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"My God!" Candy muttered, holding his huge prick at an angle. "It's like… a baseball bat!"

"Suck it, cocksucker," Lance groaned, his lips wet with her seeping juices. "Eat it into your little throat and gobble out my cum!"

Candy squeezed her fingers down his monstrous shaft, pulling the foreskin away from his huge cock-head. Just under his prick-tip was a fine film of sweat and dried cum. She lapped her tongue out, touching his meat, drawing the flavor of his body into her throat. Then giving a low, hungry moan, she parted her lips and sucked in his cockhead. His prick jerked to an even bigger size when it pushed across her tongue, completely filling her up.

"I'll never be able to get all of this down," she said, her voice quivering. "You're built like a bull!"

"Just take it slow and easy," Lance said. "Relax. You can do it, I know you can."

Candy stretched her mouth as wide as possible and sucked down his shaft. She felt his cock-head slip over the roof of bet mouth, squeeze between her tonsils and pulsate against the back of her throat. And still, there was more than half of it left! She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, inching her head down slowly until she felt the wiry bush of his black cock hair brush over her lips. She opened her eyes with surprise and pulled back up.

"I did it!" she gasped. "I took it all!"

"Mmmmmmm," Lance whispered into her pussy. "Now take it back in… and blow the shit out of me, you cock-sucker!"

Candy gobbled back down his prick until her lips touched the loose skin that surrounded his hairy, sperm-filled nuts. She held them in her palms and pulled them upward, rolling them around on her upper lip and cheeks. She could feel the delicate vibrations of his load – and even taste the steam from his cum! She licked back up until his cockhead buzzed between her teeth, then lunged forward once more.

"That's… it, you little virgin whore!" Lance growled, jerking his hips upward. "Take every fucking inch and suck like a good little cocksucker!"

As her passion began renewing itself, Candy began bobbing her head up and down as fast as possible, taking the entire slab of his dick fully into her throat. His cock was now so busy to eat, she wondered why she'd ever thought she wouldn't be able to take it all.

"Mmmmmmm!" she gurgled, digging her nails into the insides of his thighs, her fingertips searching for his dark, hairy asshole. She pulled his legs apart and leaned between his thighs, nuzzling her nose, into the greasy, puckered opening, inhaling the musky aroma of his body. She gage another muffled moan of pleasure, thinking that nothing could possibly be better than this, being totally engulfed by a hard, masculine body.

But it did get better, almost immediately. A sharp stab of climax welled in her guts, then exploded outward, causing her to clamp her cunt around his thrusting tongue.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" she yelled out, jerking her head up, letting his cock flop from her mouth. "Yes! Yes! God… yes!"

"Stick it back in, you cum-sucker!" Lance barked. "I'm so fucking close… I… shit! Fuck! Suck, you whore!"

The first blast of his orgasm splattered Candy right between the eyes. For a moment, she was taken totally by surprise, almost forgetting her own pleasure. Then, as the second steamy wad of jism gushed from his cum-hole, she locked her lips around his cock-head, pulling it into the back of her throat.

"Argllllll!" she gurgled, tasting her first blast of cum. She couldn't believe how hot and delicious it was, completely filling up her mouth, oozing everywhere! She gave another low moan as the heat from his climax filtered downward, warming her insides.

"All… of it!" Lance winced, pumping his hips up and down, driving his cock brutally in and out of her mouth. "Goddamn you, you fucking, cock-sucking whore… lick it all!"

Candy licked and sucked like a hungry calf until she'd taken in all of his exploding orgasm. And even after his cock was empty, she kept blowing him, wanting more of his creamy fuck-juice. Finally, she pulled her mouth away and washed his balls and asshole with her cum-stained lips. His prick was now nestled between her tits, pulsating like a puff adder, sending ripples of pleasure into her chest.

"Let me have some more," she begged, licking her tongue over her lips. "I… could suck gallons of this stuff!"

"Later, baby," Lance said, gently pushing her off. "Right now I'm gonna pop that little cherry into a million fucking pieces!"

"Wha… what do I do?" Candy whispered, lying back and spreading her legs, her eyes wide with fear.

"You just lay there like a good little girl," Lance said, kneeling between her thighs, aiming his cockhead toward her tiny, furry opening, "I'll do everything."

"Don't hurt me," Candy begged, looking at his gigantic cock. "Please!"

"Baby, I'm gonna hurt you so ticking good," Lance whispered, lowering himself slowly over her body. "So fucking good!"


Candy couldn't tear her eyes away from the gigantic cock that was mere inches from her virgin pussy. God, it must be a foot long! Thick and pulsating, it was glistening with her spit, ready to tear into her guts. She closed her eyes and held her breath, waiting.

"Hey, take it easy," Lance whispered, supporting himself on his elbows, slipping his large hands under her tits. "You're tighter than a drum. Just relax. I'll go slow and easy."

His voice was so reassuring, his manner so tender, Candy felt her tension's melting away. Then as she felt his warm, sucking mouth on her nipples, the aching throb inside her pussy became more demanding than ever. She lowered her hands and grasped his cock, thrusting the end of it between her tight lips.

"Fuck me," she whispered, an urgent tone in her voice. "Stick it in and ream out my little cherry!"

Lance worked his cock-head into her tiny hole and paused, letting her stretched cunt-muscles become accustomed to his size. When he felt her grip loosen slightly, he thrust in about one inch of cock-meat, flinching as the creamy warmth of her pussy-canal wrapped around him like a greasy glove. He held himself there for a few seconds, then cautiously slipped in another two inches. It was then he felt the rubbery membrane of her virginity.

"How does it feel?" he asked, stopping all movement, except the hungry licks around her tits.

"Wonderful!" Candy said, shivering with growing ecstasy. His prick was so big and hard, but it didn't hurt at all. His cock just filled her with enormous pressure. "Is… it over?"

"Not by a long shot," Lance grinned, looking down at the bulk of his cock still remaining outside her body. "As a matter of fact, you're still a virgin, even though you have a big dick in your pussy."

"Pop me open!" Candy begged, the ripples of pleasure now racing rapidly up and down her cunt-tube. "Poke it in and fuck me full of cum!"

Lance could of done just that, but be knew if he did, he would definitely hurt her. Instead, he held her shoulders and worked his ass up and down, withdrawing and plunging just to the end of his cock-head, his tongue running over and under her creamy, taut tits.

"Let's make it last as long as we can," he murmured. "I don't find too many cherries to pop these days."

"I… I don't know if I can," Candy gasped. "It feels like my… pussy is… on fire!"

"Feels that way to me, too," Lance replied. "God, baby, you've got the hottest, tightest little cunt I've ever fucked!"

"You've… had a lot of girls?" Candy asked.

"A few," Lance said modestly.

Candy saw in her mind how it must have looked, this huge, hulking man planted between some girl's legs, hammering his gigantic cock deeply into her burning hole. A shiver of excitement made her buckle, knowing that she, too, was getting the same fabulous slab of cock. And for the first time, to have such a good-looking, well-built stud! God, was she lucky!