1310 The company and their Turkish auxiliaries enter service of the duke of Athens. Conquest of Rhodes by knights of St. John.
1311 Battle of the Cephisus and victory of the Catalan Grand Company over the duke of Athens pave way for the conquest of Attica. The Turkish auxiliaries return home.
1315 Victory of Philes Palæologus over Turks at Bizya.
1320 The emperor Michael dies.
1321 Beginning of civil war by partisans of the emperor’s grandson Andronicus led by Cantacuzenus and Synadenus.
1322 Peace of Epibates concludes civil war.
1325 Andronicus compelled to bestow imperial crown on his grandson Andronicus (III) Palæologus; the two reign together.
1327 Andronicus II brings charges against Andronicus III. Civil war breaks out again.
1328 Synadenus overcomes garrison of Constantinople. Abdication of Andronicus II puts an end to civil war, but the court remains full of intrigue.
1329 Imperial defeat at Pelekanon by the Ottoman Orkhan.
1330 Surrender of Nicæa to Orkhan.
1330-1337 Ottoman invasions of the European provinces.
1334-1337 Expedition of Andronicus into Epirus.
1337 The Mongols cross the Danube and ravage northern district. Anne regent for Nicephorus II, despot of Epirus, turns the despotat over to Andronicus.
1338 Surrender of Nicomedia to Orkhan.
1339 Revolt in the despotat of Epirus put down.
1341 Death of Andronicus. His young son Joannes (V) Palæologus succeeds with Empress Anne of Savoy as regent. Rebellion of the prime minister Joannes (VI) Cantacuzenus, who is proclaimed emperor and guardian of Joannes. He often calls himself Joannes V. Apocauchus and Joannes Apri intrigue against Cantacuzenus. A long civil struggle commences.
1342 Stephen Dushan of Servia allies himself with rebels and invades empire.
1343 Cantacuzenus makes alliance with Turks. The war continues with violence.
1344 Cantacuzenus takes Gratianopolis and makes treaties with Servia and Bulgaria.
1345 Murder of Apocauchus. Vicinity of Constantinople devastated.
1346 Defection of Orkhan from Anne’s cause leads to triumph of Cantacuzenus. Earthquake at Constantinople destroys portion of St. Sophia.
1347 Treaty of Cantacuzenus with Anne recognises right of former to rule for ten years. The Black Death rages.
1350 Cantacuzenus uses money sent by Russians to rebuild St. Sophia to pay Ottoman mercenaries.
1351 Joannes V takes up arms against Cantacuzenus.
1352 Peace with Genoa after three years’ war. Cantacuzenus hires Turkish mercenaries to fight Bulgarians and Servians.
1353 Cantacuzenus proclaims his son Matthæus emperor, and a deadly strife between him and the Palæologus family ensues.
1354 Cantacuzenus dethroned. Joannes V sole emperor. Matthæus Cantacuzenus continues civil war.
1357 Matthæus Cantacuzenus delivered to Joannes by his captors the Servians and made to renounce all rights to the throne.
1361 The Ottoman Turks under Murad I take Hadrianopolis. This seals the fate of the Greek Empire.
1363 The Ottomans take Philippopolis and Serres. Defeat of Louis of Hungary.
1369-1370 Joannes visits Rome to obtain help for his falling empire, but is unsuccessful. On way home is arrested for debt in Venice and released with money raised by his son, Manuel.
1375 Andronicus, Joannes’ eldest son, conspires against him while the emperor is absent on a visit to Murad. He is aided by Saugdi, eldest son of Murad. Murad hastens to Europe and quells rebellion. Both Andronicus and Saugdi have their eyes put out.
1377 Andronicus escapes from prison, imprisons his father, and confers title on his own son.
1381 Joannes rescued by Venetians under Carlo Zeno. Concludes treaty with Andronicus, recognising his and his son’s rights to the title. Treaty with Murad in which Joannes acknowledges himself the vassal of the Ottoman Empire.
1384 Manuel, second son of Joannes, proclaimed emperor and crowned.
1389 Battle of Kossova. Great Ottoman victory over the Servians. Assassination of Murad. Bajazet succeeds, renews treaty with Joannes, and puts Manuel at head of Greek troops in Ottoman army.
1390 Ottomans capture Philadelphia the last independent Greek community in Asia Minor.
1391 Death of Joannes. Manuel (II) Palæologus sole emperor. He hastens to Constantinople, fearing his brother will seize the crown.
1396 Great victory of Bajazet at Nicopolis. He now determines to proceed against Constantinople. Manuel visits France for help.
1398 Marshal Boucicault arrives at Constantinople with his fleet. The Tatar conqueror, Timur, distracts Bajazet’s attention from the empire.
1399 Joannes of Selymbria, son of Andronicus, enters Constantinople and is proclaimed emperor. Manuel visits European courts for help.
1402 Manuel returns home, his mission unsuccessful. Battle of Angora. Crushing defeat of Bajazet by Timur.
1403 Treaty of Suleiman and Manuel, the former yielding up territory in Macedonia and Thessaly.
1410 Musa, Suleiman’s brother, after the latter’s death, reconquers territory ceded by Suleiman to Manuel.
1412 Musa begins a feeble siege of Constantinople, but is soon distracted by civil troubles.
1413-1421 During reign of Muhammed I, the Greek Empire enjoys uninterrupted peace. Manuel employs time in reorganising administration and consolidating his power.
1419 Manuel makes his son, Joannes (VII) Palæologus, co-emperor.
1422 Murad II besieges Constantinople to punish Manuel for his intrigues. He is obliged to raise siege in order to proceed against his brother, Mustapha.
1423 Manuel assumes monastic habit, taking name of Matthew. Joannes sole emperor. The empire is now reduced to the city of Constantinople and vicinity, Thessalonica, and a part of the Peloponnesus. The finances are exhausted through payment of tribute to the Turks. The empire enters its final stage of lethargy.
1430 Murad II conquers Thessalonica. The Genoese of Galata attack Constantinople on account of trade dispute in Black Sea.
1431 Terrible epidemic in Constantinople.
1439 Joannes and the Greek patriarch attend council of Florence and ratify union of the Greek and Roman church. The pope promises to aid the empire, but forgets agreement to send fleet to Constantinople.
1440 On return of the emperor, the bishop of Ephesus succeeds in confining the union only to the palace. The emperor’s brother Demetrius attempts to gain throne, but fails.
1447 Murad marches against the emperor’s brother Constantine, who is ruling over the Peloponnesus. Corinth and Patras taken. Treaty with Constantine, who pays tribute.
1448 Death of Joannes. His brother Constantine (XIII) Palæologus or Dragazes, despot of Sparta, succeeds.
1449 Muhammed II succeeds Murad II. His chief ambition is the conquest of Constantinople, and he at once prepares for it. Builds a fort on the Bosporus.
1452 Joannes appeals to Pope Nicholas V for aid. Cardinal Isidore and a small body of auxiliaries are sent.
1453 Siege and capture of Constantinople by Muhammed II. Death of Constantine in battle. Muhammed enters his new capital. End of the Eastern Empire.
Isaac Angelus, as soon as he is placed on the throne by the exasperated mob that slew the tyrannical Andronicus I (1185), has the eyes of Manuel Comnenus, the murdered emperor’s eldest son, put out. Manuel dies under the operation, leaving two sons, Alexius and David. They live in obscurity in Constantinople until the crusaders besiege the capital (1203), when they escape to the coast of Colchis. Alexius gathers around him a small force and 1204 about the time of the fall of Constantinople enters Trebizond, the ancient Trapezus, on the Black Sea, having been proclaimed “emperor of the Romans.” He calls himself Alexius (I) Grand-Comnenus, to distinguish himself from the family of Alexius Angelus-Comnenus. The weakness of the expelled house of Angelus permits Alexius to found his empire and begin a career of conquest. In the course of a few months the whole country from the Phasis to the Thermodon is his. David Comnenus adds the coast from Sinope to Heraclea to the new empire.