Quicheret, J., Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire, Paris, 1885, 2 vols.—Quidde, F., Caligula, Leipsic, 1894.
Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas (in collaboration with Ernest Lavisse), Histoire Générale du IVᵐᵉ siècle à nos jours, Paris, 1893, 8 vols. in progress.—Ranke, Leopold von, Weltgeschichte, Leipsic, 1880-1888, 9 vols. (vols. 7-9 edited by Dove, Wiedemann, and Winter); 2nd edition 1896, 4 vols.—Rawlinson, George, The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy, London, 1876. Gives history of the wars between Persia and the empire. (A biographical notice of this author is given in vol. I, p. 571.)—Reinhardt, S., Der Perserkrieg des Kaisers Julian, Gotha, 1892.—Renan, Joseph Ernest, Histoire des origines de Christianisme, Paris, 1887. (A biographical notice of this writer has been given in vol. II, p. 235.)—Reumont, A. U., Geschichte der Stadt Rom, Berlin, 1867-1870, 3 vols.—Reville, J., La Religion à Rome sous les Sévères, Paris, 1886.—Richter, Gustav, Annalen der deutschen Geschichte im Mittelalter, Halle, 1873.—Robinson, W. S., First History of Rome, London, 1890.—Rodocanachi, E., Les corporations ouvrières à Rome depuis la chute de l’empire romaine, Paris, 1894, 2 vols.—Rollin, Charles, L’histoire romaine, Paris, 1738-1741, 5 vols.—Rösler, E., Robert, Romanische Studien, Untersuchungen zur alten Geschichte Romaniens, Leipsic, 1871.—Roth, Paul von, Geschichte des Beneficialwesen, Erlangen, 1850.
Sartorius, Georg, Versuch über die Regierung der Ostrogothen während ihrer Herrschaft in Italien, Hamburg, 1811.—Saulcy, F. J., Essai de classification des suites monétaires byzantines, Paris, 1836.—Savigny, Friedr. Karl von, Geschichte des römischen Rechts im Mittelalter, Heidelberg, 1834-1851, 7 vols.—Sayous, Pierre Andrée, Les origines et l’épopée païenne de l’histoire des Hongrois, Paris, 1874; Histoire générale des Hongrois, Paris, 1877, 2 vols.—Schäfer, Arnold, Abriss der Quellenkunde der griechischen und römischen Geschichte, Leipsic, vol. I, 4th edition, 1889; vol. II, 2nd edition, 1885.—Schenk, K., in Byzantische Zeitschrift, Leipsic, 1896.—Schiller, Johann Heinrich Karl Friedrich Hermann, Geschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit bis auf Theodosius den Grossen, Gotha, 1886-1888, 2 vols. (in collaboration with M. Voigt), Die römischen Staats-, Kriegs- und Privataltertümer, in I. Müller’s Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, Nördlingen, 1887.—Schlegel, K. W. F. von, Lectures on the History of Literature, New York, 1841.—Schlosser, F. C., Geschichte der bilderstürmenden Kaiser des Oströmischen Reichs, Frankfort, 1812; Weltgeschichte für das deutsche Volk, Oberhausen and Leipsic, 1874-1875, 19 vols. (A biographical notice of this writer has been given in vol. IV, page 637.)—Schmidt, Ludwig, Zur Geschichte der Langobarden, Dresden, 1885.—Schmidt, O. E., in Spanier’s Illustrierte Weltgeschichte, vol. II, von Alexander dem Grossen bis zu Beginn der Volkswanderung, 3rd edition.—Schmitz, Leonard, A History of Rome from the Earliest Times to the Death of Commodus, London, n.d.—Schmitz, M., Quellenkunde der römischen Geschichte bis auf Paulus Diaconus, Gütersloh, 1881.—Schneidewin, M., Die antike Humanität.—Schoener, R., Rome, London, 1898.—Schön, G., Das capitolinische Verzeichniss der römischen Triumphe.—Schroder, W., De primordiis Artis Historici apud Græcos et Romanos, Jena, 1868.—Schubert, Hans von, Die Unterwerfung der Alamannen unter die Franken, Strassburg, 1884.—Schuckburgh, E. S., History of Rome to the Battle of Actium, London, 1894.—Schwartz, E., Die Berichte über die catilinarische Verschwörung, Hermes, vol. 32, p. 554.—Schwegler, Albert, Römische Geschichte, Tübingen, 1853-1858, 3 vols.
Albert Schwegler, German historian and theologian (1819-1857) was greatly influenced by the great changes which took place in Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century and the bitterness caused by the disappointment of patriotic hopes, had an effect on his writing, although this is not so noticeable in Schwegler’s reserved style, which addresses itself more to scholars, as in Mommsen’s, who speaks to wider circles. Schwegler’s history extends only to the Licinian Rogations, and the author did not live even to see the third volume published. His object was to lay bare critical investigation in the widest range and he has admirably succeeded, conducting the reader through the mazes of fable and tradition as well as through the conflicting statement of modern writers, with a wonderful security of touch. At the same time he weaves together the authenticated results into a comprehensive picture of the whole and describes developments with keen political discernment. In one important point only does he differ from Niebuhr, refusing to admit that the history of ancient Rome is a product of folk ballads, holding rather that it originated in the class of aetiologic fables which were so richly developed among the ancients. This work was cast into the shade soon after its appearance by Mommsen’s brilliant achievements.
Seeck, O., Die Schätzungsordnung Diocletians; Gedichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt, Berlin, 1897, 2nd edition.—Seeley, J. R., Roman Imperialism, in his Lectures and Essays, London, 1870.—Seignobos, C., Histoire narrative et descriptive du peuple romain, Paris, 1894.—Sellar, W. Y., The Roman Poets of the Republic, Oxford, 1881, 1889; The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age, Oxford, 1883, 1892, 1897.—Sergeant, L., The Franks (Stories of the Nations), London, 1888.—Seyffert, O., Lexicon der klassischen Alterthumskunde, Leipsic, 1882; Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, edited by Henry Nettleship and J. E. Sandys, London, 1901.—Sheppard, J. Y., The Fall of Rome, and the Rise of New Nationalities, London, 1874. (The author is opposed to the views of Gibbon, but bases his work on original authorities.)—Shumway, E. S., A Day in Ancient Rome, Boston, 1885.—Sime, J., article on Germany in the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.—Smith, R. Bosworth, Carthage and the Carthaginians, London, 1879; Rome and Carthage, London, 1881.—Smith, W., Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, London, 1864-1866, 3 vols.; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, London, 1866-1867, 2 vols.; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London, 1869; A Concise Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, edited by F. Warre Cornish, London, 1898.—Sohm, R., Die altdeutsche Reichs- und Gerichtsverfassung, Weimar, 1871.—Soltau, W. J., Über Entstehung und Zusammensetzung der altrömischen Volksversammlungen, Berlin, 1880; Römische Chronologie, 1889; Zur Geschichte der römischen Annalistik, in Nord und Süd, 20th year (1896); Livius’ Geschichtswerk, seine Quellen und seine Komposition, 1877.—Stamford, T. V., Das Schlachtfeld im Teutoburger Walde, Cassel, 1892.—Stoll, H. W., Die Helden Roms in Krieg und Frieden, Leipsic, 1866; Geschichte der Römer bis zum Untergang der Republik, Hanover, 1869, 2 vols.—Stolzenberg-Luttmersen, von, Die Spuren der Langobarden vom Nordmeer bis zur Donau, Hanover, 1889.—Stritter, J. G., Memoriæ populorum olim ad Danubium, Pontum Euxinum, Paludem Mæotidem, Causasum, etc., incolentium, ex scriptoribus Byzantinis erutæ ac digestæ, 1771-1779.—Stuckelberg, E. A., Die Thronfolge von Augustus bis Konstantin.