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(War in the WebWay)

Aaron Dembski-Bowden

It is a time of legend.

The galaxy is in flames. The Emperor’s glorious vision for humanity is in ruins. His favoured son, Horus, has turned from his father’s light and embraced Chaos.

His armies, the mighty and redoubtable Space Marines, are locked in a brutal civil war. Once, these ultimate warriors fought side by side as brothers, protecting the galaxy and bringing mankind back into the Emperor’s light. Now they are divided.

Some remain loyal to the Emperor, whilst others have sided with the Warmaster. Pre-eminent amongst them, the leaders of their thousands-strong Legions are the primarchs. Magnificent, superhuman beings, they are the crowning achievement of the Emperor’s genetic science. Thrust into battle against one another, victory is uncertain for either side.

Worlds are burning. At Isstvan V, Horus dealt a vicious blow and three loyal Legions were all but destroyed. War was begun, a conflict that will engulf all mankind in fire. Treachery and betrayal have usurped honour and nobility. Assassins lurk in every shadow. Armies are gathering. All must choose a side or die.

Horus musters his armada, Terra itself the object of his wrath. Seated upon the Golden Throne, the Emperor waits for his wayward son to return. But his true enemy is Chaos, a primordial force that seeks to enslave mankind to its capricious whims.

The screams of the innocent, the pleas of the righteous resound to the cruel laughter of Dark Gods. Suffering and damnation await all should the Emperor fail and the war be lost.

The age of knowledge and enlightenment has ended. The Age of Darkness has begun. 

~ Dramatis Personae ~

Hierarchs of the Imperium

The Emperor, The Master of Mankind

Malcador, The Sigillite, High Lord of Terra

Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, Praetorian of Terra

Magnus the Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons, Lord of Prospero

Koja Zu, Minister of the Anuatan Steppes

The Legio Custodes, ‘The Ten Thousand’

Constantin Valdor, Captain-General

Sagittarus Malacque, Warrior of the Moritoi

Ra Endymion, Tribune of the Hykanatoi

Diocletian Coros, Prefect of the Hykanatoi

Zhanmadao Navenar, Prefect of the Tharanatoi

Hyaric Ostianus, Warrior of the Kataphraktoi

The Silent Sisterhood

Jenetia Krole, Commander of the Silent Sisterhood

Kaeria Casryn, Vigilator, Steel Foxes Cadre

Marei Yul, Vigilator, Fire Wyrms Cadre

Melpomanei, Proloquor of the Soulless Queen

Varonika Sulath, Mistress of the Black Fleet

The Martian Mechanicum

Zagreus Kane, Fabricator General-in-Exile of Sacred Mars

Trimejia Diadanei, Fabricator Locum

The Archimandrite, Executor Principus

Iosos, Archwright of the Ten Thousand

Arkhan Land, Technoarchaeologist

Sapien, Artificimian

Hieronyma, Magos Domina, Ordo Reductor

Alpha-Rho-25, Sicarii Protector

Nishome Alvarek, Legio Ignatum, princeps of the Scion of Vigilant Light

Enkir Morova, Legio Ignatum, princeps of the Black Sky

The Mongrel Court

Zephon of Baal, Warrior of the Crusader Host

Jaya D’Arcus, Baroness of House Vyridion, Warden of Highrock

Devram Sevik, Courtier, Scion of House Vyridion

Illara Latharac, Courtier, Scion of House Vyridion

Torolec, Sacristan Apex

Imperial Personae

Skoia, Ancestor-speaker

‘Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.’

– from Tempestium, by the heretic Ariel Sycorax of Old Earth


The Herald


He whispered the word against the wailing sirens. Lightning arced in panicked flashes between overloading generators, killing men, women and other machines with impunity. His presence was a violation, a profane corruption of the most sacred ground, yet the burden of confusion paralysed him. Weakness flooded his flame-wreathed form as it never had before in his demigod’s lifespan.

The cavern before him was only a laboratory in the most poetic sense. He looked with flaming eyes upon the inside of a god’s mind, where a cityscape of machinery and snarled utopia of cables reflected the synapses and sections of a human brain. At the core was a throne of gold, once coldly serene, now spitting acetylene sparks bright enough to sear even eyes made of fire.

He felt the heat of pursuit behind him, the ripples of the warp’s billion predators spilling into the latticework of tunnels in his wrathful wake. They came in a laughing, howling horde, inexorable as any flood, inevitable as the rolling slide of lava.

And he knew, then, what he had done.

He had led them here. The only being powerful enough to breach the final barriers around the Imperial Dungeon had carved a path and paved a way for them. The warning he had come to give faded from his lips.

The sirens. The sirens howled on and on. Warriors of the Ten Thousand, clad in gold and ringing their king, shouted and fired skywards. Their incendiary rounds dissolved within his towering form, their rage coming to nothing. Even the Custodians didn’t know him. He knew each of them by name – there was Constantin Valdor, there was Ra Endymion, there was Amon Tauromachian – yet they levelled their spears at him and opened fire. Good men, men with philosophical souls and unbreakable loyalty, seeking to destroy him.

His father stood at the heart of the storm, looking up at him, looking up at the burning herald of humanity’s end. Every other soul in the chamber – the menials and workers and scientists not already aflame or fleeing the cascade of klaxons – stared up with their king. The fiery form was the last thing many of them saw, for its violent luminescence stole their sight forever after.