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"Fuck me!" she begged, "I'm ready, really I am! Please, Lance, shove it in just like you did with the others and tear my pussy apart! I… I… need it!"

"Not just yet," he replied, increasing the speed of his fucking, his cock-head bouncing off the membrane that blocked the back of her cunt. "I want to wait just a little… longer. God, this is nice."

The next few moments were pure torture for Candy. Every cell in her body seemed to be screaming for one thing and one thing only: cock! Cock ripping into her guts. Cock slamming through her pussy, tearing her cherry apart.

"Cock!" she cried out. "Give it to me. God, now!"

"All right, you horny little whore," Lance said, withdrawing his prick until just, his cock-head lodged between her tightly puckered cunt-lips. "Get ready. Here goes!"

Candy was prepared for anything except what happened. When his dick slammed through her cherry, ripping it like a piece of tissue paper, then plunged into the back of her pussy, she felt two sharp sensations – a sweet mixture of horrible pain and delicious pleasure. Yet somehow, it was fantastically wonderful!

"Yessssssss!" she hissed, spreading her legs wider, then throwing her legs around his pumping ass. "Oh, God… yesssss!"

An immediate, all-consuming orgasm blasted into her cunt with the force of an explosion. The ecstasy swept upward and outward, drilling into every fiber of her being. Even the top of her head tingled, as if she were standing under a cold shower. The pleasure subsided slightly, then jolted back to the peak.

"How… do you like… your first, big dick?" Lance grunted, biting into the soft flesh of her tits.

Candy could only nod bet head in reply. Every ounce of strength was devoted to his big, plunging smacks.

"Ready, cunt?" he growled, feeling the surging waves of sperm jerk into the base of his dick. "You… fucking… ready for… unhhhhh!"

Candy felt the spurts of juice throb up his shaft, then spit violently front his cock-head. And as the warm showers of cream gushed into the back of her pussy, they seemed to bring with them new, even better climaxes. She thrust her hips upward and worked her cunt-muscles like she had worked her mouth, sucking and pulling furiously.

"Fuck me full!" she screamed, her nails tearing into his asscheeks. "Pump it to me, you bastard!"

Lance slapped in an enormous amount of cum, until her tiny pussy could take no more. Soon, twin streams of juice oozed from the bottom of her hole, gluing his nuts to her backside. But the best part was the delicious sensation of having his cum and her virgin blood sloshing around his cockshaft.

"Jesus," he gasped, crushing his full weight into her cunt, gyrating his hips, "this has to be the best fuck I've had in my life!"

Candy was still in the throes of pleasure, her entire body shaking with release. It was only when the sharp pangs of orgasm subsided to a dull throb that she could even speak. When she did, her voice was filled with satisfaction.

"To think of what I've been missing," she whispered, locking her cunt-muscles tightly around his cock. "This is the best feeling I've ever had!"

"You ready to get completely deflowered?" Lance said, kissing her lightly on the lips.

"What do you mean?" Candy asked, her expression puzzled.

"Your little shitter is still virgin," Lance replied. "Want me to ream that out, too?"

A horrified Candy flinched. My God, could he be serious. That big dick would never fit in her ass in a million year! He must be joking!

"I'm serious," he said, reading her thoughts. "It won't be any worse than fucking your pussy. Maybe even better, who knows?"

"I don't know…" Candy said, shaking her head, her voice trailing off to a whimper.

"Aw, come on," Lance encouraged her, "you might like it." He pulled away and lay on his back, placing his lop together. "Just hop on and dolt. I won't even move unless you want me to."

Reluctantly, and following his instructions, Candy straddled his waist, her face toward his feet. Gently, she lowered her ass to the underside of his cum-smeared cock and wiggled around. She held his shaft up with both hands and nudged his thick cock-head into her tiny asshole.

"This… is going to kill me," she grunted, feeling her auburn with pain.

"Just go slow," Lance said. "We've got all fucking night."

Candy did as she was told, only squeezing in as much as she could bear. Oddly enough, within a few moments, the pain left, replaced now by dull hunger.

"Oh!" she whispered. "It… doesn't hurt at all! It's so… good!" She leaned slightly forward and grasped his thighs, lapping her tongue over his knees. "Just tell me what… to do," she murmured.

"You're doing, just fine," Lance growled, placing his hands on her waist, crushing her hard into his crotch. "Just fuck real slow want this to really last a long time."

Candy couldn't have agreed more. The sensations were so different than when he was plowing into her pussy, but the pleasure was just the same. Her insides seemed to be quivering, growing hotter and more buttery. Already, delicate spasms gripped her shit-walls, digging into her flesh like a million icy-hot needles.

"God, this is good," Lance whispered, half sitting, running his hands up her sides, then to her tits. He cupped her firm, upturned orbs tightly, squeezing her rubbery nipples with his thumbs and fingertips. "Damn, I think I even like this better!"

He humped his hips upward, cramming his cock violently into her asshole. "SO fucking tight!" he gasped.

The force of his upward thrust threw Candy's body down onto his legs. She grasped his right ankle and pulled his foot toward her, her mouth open, ready to lick his toes. When they touched her lips, she bared her teeth and began nibbling gently, running her mouth over every square inch.

"Oh, baby, that's fine," Lance winced. "I'd swear you've fucked a million times, if I didn't know better!"

"I'd like to have all of you inside me," Candy whispered, smacking the of her tongue between his toes. "Mmmmmm, all of you!"

"Go… ahead," Lance said. "Stick me nuts into your pussy."

Candy reached under and thrust his dangling balls between the crack of her pussy. Then sucking with her muscles, she pulled them fully inside. The feeling was unbelievable, sending spasms of pure, raw pleasure up and down both her cunt-canal and her shitter-walls. And almost without warning, a massive explosion of climax thundered in her guts.

"Aieeeeeee!" she screamed, jerking her head up, her face contorted in agony. "Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

"Goddamn, you sure pop your nuts quick!" Lance said, amazed with her passion. He quickly got to his knees tad jerked her legs apart like a wish bone. "OK, bitch, get ready for an ass-fucking you'll never forget!"

Candy didn't know if she was in heaven or hell. His fucking was savage and brutal, tearing her insides to shreds – yet for every spasm of torture, a blast of pleasure accompanied it. She was now bucking and writhing, loud grunts of ecstasy escaping her lips.

"Give it to me, you fucking stud!" she spat. "Oh, God, shove it in and… fuckkkkk meeeeee!"

Lance hammered wildly, with the strength of a crazy person, his muscular body now glistening with a fine film of sweat. His expression was demonic, his growls of pleasure animal-like.

"Goddamn you, you… fucking, cock-sucking whore, take it!" he yelled, knowing he couldn't hold out much longer. "I'm gonna shove a whole fucking… unhhhhhhh!"

When Candy felt the first, boiling glob of his cum churn into her asshole, she flinched, then froze in total release. And as the thick streams of juice continued smacking into her hole, new heights of ecstasy were reached, leaving her finally limp, bouncing around like a rag doll.

"Don't stop, cunt!" Lance barked. "Goddamn you, take it!"

A few moments later, when he'd spent his orgasm, he fell forward, crushing her, his mouth on the back of her neck. They hardly even moved for a long while, simply enjoying the way their insides pulsated. Finally, Lance pulled away and plopped to his back, gasping for air.