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Marvin Cox

The horny librarian


Candy Walker looked at the thick bulge of his cock, her eyes widening. The young man stood there, his legs slightly apart, his hands on his hips.

"Could you tell me where I can find some back issues of Time magazine?" he asked, his voice a rich, low baritone.

"I… I…" Candy stuttered, then gave a little cry as she lost her balance on the stool where she was sitting.

"Watch it," the man said, grabbing her by the shoulders. He pulled her slightly forward, brushing her face against the inside of his left thigh. "You might hurt yourself," he added.

A jolt of electric pleasure raced up and down Candy's spine, finally fluttering in the back of her pussy. And although her legs were rubbery, she somehow managed to stand, giving an embarrassed smile.

"You OK?" the man asked, his hand still on her shoulder, his fingertips gently squeezing into her soft, yielding flesh.

Candy now felt her pussy begin to throb like it never had before, her tight cunt-hole puckering, oozing out a steamy film of juice, sticking her I panties to the silky patch of her cunt-hair. Her eyes quickly swept over his features, taking in the sight of his blue-black, curly hair, his dark-blue eyes, his square-jawed face, his waist like a greyhound, and… God! That huge slab of cock! She could almost imagine what it must look like. Big and juicy, as thick as her wrist and probably filled with a hot load of boiling cum.

"Candy?" the head librarian said, darting her head around the bookshelf. "Would you mind locking up?" She looked at Candy's flushed expression, then to the young man. "When you're finished, that is," she added with a knowing smile, glancing from the pile of books on the floor back up to the man.

"Candy," the man said softly after the woman had left. "What a pretty name. I like it."

"What's yours?" Candy asked, wondering where she'd gotten the courage to even speak. Her heart was pounding her throat.

"Lance Tuckerman," the man answered with a grin. Then he added, "You just working here for the summer? I haven't seen you around before."

"Mmmmm," Candy nodded. "Tonight was my second night." Then remembering she had to lock up, she pulled away from Lance and scurried down the aisle. "This will just take a second," she said over her shoulder, "then I'll find those magazines you wanted."

Lance watched her as she walked away, his eyes burning into her rounded, firm ass, and her shapely, lean legs. Her hair was so blonde it was almost white, deliciously setting off her dark tan, and her gorgeous dark-green eyes. Jesus Fucking Christ, he thought, I could park between those legs for a week! He felt his cock stir, the tip of it throbbing up behind the waistband of his shorts. A spasm of pain jolted inside his balls. Wonder if that little bitch puts out, he thought? By God, I'm sure gonna find out!

"Want to come with me to the stock room?" Candy called out. "That's where we keep back issues."

Lance followed her, inhaling the heady aroma of her perfumed body, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans. If this little cunt doesn't watch it, I'm going to [missing text].

"Oh, excuse me," he said when she stopped suddenly, causing a minor collision. He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around, pulling her closer. Then opening his mouth, he bit down on her lips like a striking snake.

A delicate ripple of pleasure seared into the back of Candy's pussy when she felt his tongue squeeze between her teeth and slipped over the roof of her mouth. Never before had she felt this way! Her entire body was now throbbing with hot desire. She eagerly returned his passionate kisses and pressed her hips forward, jamming her pussy against the thick mound of his cock.

"Oh, baby," Lance whispered, his voice filled with urgency, "you gonna let me fuck your little pussy?"

"Yes!" Candy answered, gasping for breath. "Shove it in and poke me full!"

Lance began tearing at her clothes until she was fully naked, a vision of perfection and beauty. He ran his hands over her full, upturned tits, squeezing her coral-colored nipples together. Lapping down her cheek and across the hollow of her throat, he finally chewed down on her breasts, sucking both tit-tips between his teeth.

While he licked and pulled on her tits, Candy tore the shirt from his back, revealing a smooth, sculptured chest. She ran her hands over the ribboned muscles, dropping her fingers to his flat belly. His blood-engorged cock-head was now peeking over his belt buckle like an one-eyed snake. She unzipped him and flopped out his enormous prick, squeezing bet small hands around the pulsating shaft.

"You're so big!" she gasped. "You'll never get it in!"

"Don't worry about that, baby," Lance groaned, "it'll fit. By God, I'll make it fit!"

"But I've never…" Candy began, but her words ended in a low moan of pleasure when she felt his hot, searching mouth trail down to her belly.

"Let me lick out your little cunt," Lance said, dropping to his knees. He placed his fingers around the loose folds of pussy-skin and parted them, revealing her reddish hole. A creamy film of pussyjuice was seeping downward, glistening against her blonde hairs like diamonds. "Oh, fuck!" he moaned, darting the tip of his tongue out. "What… a nice, tight fuck-hole!"

Candy spread her legs a little wider and placed her hands on his massive shoulders. Then when she felt his hot, probing tongue slip into her hole, she dug her nails into his muscled flesh, her body buckling with pleasure that almost bordered pain.

"God!" she wailed, jerking her hips forward, fully sucking his tongue inside her. "Eat! Oh, eat me alive! Chew up my pussy and… swallow it!"

Lance felt the tip of his tongue touch a slick, rubbery membrane, making him gasp with pleasure. He licked in and out for a few more minutes, then pulled away.

"Jesus!" he grunted, "You're a fucking virgin!"

"Yes," Candy said, barely able to get the word out.

"God, this is going to be great!" Lance murmured. "I haven't popped a cherry in so long I can taste it!"

"Is… it going to hurt me?" Candy asked.

"Yeah," Lance answered, licking hungrily up and down her puckered slit. "But you're gonna love the hurt! Now let me get your little pussy ready for its first big dick!"

With that, he began thrusting his tongue in and out of her steamy hole with increasing speed. His teeth were brushing over her clit more savagely now, scraping up and down her tiny shaft.

"That's so good!" Candy whimpered, feeling the first ripples of orgasm about to explode. Her cunt-tube was now burning, spasming around his tongue. "Keep… eating me! Oh, God, don't ever stop!"

When the powerful blast of climax constricted her insides, she screamed loudly and leaned forward, jamming her knees into his armpits. Never before had she experienced such release! God, it was a million times better than when she diddled herself with her fingers!

"Oh, Candy," Lance gurgled, feeling her cunt suck like a vacuum cleaner, trapping his tongue tightly inside. "You… like this? You like getting tongue-fucked?"

"Yes!" Candy screamed. Another spasm of ecstasy gushed up and down her cunt canal, leaving her insides hot and buttery. "Just… keep… I… eat me! God, lick me to death, you bastard!"

Lance didn't know how much longer he could keep this up. Already, his nuts were so swollen with cum, sharp pains were jabbing into his loins. He squirmed out of his jeans and grunted as his cockshaft slapped upward, smacking his belly.

"If I don't fuck you pretty soon," he winced, "I'll shoot my load right on your legs!"

Candy didn't exactly understand what was happening, but an aching throb centered in her throat. For some reason, it was even more agonizing than the buzzing in her pussy!

"Let me suck you!" she heard herself say. "I want to eat yon while you eat me!"

Lance pulled her down onto the carpeted floor and lay back, letting her straddle his shoulders, her head toward his feet. He humped upward when he felt her hands encircle his cock. Then he thrust his tongue back into her pussy.