When they recovered from their gasping spasms, they felt the relief of their sexual tensions, but both were still hot and lustful, their thoughts focusing on the hairy cock of the stud goat. Grace slipped her hand from her crotch, letting her frock fall into place, and hurried out across the barnyard to Randy's pen, leaving Dot hanging over the damp padding to anticipate the next round.
The horny buck smelled the female oozings in Grace's crotch, and she had to use the end of his lead rope to whip him into obedience as she led him to the machine shed. Dot heard and smelled the rutting beast's approach; she got off the machine and helped Grace coerce the animal into the restraining harness the men had provided. They cinched up the buckles and stood back to watch the goat's reactions.
His eyes rolled wildly as he fought the harness, frantic to get at the source of the heated female odor. His cock projected from its sheath, glistening with the pre-fuck ooze of his eagerness.
"Oh Jesus!" Dot moaned. "I want that in me so bad!" Her ass made sharp, demanding jerks as her cunt bumped toward the coveted meat of the beast's prick. She was almost hysterical in her lust to have the steamy red prong tear into her.
"Come on," Grace said, forcing herself to be a good hostess, although it was a hard struggle to fight with her own lustful sex drive. She helped Dot back onto the machine, then swung the safety shield around on its pivots to lock in place above the bent woman's back. The top of the shield had a rug-covered mound to simulate the haunches of a female goat.
When Grace led the haltered billy up the ramp, he nosed into the steamy crotch and bellowed loudly at its rich scent. He needed no urging to leap up and brace his front hooves on the carpeted mound. His prick slid even further from its hairy prepuce and gave a wiggling, searching movement as its wet, hot tip slithered into the seething flesh of Dot's cunt.
"Oh, you sweet brute!" Dot cried as the hot, hard worm of the prick bored into her tunnel. Its coarse-haired foreskin had shoved back to bristle maddeningly in the sensitive flesh of her vulva, and she was ready to scream for joy at the thrills rippling over her body.
The beast fucked into her with a grunting frenzy, and Dot's ass began to rotate and hump to meet the powerful strokes of his drive. The rigid prick felt as if it were red-hot, and its tip curled around her tunnel walls as she spiraled her ass in frantic movements.
"Oh, Grace!" she cried. "What a cuntful of meat!"
Grace was frothing at the cunt and drooling as she climbed around the machine to wedge her body under Dot's upper torso, wiggling into place until her cunt was in the blonde's face. Her back was bowed, pressed up against the underside of the safety shield, but she would have suffered any discomfort to obtain what she needed.
"Eat me, Dot!" she begged. "My twat's burning up with the creamy itch!"
Dot's mouth found the lips of Grace's swollen cunt. She licked at them, sucked hungrily at the fleshy contours of the vulva, and located the hard bud of Grace's clit. Her lips fastened on the heated little knob and she gave it a hard suck.
"Oh, yes, doll! Milk it!" Grace cried. Her cunt undulated at the avid mouth, as if she could fuck the tiny clit into the lips that held it. Her ass trembled against the padding behind her, and she felt the wetness of her excessive cream and Dot's saliva as it trickled down her thighs.
Randy's rutting goat cock was plunging hotly into Dot's cunt with long, swift fucks that reached her final depths. She was on her way to a tremendous inner explosion. When the stud's strokes shortened and his prick quivered in the far reaches of her cunt, she shrieked with the anticipation of his oncoming climax.
The rush of hot come seemed to scald her quivering sheath as it spurted into her, flooding her depths and squishing out to steam and splash against her inner thighs. Her lust boiled up, and she gave Grace's clit such a hot, wet suck that Grace screamed and began to come in tense convulsions.
When the stud had shot his last gob of come in her, Dot almost blacked out, but she was aware of the meaty prick being withdrawn as the goat backed away and dropped his front hooves to the floor of the shed.
She also felt the squishy spurt of his come as it flowed out of her cunt, trickling onto the padding by her thighs. But it was Grace who recovered first, managing to extricate herself from her contorted position and climb around the side of the trestle to stand weakly, clinging to the framework of the machine with shaky hands.
Her feet were planted far apart, to brace herself against the fall she feared because of her lightheadedness, and she felt the air from the open door of the shed cooling her wet pussy and thighs at the same moment that her eyes focused on the figures silhouetted in the sunlight of the doorway.
"My God!" she croaked from a passion-dried throat. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to get the biggest, boniest hard-on of my life," said Dean Palmer in a hoarse statement of amazement.
"But not long enough, damn it!" cried Phyllis Palmer, moving closer to look at the results of the wild orgy. Her eyes focused on the dripping prick of the stud goat, then on the splayed sogginess that was Dot's oozing cunt. "What I wouldn't give to be in your place, Dot Lambert… it is you, isn't it?" Phyllis walked still closer to the machine and leaned down to study the blonde's flushed face.
"Hi, Phyl," Dot offered in a dry whisper. "Help me up, will you?"
Phyllis figured out the pivoting of the safety shield and swung it aside, then she helped the blonde off the trestle. Grace was still in shock from the appearance of the audience, and she stood there, staring at Dean, her cunt growing cold with the evaporation of her juices.
Dean saw the trembling of her legs and body. He stepped up to stand beside her; he loosened the fabric where she had rolled up her frock to expose her cunt for action, and it fell to cover her legs against the breeze.
"Jesus, Grace!" he said in the same hoarse voice of his first greeting. "I hope to hell you people can use some more members in this swinging club. Phyl and I are liable to screw ourselves to death with envy, if you don't let us join!"
Chapter 5
When Grace and Dot took the Palmers into the house and sheepishly related how they had been surprised, their husbands took one look at the Palmers, saw that the local swingers included another couple, then began to laugh.
When the fun subsided, they sat around drinking together and oriented the Palmers on the coming party. Then Dean got George off to one side and, without mentioning Mary Margaret's name, explained that he had left a friend's dog at the vet's clinic, where he had been told that Doc Lambert was at the McDonald farm.
"Which is why I drove over here," Dean said. "Now I'm glad I did! With threshing done, I'll have a little excess energy to spare, and it looks as if I've found a fun group to spend it with."
He described the surgery the dog's owner wanted performed and asked George if he was familiar with it. The vet grinned and nodded as he lifted his drink for a sip.
"I've done a couple of those," he admitted. "But I can't quite imagine anyone around here…"
"Nor was I prepared to find such goat lovers in this community," Dean remarked. "Seems that Gatesville isn't exactly the squarest place around, after all."
"No, indeed!" Cole said as he and Phyllis joined the two men. "In fact, Grace and Dot are in the showers getting revived, and I wonder why we don't have a warm-up party tonight after dinner."
There seemed to be no other urgent engagements as they talked it over, then George suggested they phone the missing couple and make it a complete "get-acquainted" evening. Everyone agreed, and he made the cad. The Gateses were about to eat dimmer, but they agreed to drive over as soon as they were through eating.