Bamberg witch trials, 703–5, 753–54
Banu, Tsetsilia Bentsionovna. See Lakhuti (Banu), Tsetsilia Bentsionovna
Baptists, 19, 23
Barabanov, Leonid, 879
Barbusse, Henri, 517–18
Barkov, I. I., 761, 767
Barshch, M. O., 342
Bashtakov, L. F., 841–42
Baxter, Richard, 275
Bazovskaia, Olga Nikolaevna, 834–35, 985
Bazovsky, N. A., 834, 846
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 288, 510, 610, 905
Beilin, Naum. See Beliaev, N.
Belenkaia, Nadezhda (“Nadia”), 882
Belenkaia, Tatiana, 445
Belenky, Abram, 882
Belenky, Mark, 439, 445, 497, 499, 542, 648
Beliaev, N. (Naum Beilin), 234, 497
Belousova, Fekla (Fekola) Rodionovna. See Serafimovich (Belousova), Fekla Rodionovna
Berdyaev, Nikolai, 23
Berezniki Chemical Works, 411–20, 423
Bergelson, David, 819
Beria, Lavrenty, 547, 561, 754–55, 812, 841–42, 870
Berkovich, Yakov. See Bykin, Yakov
Berlin (Germany), 588
Berman, Boris Davydovich, 554, 728, 747, 865
Berman, Matvei Davydovich, 416–19, 423, 440, 554, 761, 810, 865, 983
Bezymensky, Aleksandr, 281, 548, 599
Big Stone Bridge. See All Saints Stone Bridge
Bin Laden, Osama, 89
birthdays, 522
Blok, Aleksandr, 197
Blokhin, V. M., 841
Bloody Sunday massacre (1905), 213–14
Bogachev, Serafim Yakovlevich, 492–94, 510, 621, 810–12, 864, 983
Bogacheva (Kozlova), Lydia Aleksandrovna, 492–93, 620–21, 810–12, 983
Bogucki, Waclaw. See Bogutsky, Vatslav Antonovich
Bogutskaia (Novitskaia), Mikhalina Iosifovna (Michalina Nowicka), 699, 832, 983
Bogutsky, Vatslav Antonovich (Waclaw Bogucki), 699, 800–801, 832, 983
Bogutsky, Vladimir, 699, 801, 832, 983
Boiarsky, Igor Aleksandrovich, 525, 926–27, 989
Boiarsky (Shimshelevich), Yakov Iosifovich, 838–39, 870
Boichevskaia, Maria, 404–5
Bokii, G. I., 414
Bolsheviks, 19, 24–25; class aliens/enemies of, 240, 273–74, 298, 406, 408, 613, 615–16, 818; competing holidays and, 524; consolidation of power and, 148; conversion strategies of, 36, 273, 275–78; death/immortality and, 128, 235, 624–25, 628–29, 634–36, 640, 645–46, 665, 943; disciplining the faithful and, 273, 289–97, 299–300, 306, 713; education of, 44–46; gender attitudes of, 246, 256, 559, 942–43; great breakthrough of, 298; human emotions and, 744–45; internationalism and, 203, 242–43; marriage/family life and, 229–31, 235–36, 243, 620, 952–53; as millenarians, 129, 149, 180, 297–98, 481, 620, 656; as one-generation phenomenon, xii, 943, 951–52; organizational strategies of, 134–35, 182–86; privileges/status among, 187–91, 222, 224, 260–62, 484, 537; rehabilitation procedures for, 936–37; Russia’s Reformation and, 957; as a sect, 59, 182, 469, 552–53, 951, 955–56; takeover by, 142–45; us-and-them thinking and, 57; violence and, 151–55, 165–66, 261, 273–74, 712–13; work ethic of, 277. See also New Economic Policy
Bolshoi Theater, 512–13, 610, 749
Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir, 23, 234
Braginsky, Mark Abramovich, 381
Brandenburgskaia, Anna, 380
Brandenburgskaia, Elsa, 235, 379
Brandenburgsky, Yakov, 229–30, 379–80, 426, 440, 510, 835–36, 936
Brazil, 99–100
Brest-Litovsk Treaty, 150
Brethren, 19
Brik, Lilya, 255
Brik, Osip, 255
Brilliant, Grigory. See Sokolnikov (Brilliant), Grigory
Brinton, Crane, 121
Briusov, Valery, 68
Bruce, Steve, 73
Brunner, Arnold W., 590
Bruskin, Aleksandr, 880
Bubnov, Andrei, 814
Budennyi, Semen, 173, 549, 754–55
Bukharin, Ivan Gavrilovich, 251, 261, 727, 746–47, 987
Bukharin, Nikolai: apartments of, 248, 251, 727, 734, 987; arrest/interrogation/trial/execution of, 720–29, 733–47, 815–16, 824–26, 846–53, 864–65; Bolshevik/Communist takeover and, 32–33, 144; break with Stalin and, 299; on Catholic Church’s authority, 306–7; childhood of, 23; confession of, 468–69, 720–23, 847–48, 850; description of, 27; disciplining the faithful and, 289–90, 292–95, 298–300, 306–7, 713; early prison and exile of, 44, 126; education of, 26–27; European experiences of, 494, 596–97; friendships of, 28; government assignments of, 146, 186; Lenin’s death and, 212–14, 221; marriages/family life of, 247–51; millenarianism and, 150–51, 273, 290; on morality/ethics, 227, 231–32; on peasants and bourgeoisie, 135, 151; photographs of, 24, 144, 250, 853; reading and study by, 19, 279; rehabilitation for, 937; Soviet literature and, 285, 287–88, 473, 475–77, 656; spiritual crises in writings of, 59–60; on “the Swamp,” 7, 9, 16; on violence and coercive measures, 151, 154–55, 159, 261, 405, 712; Works: Philosophical Arabesques, 848; Socialism and Its Culture, 848–50
Bukharin, Yuri, 251, 727, 747, 987
Bulatkin, Konstantin, 171, 173
Bulgakov, Mikhail, 891; The Days of the Turbins, 616; Master and Margarita, 980
Bulgakov, Sergei, 23
Bunyan, John: The Pilgrim’s Progress, 643–44
Burke, Edmund, 121
Burliuk, David, 68–69
Burnet, Thomas, 104
Butenko, Konstantin Ivanovich, 504, 757–58, 809–10, 984
Butenko, Sofia Aleksandrovna, 503–4, 561–62, 621–22, 757, 809–10, 984
Butovo “special site,” 862–63
Bykin (Berkovich), Yakov, 735–36, 741
Calvin (John) and Calvinists, 36, 90–91, 96, 276, 711
Campanella, Tommaso, 583–84
Canberra (Australia), 586–87
card playing, as entertainment, 515–16, 543
cargo cults, 101–2
Case, Thomas, 122–23
Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 5, 357, 366–67, 390–91, 621–22, 946
Celsus, 81–82, 113, 946–47
censorship office (Glavlit), 457
Cervantes, Miguel de: as a “classic,” 510, 610, 656, 953; Quixote as personal description, 66, 147, 396, 428; Don Quixote, 198–99, 203, 238, 476, 510, 607–9, 611, 613, 643, 646, 682–83, 764, 897
Charnaia, Iudif Aleksandrovna. See Shuniakova (Charnaia), Iudif Aleksandrovna
Chayanov, A. V., 293, 455–56
Chelkar, 310–12, 365, 429, 788, 858, 860
Chelyuskinites, 574–75, 592
Chernov, Mikhail, 790, 792
Chertok, Leonid, 234, 779, 784
chess, as entertainment, 510, 515, 536
Cheynell, Francis, 91
children: of arrestees, 801, 828–32; collectivization of, 342, 345–46; daily schedules of, 508–9; delinquency/criminal justice system and, 655, 717; education of, 116, 647–48, 657–61, 814, 953; elitism of, 654–55; friendships of, 651–53, 655–56, 903, 955; as the future, 130, 147, 337, 481, 566, 646–47; as immortality, 235, 635, 646, 665; leisure entertainments of, xii, 26, 510–15, 649, 650–51, 954; pursuit of happiness and, 236; recreation facilities for, 648; of revolutionary students/workers, 946, 951
Chinese millenarianism, 102–3, 710
Chizhikova, Tatiana. See Tuchina (Chizhikova), Tatiana Ivanovna
Choibalsan, Khorloogiin, 769–71
Christians and Christianity, 23, 36; marriage/family and, 953; millenarianism and, 82–87, 89–99, 103–4, 114, 180, 273; morality/ethics and, 228; reformations and, 90–95
Christmas celebrations, 524
church and state, 75, 87–91, 180–81
Church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker, 7, 9, 140, 319–20, 329, 353, 389
city plans, ideal or utopian, 582–89