Fradkina, Sofia, 234, 784
France, Anatole: The Gods Are Athirst, 906, 954
free fellowships, 55–62
French Revolution, 105, 107–8, 192–93, 711
Frenkel, Aron, 166–67, 774
Frenkel, N. A., 414
Freund, Gertrude (“Gera”), 241, 795–97, 983
Fridliand, Mikhail. See Koltsov (Fridliand), Mikhail Efimovich
friendships: building and growth of socialism and, 560–62; of children, 651–53, 655–56, 903, 955; comradeship and, 55, 552–54, 794; letter-writing and, 554–55; during purges, 833; of students, 26–31; of workers, 41–42. See also reading and study
Frinovskaia, Nina, 507
Frinovsky, Mikhail, 440, 506–7, 516, 755, 758, 762–64, 767–69, 865–66, 870
Frunze, Mikhail, 281, 283, 286–87
Frye, Northrop, 702
F. T. Einem. See Einem Chocolate Candy and Cookie Factory
Furmanov, Dmitry: Chapaev, 201–2, 204
Gaister, Aron Izrailevich, 308–9, 386, 440, 455, 517, 522, 541, 548–49, 622, 790, 843–45, 863, 984
Gaister, Igor, 889
Gaister, Inna, xiv, 390, 499, 541, 548–49, 654, 660, 790–91, 828, 888–90, 926, 928–29, 984
Gaister, Natalia (“Natalka”), 790–91, 828, 984
Gaister, Semen (“Siunia”), 803–4, 889
Gaister, Valeria (“Valiushka”), 790–91, 828, 984
Gaister (Kaplan), Rakhil Izrailevna, 386, 499, 790–91, 830, 926, 984
Gamarnik, Yan (Yakov Pudikovich), 820–21, 869
Ganetskaia, Khanna (Hanna Hanecka), 886
Gavrilova, Sonia, 443, 561
Gavrilovna, Feodosia, 280
Geertz, Clifford, 74
Gelfreikh, V. G., 359–60
Gelman, Ruslan, 822–23
Germany, 588, 601, 606, 647, 714; coming of war and, 912–14
Gershman, Lena, 907, 918
Gevorkian, Elizaveta Fadeevna, 873–74
Gibbon, Edward, 180
Gide, André, 594–95, 598, 641
Gilinskaia, Nelly, 829
Gilinsky, Abram, 494, 515, 829
Gilinsky, David, 829
Ginzburg, M. Ya., 342–45
Gladkov, Fyodor, 285, 519; Cement, 268; Energy, 363, 365, 368–71, 409
Glavlit (censorship office), 457
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 288; as a “classic,” 510, 610, 656, 953; Faust, xiii, 105, 271, 476–78, 592, 634, 643, 646, 661, 848–49, 881, 897, 979–80
Gogol, Nikolai, 57, 282, 623, 780–82; Dead Souls, 196; “Viy,” 780–81
Goldstein, Moisei. See Volodarsky, Vladimir
Goloshchekin, Filipp Isaevich (Shaia Itskov, “Georges”): almost marriage of, 937; apartment of, 383, 435, 984; arrest and interrogation of, 840, 843; on collectivization, 426, 840; description of, 428; on disciplining the faithful, 294–95; exile of, 49; February Revolution and, 65–66; friendships of, 147, 281; government assignments of, 184, 383, 428–29, 434–35, 439; murder of Nicholas II and, 155–56; photographs of, 54, 428; reading and study by, 279; rehabilitation for, 937
Goloshchekina (Vinogradova), Elizaveta Arsenievna, 435, 984
Golovkova, Lydia, 862
Golubchik, Mikhail, 771, 870
Golubovsky, B. G., 402, 616–17
Goppen, Olga, 241
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 946, 948
Gordon, Nina, 854
Gorky, Maxim, 23, 55, 57, 147, 279, 458, 473, 593, 639; The Day of the World, 593–94
Gorky Park, 511–12, 594–95, 605, 651
Gosset, Hélène, 518
Gotfrid, Mirra, 561, 819
Gounot, Charles: Faust, 905
Governor General’s (Soviet) Building (Moscow), 127–28, 138–40
Granovskaia (Kolosova), Zinaida, 412, 930–31, 985
Granovsky, Anatoly, xiv, 412, 420, 654, 700–701, 803, 812, 879–82, 921, 929–31, 985
Granovsky, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, xiv, 411–16, 419–20, 440, 503, 539–40, 803, 846, 984–85
Granovsky, Valentin, 412, 921, 985
Granovsky, Vladimir, 420, 930–31, 985
Great Awakenings (America), 96
“the great breakthrough,” 298, 340, 353, 357. See also Five-Year Plans
Grekova, Inna Fedorovna, 889
Gresshöner, Maria. See Osten (Gresshöner), Maria
Griadinsky, F. P., 765
Grinberg, I., 639–40
Grinberg, Khristiana Grigorievna (Khasia Girshevna). See Kon (Grinberg), Khristiana Grigorievna
Grinberg, Ya. A., 837–39
Grinblat, Grigory Abramovich (“Grisha”), 907, 918, 920
Gronskaia, Elena, 500
Gronskaia, Lydia Aleksandrovna, 499, 521, 536, 985
Gronsky (Fedulov), Ivan Mikhailovich: apartments of, 458–59, 489, 726, 985; arrest/interrogation/trial of, 840; Congress of Soviet Writers and, 472–73; friendships of, 519–20; government assignments of, 472–73, 519, 521; on OGIZ, 457–58; photographs of, 472, 521, 542; on socialist realism, 477, 489; on trials, 861–62; worker origins of, 486; work schedules of, 497
Guber, Boris, 842
Guillaume de Trie, 91
Gurov, Zhenia, 677, 680, 908–11, 913, 936
Gurvich, A. S., 628–29
Gurvich, Esfir, 248–49
Gusev, Sergei (Yakov Drabkin), 289, 291
Guskova, Tatiana Nikolaevna, 901
Gustav List Metal Works. See List Metal Works
Gutzkow, Karclass="underline" Uriel Acosta, 616, 661–64, 837–38
Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, 101
Hamilton, Hector, 358
Hammer, Armand, 879
Hamsun, Knut: Victoria, 68, 249–53, 745, 905
Hanecka, Hanna (Khanna Ganetskaia), 886
Heavenly Jerusalem, as ideal city, 582
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 111, 113, 117, 288
Heine, Heinrich, 57, 146–47, 669, 895; “Belsazar,” 156, 279; “Germany,” 279
Hemingway, Ernest: For Whom the Bell Tolls, xv
Heuss, Oskar, 6
Heuss, Vladimir, 150
history, 104–5, 951–52. See also linear time, development of
Hitler, Adolf, 588, 714
Home for Party Veterans (Peredelkino), 936
Hong Xiuquan, 102–3
Housekeeping Department, 186–88, 440, 535, 813
House of Government (Moscow): address of, 380; administration of, 615, 618–19, 924–25; architect/designer of, 318–19, 325, 327, 389, 408; as a besieged fortress, 713–14; completion of, 329; construction of, 320–21, 324–26; construction photographs of, 320–26, 329, 330–33; constructivist elements of, 347, 353, 494; cost of, 328–29, 393; courtyards of, 649–50, 650–52, 659, 800, 870; critiques of, 362, 494; encounters with collectivization, 439–45; end of, 914; floor plans of, 348, 651; food services in, 495–96, 618; guards and staff of, 391–93, 496, 528, 618–19, 621, 924; holiday decorations on, 527–28; initial plans for, 318–19; interiors of, 487–95; kindergarten in, 482, 648; photographs of, 349–51, 354–56, 394–95, 407, 617, 649, 650; recreation facilities in, 393–407, 495, 615, 648; regulations of, 388–89; remembrances of, 950, 962–63; residents of, 377–93, 391, 482–87, 619–22, 773, 801, 813, 862–63, 924–25, 935–36, 983–94; services in, 495, 618; site plan of, 352; summary descriptions of, xi–xii, 320, 346–47, 353, 482; as transitional type, xi, 346–47, 508, 615, 648, 650; workers on, 321–25, 329
House of the Commissariat of Finance (Narkomfin), 343–44
Houses of Revolution: Governor General’s (Soviet) Building, 127–28, 138–40; Smolny Palace, 134, 136–38, 145; Tauride Palace, 123–25
Houses of Soviets (Moscow), 186–89, 318; behavior in, 224–26, 266; establishment of, 145; post-war returnees to, 925; services provided in, 188, 190