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"Aieeeeeee!" she shrieked, thrusting her hips up violently, sucking his cock fully inside. Her climax seemed to peak forever before finally sweeping down ward to a dull throb. She exhaled loudly, relaxation surging through her veins like butter. "My God," she panted. "My pussy feels like hamburger!"

"I'm pretty fucked-out myself," Lance admitted. "I think I could sleep for two days!"

"Would you care to spend the night with us?" Margie asked him. "Of course, I couldn't guarantee how much sleep you'd get…"

"That'd be great," Lance said. "But I promised my brother I'd get some magazines. Hess writing a paper and needs them tonight."

"Just tell me which ones you want and I'll get them," Margie said, standing up. "We can drop them off at your house, then maybe get a bite to eat, and then…" She let her voice trail off seductively.

"Sounds great," Lance said. "I'm so hungry now, I could eat my grandma."

"Lucky grandma," Margie giggled.

"Hey, maybe my brother could meet you two, also," Lance said. "We sort of do a lot of things together," he added with a wry grin.

"Is he as handsome as you?" Candy asked, wondering what it would be like to fuck two brothers and to compare two cocks.

"I'll have to let you be the judge of that," Lance said. He laughed suddenly. "Boy, Mike is absolutely gonna shit when I tell him what happened… and what's going to happen!"

"Well, let's get those magazines and get this show on the road," Margie said. "It's been a long time since I had a lot of young meat, and I don't want to waste a single moment!"

Like three happy children, they scuffled from the library, and into the night.


While Margie and Lance were in the bedroom, Candy and Mike sat in the living-room, sizing each other up. Although Mike was as big and good looking as his younger brother, he was quieter, hardly saying a word. Candy was finding it more and more difficult even to communicate.

"You and Lance don't look much like brothers," she said, noticing his thick shock of blond hair and the shape of his nose.

"We're half-brothers," Mike said softly, averting his glance, rubbing his palms together.

Candy was getting desperate, wondering if this guy even liked girls at all. He certainly hadn't made a singe move. Maybe it was her he didn't like. She felt immediately defensive and on her guard. And matters weren't helped much from the sounds that came from the bedroom.

"Would you care for something to drink?" she asked, standing.

"No thank you," Mike answered.

Something inside Candy snapped. Well, by God, she thought, if you won't give it to me, I'll just take it! She wondered what the best approach would be and decided on the direct one. She walked over and knelt between his legs, placing her hands on his knees.

"Show me your cock," she said, kneading the taut flesh of his thighs with her fingertips. "I want it."

Before he had time to react, she unzipped his cut-offs and yanked his long, rubbery prick out. It was every bit as good as she'd imagined it would be, almost a duplicate of his brother's. His was slightly curved, however, and the foreskin was looser and thicker.

"Mmmmmmm, you have a nice one," she whispered, touching his cock-head with the tip of her tongue.

"Oh, God," Mike whispered, looking down at Candy's beautiful face. "You mean… you'll suck me?" He placed his hands on her shoulders, drawing her closer. "I… I didn't think you even liked me!"

"I thought you didn't like me!" Candy laughed. "You hardly said a word all the way over here."

"That was because all you could talk about was Lance," Mike said. "I thought maybe you and he…" he added, his voice trailing off.

"Then you do like me?" Candy asked, working her tongue around the tip of his ballooning cock-shaft.

"Christ, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he said. "Yes, I like you." He pulled her up and planted a long, lingering kiss on her open mouth. "What guy in his right mind wouldn't like you?" he murmured.

Making her first comparison, Candy had to admit that Mike was a better kisser than Lance. He seemed to be fucking her between the lips with his tongue, sending shivers of pleasure racing into the back of her throat. She felt her pussy tingle with ecstasy and once again knelt between his legs.

"Take your clothes off," she whispered, pulling at her own clothing. When he was naked, she carefully ran her eyes over his hard, well-muscled body. Whereas Lance was almost completely hairless except for the hair around his cock, Mike had a lush growth of silky, brown hair that ran from his crotch and fanned out over his sculptured pectorals. She noted two tufts of hair peeking from his armpits and gently pulled on them.

"I like your body," she whispered, nuzzling her face in his crotch, feeling his prick spring to life, sliding over her cheek. "So… big and… mmmmmmmm, delicious…"

Mike pressed his hands behind her neck, crushing her face fully between his thighs, his muscles popping out in ribbons. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, wondering how he'd gotten so fucking lucky to have this happening. Then he felt her hot, sucking mouth on the end of his prick, her lips slowly sinking down his rock-hard shaft.

"Goddamn!" he winced, feeling her purse her lips around the base of his cock. "Where the fuck did you learn to suck cock like that! I've hardly ever had a girl who could take it all!" He looked down, seeing that his enormous dick had completely disappeared into her tight, rippling throat. "My God, you must have sucked a million dicks to learn how to do that!"

Candy squirmed her head around as she pulled back up. Then, just holding his cock-head between her teeth, she let his shaft flop from her mouth. She lapped hungrily down his thick, pulsating prick until she reached his huge, cum-filled nuts. She washed them separately, then together, taking them into her cheeks, massaging them with the sides of her tongue. A few seconds later, she spit them out and looked up.

"This is only my second cock," she murmured, licking back up to his throbbing cock-head. "And both of them have been just delicious!"

Mike knew she had to be lying, but what the fuck, who cares if she is the biggest whore in town? Anybody who knows how to suck dick like that can have a few faults. He spread his legs, then draped them over her shoulders.

"Suck me good, you cock-sucker," he grunted, pumping his hips upward. "Lick it right into your lungs."

"Would you do something for me?" Candy whispered, resisting the pressure of his body.

"Anything, fuck, anything!" he answered.

"Will you face-fuck me?" Candy asked. "Lance said he would, but we never got around to it. We were… interrupted."

Mike pushed her back, moving with her, gently lowering her to the carpeted floor. He straddled her chest and placed his knees in her armpits, then leaned forward, supporting himself on his elbows.

"Like this?" he grunted, gouging his cock deeply into her mouth. "You like it this way, huh?"

"Mmmmmhmmm!" Candy groaned, feeling the base of his cock jam against her lips. His nuts crawled between her tits and rested in the hollow of her throat, vibrating with a massive amount of cum. She gave another moan of pleasure and placed her hands on his small, tight ass.

"I'll just fucking bet you really love cock, don't you?" Mike grunted, now pumping his hips forward with hard jerks. "You gonna suck my cum out and gargle it down?"

In answer, Candy thrust her fingertips into the crack of his ass, driving his crotch harder into her face. She was flow fully engulfed in his hairy, hard masculinity, causing her entire body to writhe with ecstasy.