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civilizing processes, 276–79, 344

Civil War (1917–1922), 142–44, 178, 195–96, 201–2, 205, 209, 211

class aliens/enemies, 240, 273–74, 298, 406, 408, 613, 615–16, 818

clothing/decorative styles: of male officials, 418, 498–99; of students, 26–27, 40; of women officials and housewives, 499–506

collectives and collectivization, xi, 211, 914; Five-Year Plans and, 413, 421–24, 426–29, 454–55, 508; House of Government’s encounters with, 439–45; in literature, 446–48; as social units, 275–76, 338–41; troikas and, 760

communal houses, 342, 344–46

Communists and Communism, 73–74, 88, 115–17, 150; compared to building a house, 169, 333–46, 611; expulsion from the Party and, 717; literature as myth and, 202; marriage/family life and, 952–53; morality/ethics and, 227–32; non-Russian varieties of, 956–57; as a sect, 182, 469, 951; superiority of all things Soviet and, 592–98

Comte, Auguste, 74

Condorcet, Marquis de, 105

confessions, 102, 290–91, 295, 323, 459–62, 467–72, 615, 703–10, 779, 840

Congress of Soviet Writers. See All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers

Congress of Victors. See Seventeenth Party Congress (1934)

construction/building stories, 362–76, 402, 446, 606, 969

Construction Workers’ Union, 322, 324–25

constructivist aesthetic, 344, 347, 353

conversion, ideological, 36, 273, 275–78, 454, 914; in the agrarian sector, 455–56; confession/purge and, 102, 290–91, 295, 323, 459, 467–68; in literature and arts, 279–89, 403–4, 456–59, 472–78

Cossacks, 159–70, 176

Country Property, Department of, 191

creation stories, 122, 124, 365, 372, 403–4, 446, 701

Cromwell, Oliver, 93, 135

crucifixion stories, 196, 197–98, 201–2, 206

Cui, César, 20

cultural revolution. See conversion, ideological

dachas, 190–91, 545–51, 653–54, 963–66; Lenin’s, 215

The Dakota (New York City), 347

dancing, as entertainment, 532–33, 543, 545, 648

Dante Alighieri, 117–18, 576, 578; as architectural model, 583, 585; as a “classic,” 510, 514, 610, 806

Davies, Joseph E., 549

Dawkins, Richard, 75

Day of the World, The, 593–94

death and immortality, 128, 235, 624–25, 628–29, 634–36, 640, 645–46, 665, 943

Decadents, 19

decorative styles. See clothing/decorative styles

Defoe, Danieclass="underline" Robinson Crusoe, 476, 610–11, 613, 615, 643–44, 646, 656

Deich, Yakov, 757, 761

Delbene, Bartolommeo, 583

Delibash, Nina Zakharovna, 386, 773–74, 861, 993

Demchenko, Feliks, 425, 789, 829–30, 984

Demchenko, Nikolai (“Kolia”), 425, 789, 829–30, 876, 888, 984

Demchenko, Nikolai Nesterovich, 425, 439, 789, 829, 863, 984

Demchenko (Shmaenok), Maria (Mirra) Abramovna, 425, 829, 984

Denikin, Anton, 160, 170, 173–74

Denisova-Shchadenko, Maria Aleksandrovna, xv, 68–69, 219, 234, 254–57, 378, 549, 821–23, 992

Dickens, Charles, 478, 510, 896, 953; David Copperfield, 478, 702, 954; Great Expectations, 514; Our Mutual Friend, 278; The Pickwick Papers, 773; The Tale of Two Cities, 121, 954

Didrikil, Nina Avgustovna. See Podvoiskaia-Didrikil, Nina Avgustovna

Dik, Iosif, 934

Dimanshtein, Marta (Matla), 755

Dimanshtein, Semen M., 755, 847

Dimitrov, Georgi, 483–84, 511–12, 517–18, 934, 936

Dimitrova, Roza Yulievna, 518

disurbanists and disurbanism, 337–42

“the Ditch.” See Drainage (Vodootvodnyi) Canal

Dogadov, A. I., 671

Doletsky, Yakov (Jacób Dolecki/Fenigstein), 521–22

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 262, 375, 610, 639, 643, 816, 947–48, 961; The Adolescent, 59, 279, 732; The Brothers Karamazov, 368, 732–33; Crime and Punishment, 564, 974; Demons, 879; The Possessed, 934

Drabkin, Yakov (Sergei Gusev), 289, 291

Drabkina, Elizaveta, 143, 146, 245, 289, 886, 932

Drainage (Vodootvodnyi) Canal, 5, 9, 10, 15, 17, 321, 329, 355, 386, 445, 511, 651

Dreitser, E. A., 718–19

Dubrovina, L. V., 814

Dukhobors, 19

Dürer, Albrecht, 583

Durkheim, Emile, 73–74

Dushechkina, Katia, 834

Dzerzhinsky (Dzierżyński), Feliks, 216–17, 243, 388, 425, 819

Dzhugashvili, Iosif Vissarionovich. See Stalin, Joseph

Edson, Hiram, 98, 220, 272

Edwards, Jonathan, 96

Efimov, Boris, 233–34, 560, 603, 784, 856

Efron, Ariadna, 886

Egon-Besser, Kira, xiv, 64–66, 126, 134, 152, 165

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 27, 247, 476–77; The Second Day (aka: Out of Chaos), 363–65, 369–73

Eikhe, Robert Indrikovich (Roberts Eihe), 434, 516, 755–58, 760–61, 766–67, 809, 840–43, 864, 870, 984

Eikhe (Rubtsova), Evgenia Evseevna, 809, 984

Einem Chocolate Candy and Cookie Factory, 5–7, 18, 140, 149–50. See also Red October Candy Factory

Eisenstadt, S. N., 121

Elchugina, Shura, 834

Eliade, Mircea, 74

émigrés, 600–606, 647

Engels, Frederick, 57, 115–17, 152

Enlightenment, 104

entertainments. See leisure entertainments

entryways (House of Government), 347, 353, 377

Enukidze, Avel, 188, 190–91, 217, 318, 395, 717

Epstein, Motia, 894, 896

Esaulov, A. A., 841

Esenin, Sergei, 280, 287–88, 794

estates. See dachas

Eternal Law, 405–6, 471, 844

exile, 46–55

exodus stories, 77, 193–94, 202–5, 208, 369, 606

Ezhov, Nikolai Ivanovich: arrest/interrogation/trial and execution of, 865–66, 870; descriptions of, 792; government assignments of, 507, 516, 866; personal life of, 839–40; purges and, 715, 718–19, 724, 728, 735, 754, 758, 760–64, 767, 790, 794, 801, 865; replacement of, 812, 864

Fadeev, Aleksandr, 197, 447, 476, 934; The Rout, 201–3

family life. See marriage and family life

famines, 190, 424–26, 428–34, 436, 438–39

fascism, 714, 848

February Revolution (1917), 65, 123–26

Fedin, Konstantin: The Garden, 280

Fedorov, Nikolai, 20

Fedotov, Fedor Kallistratovich, 449–53, 676, 770, 984

Fedotov, Lyova, xiv, 450, 451–52, 674–93, 713, 908–14, 921–23, 954, 963, 984

Fedotova (Markus), Roza Lazarevna, 449, 676, 923, 935–36, 984

Fedulov, Ivan Mikhailovich. See Gronsky (Fedulov), Ivan Mikhailovich

Feuchtwanger, Lion, 595, 730, 733, 954

Fifth Monarchists, 93–94, 180

Filarete, 584–85

Filatova, Nadezhda Dmitrievna (“Dina”). See Osinskaia (Filatova), Nadezhda Dmitrievna (“Dina”)

Finney, Charles, 96

Finnish War (1939), 685–87

Fischer, Louis, 244

Fishman, Emmanuil Grigorievich (“Monya”), 684, 908

Fishman, Raisa Samoilovna (“Raya”), 684, 908

Five-Year Plans (1928–1932): collectivization and, 413, 421–24, 426–29, 454–55, 508; coming to an end of, 465–66; cultural revolution and, 454–56, 459, 472–78; industrialization and, 279, 345–46, 408, 415, 421, 454; modernization and, 597; result of, 468

Fleischmann, Rosa, 518

floods (as metaphor), 193, 195, 208, 211, 365–66, 368

forced labor, 414–18, 422

Fourier, Charles, 106, 335

Fradkin, Iosif Mikhailovich. See Volin, Boris Mikhailovich

Fradkina, Raisa Efimovna, 234