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"Well, baby," he groaned, "I guess that does it. You are no longer a virgin. Anywhere."

"Mmmmmm," Candy murmured, snuggling under his arm, her cheek on his chest, "it was so wonderful! Will I, that is, can I see you again? Soon?"

"I'm gonna stick to you like a jelly sandwich," Lance grinned, kissing her forehead. He looked at her beautiful face and nuzzled his nose between her eyes. "Where do you go to school anyway?"

"Benton High," Candy answered.

"Hey, that's where I go," Lance said. "I've never seen you there before."

"Well, I just moved here," Candy said. "I'm living with my aunt. She's the head librarian. That's how I got this job. She's a wonderful person."

"I'll say," Lance laughed. "I've had my eye on her for a long time. Think she might go for some young stuff?"

Candy was scandalized. "You mean… fuck my aunt!" He couldn't possibly be serious! "Why… she's… old! Probably even thirty."

Lance had to laugh. "Thirty isn't old. And anyway, if she was a hundred, I wouldn't care. She's got one hell of a body."

"You're crazy!" Candy said finally. "You mean you really wantinq to fix you up with my… aunt?"

"No," Lance answered. "I want you both. At the same time."

Candy mulled that over for a few seconds, wondering what her aunt's reaction might be. Even though she was old, she was a bit of a swinger. Still, the idea somehow seemed hard to comprehend.

"I'll have to feel her out," Candy said, snuggling closer.

"No, you just ask her," Lance laughed, "I'll do the feeling out!"

"You're terrible," Candy chuckled. "Mmmm, terribly… wonderful!" She kissed the tiny nipples on his sculptured pectorals, leaving them glistening. "I'll just bet you're the most wonderful fuck a girl could have?"

"Put your mouth where your money is!" Lance whispered, pushing her head down and spreading his legs. "Get ready for another fucking, bitch. But this time, I'm gonna fuck your throat like it's your pussy. I just hope you can take it."

"I can take anything you can give," Candy whispered, snuggling between his legs and gulping down his iron-hard cock.

"I'll just fucking bet you can," Lance groaned. Just then, the door to the stock room opened, and a light trilling voice filled the room.

"Well, well, well," the woman said.

"Aunt Margie!" Candy choked. "I thought you…"

"I got worried about you, being here with this little bull, and thought I'd better come back and investigate." She walked over and stood above them, tapping one foot, her face expressionless. "Looks like I came back too soon, or too late, depending on how you look at it."

"We were just talking about you," Lance said sheepishly.

"I'll bet," the woman said. "And what were you saying?"

"I was asking Candy to ask you if you'd like to fuck me," Lance said, "That's all."

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Margie grinned. "OK, Candy, move over and let me show you how it's done!"


Candy watched fascinated as her aunt undressed. Lance was also gazing intently at the woman, his eyes hungry and glazed with anticipation.

"You're some fucking knock-out," the boy said when she was fully naked.

Candy had to agree. Her aunt might have been old by her standards, but she had the body of a woman ten years younger. Not only was she extremely pretty, with a flowing mass of dark brown hair, holding an aristocratic face, but it was more than obvious she took good care of herself. Her stomach was flat and smooth, her hips rounded and sensuous. Although she was just under six feet tall, she carried her height well. The most striking quality about her, however, was the size of her tits. Candy felt that hers paled by comparison. They were unbelievably large and well shaped, and her pink-tipped nipples stood upward.

"Aunt Margie!" Candy gasped in admiration.

"Well, even librarians can have big tits, Candy," the woman said with a grin. She looked at her niece for a few moments without speaking, then walked over, placing her hands on the girl's breasts. "You like my tits, Candy?" she asked, running her fingers up to the hollow of the girl's throat.

"Yes," Candy replied, her voice barely audible. "Then kiss them," her aunt said, pulling her face forward. Before Candy could object, even if she'd wanted to, Margie crushed her niece's mouth against her right jutting tit. When she felt the warm, sucking sensation, she moaned with pleasure. "Oh, yes," she whispered, twisting her body back and forth, applying greater pressure behind Candy's neck. "Suck my tit like you would a big cock!"

Candy couldn't believe what was happening to her body. The ripples of pleasure she had known with, Lance were once again returning – yet this time they were more subtle, more gentle. She reached around Margie's waist and pulled the woman closer, crushing their cunts together. An immediate spasm of raw ecstasy tore into the back of her pussy-canal.

"Oh, Aunt Margie!" Candy groaned, sliding the woman's nipple over the roof of her mouth. "Such mmmmm… delicious tits!"

"That's right, baby," her aunt whispered, lowering her right hand to Candy's slicked-up cunt. "You suck… just like that!" Then, as her fingers touched the greasy, cum-filled hole, she scooped out a thick, creamy glob of sperm. She pushed Candy away for a second and smeared the sticky juices over her breasts. "Now, suck this stud's cum off of me," she whispered.

When Candy saw the steamy jism glistening on her aunt's tits, she thought her body would explode. She bit down like a striking snake, gobbling the cum-flavored nipple into her mouth.

"Oh!" she gurgled, her body now writhing with agony, "I… I… want it! Mmmmmmmm!"

"Me too," Lance said excitedly, watching them with increasing lust. "If someone doesn't take care of me, I'm gonna blow my wad right on my leg," he grunted, looking down at his pulsating cock.

"Don't do that," Margie whispered, "but try to hold on for a little while longer. I'm gonna get myself some cum, too. Right out of Candy's pussy."

She knelt before her niece and spread the girl's legs wide, inspecting her tiny, churning cunt-hole. When she saw the slight trickle of blood, she looked up.

"You on your period?" she asked.

"No," Candy answered, flushing. "I… I… just got my cherry popped." She gave Lance a little-girl smile, flushing even a brighter red.

"You lucky bastard," Margie said to Lance.

"Wish I could have been here for that. Were you good to her?"

"Oh, he was… good!" Candy said. "The best!"

Margie placed her fingers on the loose folds of skin that surrounded Candy's hole and pulled the opening wide. When she did, a thick glob of cum oozed out, held in only by a thin, web-like strand of semen. She darted her tongue out and collected the warm fluid, wallowing it around for several seconds before gulping it down. When she felt it slide into the back of her mouth, she parted her lips and clamped them around the small entrance, thrusting her tongue forward.

"Ohhhhh!" Candy groaned, pushing her hips forward. Her aunt's tongue was almost as good as a dick, yet soft and yielding. A blasting spasm of pleasure centered in her cunt-canal, rippling forward. "Eat… me!" she winced. Then, aster clit jerked with orgasm, she leaned forward, totally engulfing her aunt's head with her body. "Eat meeeeeee!" she screamed.

Lance couldn't take, it any longer. He got up quickly and stood beside Candy, locking his mouth around hers as he thrust his cock into Margie's face.

"Mmmmm, what's this?" Margie whispered, when she felt his thick slab of cock slap her cheek. She pulled her mouth away from Candy's cunt and gobbled the thick shaft between her lips. She sucked up and down for several seconds, then let it flop from her mouth. "Just what I like!" she gasped. "Cock and pussy at the same time!"