33. Ibid., 99–100, 171–72, 71–72 (translations modified), cf. Rev. 8:10–11.
34. Ibid., 225–29 (translations modified). The original is in Filipp Mironov, 415–23 (see The Last Battle).
35. Ibid., 178, 41 (translations modified).
36. Ibid., 243–44 (translation modified).
37. Ibid., 165 (translation modified).
38. Ibid., 185–86 (translation modified).
39. Ibid., 255–60 (translation modified).
40. Ibid., 261 (translation modified).
41. Trifonov, Another Life, 127–28 (translation modified)
42. Ibid., 77–78 (translation modified)
43. Ibid., 183–84.
44. English translation by Walter Kaufmann, in Goethe’s Faust (New York: Doubleday, 1961), 467–69, 493.
45. Trifonov, Another Life, 185–86 (translation modified); Trifonov, The Old Man, 152–53 (translation modified).
Page numbers in italics refer to maps or photographs.
Adoratskaia, Varvara (“Varia”), 385, 983
Adoratsky, Vladimir Viktorovich, 191–92, 385, 390, 482, 494–95, 499, 535, 542, 596–97, 936, 983
Africa, 100–101
agitation, 35–36, 135
Agranov, Yakov, 297, 305, 715, 718, 783, 789
Agrarian-Marxists, 293, 455
agro-industrial cities, 334
Agroskina (Dementieva), Maya, 822
Alafer, Georgy Leongardovich, 861
Aleksandrov, G. G., 616
Alekseev, M., 160
Aleksei Mikhailovich, Tsar, 5
Alksnis, Yakov (Jēkabs), 517
Alliluev, Pavel, 501–2, 621
Alliluev, S. Ya., 221, 489, 936
Allilueva, Anna. See Redens, Anna
Allilueva, Evgenia, 494, 500–503, 532, 939
Allilueva, Kira, 494, 500–501, 532, 939
Allilueva, Nadezhda, 188, 409, 717
Allilueva (Stalina), Svetlana, 248, 939
All-Russian Constituent Assembly (1917), 142–44
All Saints Stone Bridge, 5, 12, 12, 140, 353, 356, 800
All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, 201, 472–78, 593, 601, 849, 949, 954
Amaglobeli, Sergei Ivanovich, 405–6, 616, 837, 839
American Revolution, 193
Amundsen, Roald, 592
Anabaptists, 92–93, 122, 180, 710, 953
Anarchists, 19
Andreae, Johann Valentin, 583
Andreev, A. A., 719, 807, 811
Andreev, Leonid, 125–26, 176, 245, 306
Andreev, Vadim, 245–46
apartments (House of Government), 348–49, 487–95, 554; no. 4, 390, 649; no. 8, 654; no. 10, xv, 378, 886, 992; no. 13, 822; no. 14, 464; no. 16, 383, 499; no. 17, 822; no. 18, xiii, 459, 472, 726, 747, 985, 989, 991; no. 19, 687, 938; no. 20, 386; no. 25, 379; no. 26, 410; no. 39, xiv, 388, 789, 988; no. 43, 992, 994; no. 49, 880; no. 52, 409, 987; no. 53, 882; no. 54, 379, 439, 753; no. 55, 386, 991; no. 60, 837; no. 61, 797; no. 65, 492–93, 983; no. 82, xv, 380, 991; no. 89, 827; no. 93, 385, 983; no. 96, 546–47, 888; no. 98, 660, 803; no. 100, 517; no. 103, xiii, 378, 983; no. 104, xiii, 378, 983; no. 107, 392, 985; no. 108, 993; no. 110, 483, 987; no. 116, 441; no. 130, 485, 988; no. 137, xv, 379, 993; no. 140, 385, 387; no. 141, 621, 754, 809, 865, 983, 984; no. 143, xv, 382, 865, 986; no. 144, 458, 472, 985; no. 153, 893, 987; no. 159, xv, 382, 439, 753, 994; no. 162, xiv, 984; no. 163, 886; no. 166, 699; no. 167, 386, 390, 790, 992; no. 170, 992; no. 176, 816, 987; no. 181, 880; no. 186, 385, 986; no. 190, 386, 790, 986, 993; no. 193, 994; no. 194, 381, 994; no. 197, 381, 935, 985; no. 198, 381, 986; no. 199, xv, 387, 986, 990; no. 200, 553, 865; no. 204, 617; no. 206, 380–81, 409, 985, 986, 991; no. 208, 989; no. 209, 811; no. 212, 657; no. 221, 820; no. 225, 439, 747, 754; no. 226, xv, 630, 987; no. 228, 383, 435, 984; no. 229, 986; no. 230, xiv, 386, 993; no. 234, 809, 984; no. 235, 518; no. 237, xiv, 377, 632, 753, 991; no. 245, xiv, 543, 993; no. 249, 518; no. 262, xiv, 450, 676, 984; no. 268, 880; no. 274, 990; no. 276, 387, 538, 994; no. 279, 755; no. 280, xiv, 383, 990; no. 291, xiv, 937, 993; no. 307, 385, 987; no. 319, xiv, 383, 932, 993; no. 321, 989; no. 334, 829, 882, 988; no. 338, 439; no. 342, 699, 800, 983; no. 349, 984; no. 357, xiv, 386, 623, 994; no. 362, 987; no. 365, 624; no. 372, xiv, 383, 985; no. 377, 834; no. 380, 611, 700; no. 382, 538; no. 384, 385, 988; no. 389, xiii, 539, 820, 989; no. 393, xiv, 379, 993; no. 398, 992; no. 400, xv, 379, 800, 989–90; no. 401, 881; no. 402, 789, 876; no. 409, 383, 441; no. 416, 803; no. 417, 754, 990–91; no. 418, xiv, 412, 984; no. 422, 834; no. 424, 390, 445, 502; no. 426, 985; no. 429, 992; no. 436, 801, 989; no. 443, 674; no. 445, 390, 658; no. 453, 864, 992; no. 467, 515; no. 468, 873; no. 470, xiv, 987; no. 505, xv, 378, 992
Apletin, Mikhail, 612
apocalypse stories, 196–97, 201–2, 206
April Theses (Lenin), 131, 135
aquatic imagery (as metaphors): floods, 193, 195, 208, 211, 365–66, 368; seas and waves, 148, 150, 156–57; the swamp, 33–34, 41–42, 57, 129, 150, 152, 195, 290, 341, 365, 714, 843
Aquinas, Thomas, 105, 307, 406
Arctic explorations, 565, 574–75, 592
Argiropulo, Agnessa Ivanovna. See Mironova (Argiropulo), Agnessa Ivanovna
Argiropulo, Agulia, 756, 759, 988
Arosev, Aleksandr Yakovlevich: apartments of, 378, 389, 488–89, 554, 983; arrest of, 792–97; on Bolshevik organizational strategies, 134; as celebrity guest, 517–19; Chelyuskinites and, 592; clothing styles of, 499; as cultural liaison, 595, 598, 600; dacha of, 549–51; death of Lenin and, 213, 217; documentary sources for, xiii; European experiences of, 494, 596–99; on evictions, 186; friendships of, 28–31, 281, 552, 554, 794; government assignments of, 184, 219, 378, 517, 598, 600; leisure entertainments of, 513–14, 517–18; marriages/family life of, 240–41, 560, 612–13, 620, 645–46; on October Revolution, 138–41, 215; pettiness of life and, 611–13; photographs of, 30, 241, 379, 518, 598, 795; political awakening of, 32; in prison, 42–43; public holidays and, 533–34; rest home stays of, 221, 535; return from exile of, 126–27; on revolutionary progress, 272, 275, 615; spiritual crises/doubt and, 624–25; on trials/purges, 817–19; Works, 186–87, 378–79, 509, 611, 645–46; Nikita Shornev, 267; The Notes of Terenty the Forgotten, 198, 266–68, 270–71; On Vladimir Ilich, 217–18; Recent Days, 268–69; “A Ruined House,” 264–66, 268, 623; “The White Stairway,” 264
Arosev, Dmitry (“Dima” or “Mitia”), 513, 795–96, 983
Aroseva, Elena (“Lena”), 513, 657, 796, 983
Aroseva, Natalia, 513, 657, 796, 983
Aroseva, Olga, 513, 550, 657, 796, 983
arts and culture. See leisure entertainments
Artuzov, Artur, 235, 441
Association of State Book and Magazine Publishers (OGIZ), 457–58
Augustine, Saint, 86, 107, 273, 405, 481, 585, 844, 953
Avanesov, Varlam (Suren Martirosian), 145, 153, 158–59
Avdeenko, Aleksandr, 853–54
Averbakh, Ida. See Yagoda (Averbakh), Ida
Averbakh, Leonid, 147
Averbakh, Leopold, 147, 234, 281, 285–87, 456–57, 459, 519, 784, 842–43, 885
Averbakh, Sofia Mikhailovna, 147, 784, 801
Baabar, 769
Babel, Isaak, 196, 247, 473–75, 870; Red Cavalry, 198, 200–201, 204, 280
Babylon stories, 195–97, 201–2, 364, 366, 606
Bak, Boris, 422–23, 440, 554, 728, 761
Bak, Solomon, 554, 870
Bakaleishchik, Tsetsilia Bentsionovna. See Lakhuti (Banu), Tsetsilia Bentsionovna
Bakhtin, M. M., 198
Bakulev, Petr, 879
Balabanoff, Angelica, 244
Balitsky, Vsevolod Apollonovich, 515, 523, 543–45, 759–60, 869