, Paris, 1844, 4 vols.—Liddell, H. G., A History of Rome from the earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire, London and New York, 1865.

Henry George Liddell was born at Binchester, February 6th, 1811. Educated at Oxford, he became a college tutor and in 1846 was made head-master of Westminster School. In 1834, he began, in collaboration with Robert Scott, the preparation of the Greek-English Lexicon, which was his life-work. In 1855 he was appointed dean of Christ Church, Oxford, which position he retained until 1891. Liddell’s history is a most valuable work, being as Mr. Adams says of it, “a storehouse of accurate information.”

Liebenau, W., Städteverwaltung im römischen Kaiserreich, Leipsic, 1900.—Lilly, W. S., Ancient Religion and Modern Thought, London, 1884.—Lindner, Theodor, Die sogenannten Schenkungen Pippins, Karls des Grossen und Ottos I, Stuttgart, 1896.—Lippert, Julius, Die Religionen der europäischen Kulturvölker, Berlin, 1881.—Lockhart, J. G., Velerius, a Roman Story, Edinburgh, 1821.—Long, G., The Decline of the Roman Republic, London, 1864-1874, 5 vols. This book covers the period from the destruction of Carthage to the death of Julius Cæsar.—Lorenz, F., Karls des Grossen Privat- und Hofleben, in Von Raumer’s Historisches Taschenbuch, Leipsic, 1832.

Macaulay, T. B., Lays of Ancient Rome, London, 1812.—Macdermot, T. B., Outline of Roman History, Dublin, 1892.—Mackenzie, Lord, Studies of the Roman Law, with Comparative Views of the Laws of France, England, and Scotland, 5th edition, edited by John Kirkpatrick, London, 1880.—Maclear, G. F., Apostles of Mediæval Europe, London, 1868.—Madvig, J. N., Die Verfassung und Verwaltung des römischen Staats, Leipsic, 1881-1882, 2 vols.—Mahaffy, J. P., The Greek World under Roman Sway, London, 1890.—Mahon, Philip Henry Stanhope, Life of Belisarius, London, 1848.—Manso, J. K. F., Geschichte des ostgothischen Reiches in Italien, Breslau, 1824.—Marioni, G., I Papiri Diplomatici, Rome, 1805 (a collection of documents, papal bulls, legal documents of transactions between Byzantine merchants, officials, clergy, etc.).—Marlot, E., Précis des institutions politiques de Rome, Paris, 1886.—Marquardt, K. J., vols. 3 to 5 of Becker’s Handbuch der römischen Altertümer, Leipsic, 1849-1868; second edition of complete work (in collaboration with Th. Mommsen), Leipsic, 1881-1886, 7 vols.; Römische Staatsverwaltung, forming vols. 4 to 6 of Handbuch der römischen Altertümer, Leipsic, 1873-1878; 1881-1885; Privatleben der Römer, forming vol. 7 of Handbuch der römischen Altertümer, Leipsic, 1879-1882; 2nd edition, 1886.—Marrast, A., Esquisses Byzantines, Paris, 1874.—Martens, W., Politische Geschichte des Langobardenreiches unter König Luitbrand, Heidelberg, 1880.—Martin, H., Histoire de France, Paris, 1838-1853; 1855-1860, 18 vols.—Marx, F., Die Beziehungen der klassischen Völker des Altertums zu dem keltisch-germanischen Norden, Beilage der Allgemeinen Zeitung, 1897, No. 162, 163.—Mascov, J. J., Geschichte der Deutschen bis zum Abgang der merovingischen Könige, Leipsic, 1726-1737, 2 vols.—Masom, W. F., The Struggle for Empire, 287-202 B.C., London, 1894 (in collaboration with F. G. Plaistowe); Synopsis of Roman History, London, 1891.—Mason, A. J., The Persecution of Diocletian, Cambridge, 1876.—Mayor, J. E. B., Bibliographie Clue to Latin Literature, London, 1875.—Meitzen, A., Siedelung und Agrarwesen der Westgermanen und Ostgermanen, der Kelten, Römer, Finnen und Slaven, Berlin, 1895, 3 vols.—Meltzer, O., Geschichte der Karthager, Berlin, 2 vols.—Menzel, W., Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung von der ältesten bis auf die neueste Zeit, Leipsic, 1875, 2nd edition, 3 vols.; English translation by Horrocks, History of Germany from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, London, 1848, 3 vols.—Merivale, Charles, A History of the Romans under the Empire, London, 1850-1862, 7 vols.; The Fall of the Roman Republic, London, 1853; A General History of Rome, London, 1875; The Roman Triumvirates, London, 1876.