meant [ment], partly ['pRtlI], without [wI'Daut]
"We'll see," said Kanga, and Roo, who knew what that meant, went into a corner and practised jumping out at himself, partly because he wanted to practise this, and partly because he didn't want Christopher Robin and Tigger to think that he minded when they went off without him.
* * *
"The fact is," said Rabbit (дело в том, — сказал Кролик), "we've missed our way somehow (что мы каким-то образом /где-то/ пошли не туда: «промахнулись мимо нашего пути»)."
They were having a rest in a small sand-pit on the top of the Forest (они отдыхали в маленькой песочной ямке в верхней части Леса). Pooh was getting rather tired of that sand-pit (Пуху начинала весьма надоедать эта песчаная ямка), and suspected it of following them about (и /он/ подозревал /ее в том/, что она повсюду их преследует), because whichever direction they started in (потому что в каком бы направлении они не начинали идти), they always ended up at it (они все время в конце-концов приходили к ней; to end up — достичь какой-л. позиции), and each time, as it came through the mist at them (и всякий раз, когда она появлялась из тумана возле них), Rabbit said triumphantly (Кролик торжествующе говорил), "Now I know where we are (теперь я знаю, где мы)!" and Pooh said sadly, "So do I (а Пух говорил печально: я тоже)," and Piglet said nothing (а Пятачок /не/ говорил ничего). He had tried to think of something to say (он пытался придумать, что сказать), but the only thing he could think of was, "Help, help (но единственное, что он мог придумать, так это: помогите, помогите)!" and it seemed silly to say that (а говорить это казалось глупо), when he had Pooh and Rabbit with him (когда с ним /рядом/ были Пух и Кролик).
tired ['taIqd], suspect [sqs'pekt], triumphantly [traI'AmfqntlI]
"The fact is," said Rabbit, "we've missed our way somehow."
They were having a rest in a small sand-pit on the top of the Forest. Pooh was getting rather tired of that sand-pit, and suspected it of following them about, because whichever direction they started in, they always ended up at it, and each time, as it came through the mist at them, Rabbit said triumphantly, "Now I know where we are!" and Pooh said sadly, "So do I," and Piglet said nothing. He had tried to think of something to say, but the only thing he could think of was, "Help, help!" and it seemed silly to say that, when he had Pooh and Rabbit with him.
"Well," said Rabbit (ну, — сказал Кролик), after a long silence (после долгого молчания) in which nobody thanked him for this nice walk (во время которого никто /не/ поблагодарил его за эту славную прогулку) they were having (которую они имели = совершали), "we'd better get on, I suppose (я полагаю, нам лучше идти дальше; to get on — продолжать). Which way shall we try (в какую сторону нам попробовать /идти/)?"
"How would it be (как = что было бы)?" said Pooh slowly (сказал медленно Пух), "if, as soon as we're out of sight of this Pit (если бы, как только мы окажемся за пределами видимости этой Ямки / как только эта Ямка пропадет из виду), we try to find it again (мы попробуем найти ее снова)?"
"What's the good of that (какой в этом толк)?" said Rabbit (спросил Кролик).
silence ['saIlqns], suppose [sq'pquz], sight [saIt]
"Well," said Rabbit, after a long silence in which nobody thanked him for this nice walk they were having, "we'd better get on, I suppose. Which way shall we try?"
"How would it be?" said Pooh slowly, "if, as soon as we're out of sight of this Pit, we try to find it again?"
"What's the good of that?" said Rabbit.
"Well," said Pooh (ну, — сказал Пух), "we keep looking for Home and not finding it (мы продолжаем искать = все ищем Дом и не находим его), so I thought (поэтому я подумал) that if we looked for this Pit (что если бы мы искали Ямку), we'd be sure not to find it (мы бы наверняка не нашли бы ее), which would be a Good Thing (что было бы Здорово), because then we might find something (потому что тогда мы, возможно, нашли бы что-то) that we weren't looking for (что мы не ищем), which might be just (что, возможно, было бы как раз тем) what we were looking for, really (что мы искали на самом деле)."
"I don't see much sense in that (не вижу в этом особого смысла)," said Rabbit (сказал Кролик).
"No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't (/нет/, его там и нет, — сказал Пух кротко). But there was going to be when I began it (но он собирался появиться, когда я начал это). It's just that something happened to it on the way (просто по дороге с ним что-то случилось)."
keep [kJp], sense [sens], humbly ['hAmblI]
"Well," said Pooh, "we keep looking for Home and not finding it, so I thought that if we looked for this Pit, we'd be sure not to find it, which would be a Good Thing, because then we might find something that we weren't looking for, which might be just what we were looking for, really."
"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit.
"No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it on the way."
"If I walked away from this Pit (если бы я ушел от этой ямки), and then walked back to it (а потом пошел бы обратно к ней), of course I should find it (я, конечно, нашел бы ее)."
"Well, I thought perhaps you wouldn't (ну, я подумал, что, возможно, ты не нашел бы ее)," said Pooh (сказал Пух). "I just thought (я просто подумал)."
"Try," said Piglet suddenly (попробуй, — сказал вдруг Пятачок). "We'll wait here for you (мы подождем тебя здесь)."
Rabbit gave a laugh to show (Кролик хохотнул, чтобы показать) how silly Piglet was (какой глупый Пятачок), and walked into the mist (и ушел в туман). After he had gone a hundred yards (после того как он прошел сотню ярдов), he turned and walked back again (он повернул и пошел снова назад) ... and after Pooh and Piglet had waited twenty minutes for him (и после этого Пух и Пятачок прождали его двадцать минут). Pooh got up (Пух встал).