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Koltsova (Ratmanova), Elizaveta Nikolaevna, 382, 603, 986

Komarova, Maria Filippovna (“Mara”), 555–56, 645

Komsomol (organization), 275, 522, 525, 530, 620, 888, 952; purge of, 810–11

Komsomol “honor,” 666–67, 906

Kon, Feliks Yakovlevich: apartment of, 381, 986; dacha stays of, 547; death of, 936; friendships of, 28, 31; government assignments of, 381; marriage/lovers/family life of, 381, 513, 555–56, 560, 645, 820; photograph of, 25; political awakening of, 25–26; in prison, 43–44; on socialist proselytizing, 37

Kon (Grinberg), Khristiana Grigorievna (Khasia Girshevna), 381, 556, 986

Konchalovsky, Petr, 518, 521

Kondtratiev, N. D., 456

Kork, August, 539, 748, 820

Korkmasov, Erik, 880–82

Korkmasov, Jelal-Ed-Din, 880–81

Korol, Mikhail Davydovich, 1073n63

Korol, Miron Iosifovich. See Mironov, Sergei Naumovich

Korostoshevsky, Isaak, 699

Korshunov, Mikhail (“Misha”), 390, 536, 658–59, 674, 677, 681, 683

Korshunov, P. S., 658

Korzhikov, Ivan Stepanovich, 537–38

Kosarev, Aleksandr, 811

Kosior, Stanislav (Stanislaw), 524, 741, 755

Kosterin, Aleksei Evgrafovich, 904–5

Kosterina, Anna Mikhailovna, 904

Kosterina, Nina Alekseevna, 905–8, 915–20

Kozlova, Lydia Aleksandrovna. See Bogacheva (Kozlova), Lydia Aleksandrovna

Kraiushkin, Vasily Stepanovich, 829

Krasikov, Petr, 499, 547

Krasin, Leonid, 215–16

Krasovsky, Tikhon Nikolaevich, 890

Kraval, Elena, 652, 660, 986

Kraval, Ivan Adamovich (Jānis Kravalis), 309, 386, 440, 494, 510, 533, 560, 863, 986

Kreindel, Fanni Lvovna. See Moroz (Kreindel), Fanni Lvovna

Kremlin (Moscow), 582; residents of, xi, 145, 147, 186–88, 727; services provided in, 188–90

Krestinsky, Nikolai, 183

Kristson, Misha, 894

Kritsman, Lev Natanovich: Agrarian-Marxists and, 293, 455–56; apartment of, 385–86, 986; on class aliens, 273; government assignments of, 293, 385–86, 440, 600; health of, 221, 482; on how to live, 341; marriage/family life of, 261–62; photograph of, 262; on revolutionary progress, 272, 275; Works: The Heroic Period of the Great Russian Revolution, 209–12, 260–61, 263–64, 275, 341

Kritsman, Yuri, 263–64

Kritsman (Soskina), Sarra Lazarevna, 261–63, 262, 986

Kron, Aleksandr, 396, 464

Krupskaia, Nadezhda, 184, 217, 235, 248, 294–95, 333, 335, 547, 939

Krzhizhanovsky, Gleb, 235, 260, 547

Kuchmin, Ivan Fedorovich, xv, 630–31, 647–48, 803, 987

Kuchmina, Elena, 630–31, 890, 987

Kuchmina (Revenko), Stefania Arkhipovna, 630, 803, 987

Kuhlmann, Johann, 409

Kuibyshev, Valerian, 34, 41, 309, 519–21, 536, 552, 560, 574, 889

Kuibyshev, Vladimir, 661

Kukharchuk, Nina. See Khrushcheva (Kukharchuk), Nina Petrovna

kulaks, 422–23, 455

Kuliabko, N., 612

Kulkov, Aleksandr, 880–81

Kulman, Maria Nikolaevna, 496, 987

Kun, Béla, 797, 847

Kurella, Alfred, 345

Kuriatov, John, 891

Kursky, V. M., 758, 765

Kutuzovsky Avenue (Moscow), 926

Kuusinen, Ainu, 938

Kuusinen, Otto, 687, 939

Kuzmin, N., 340–41, 344–45

Lakhuti, Abulkasim (Abulqosim Lohuti), 476, 483–84, 488, 816, 987

Lakhuti (Banu, Bakaleishchik), Tsetsilia Bentsionovna, 483–84, 987

Lakota (Sioux), 99

Lande, Efim Zosimovich, 893, 987

Lande (Yusim), Vladimir (“Volodia”), 893–94, 987

Lande (Yusim), Maria Aleksandrovna, 893, 987

Lander, Karl Ivanovich (Kārlis Landers), 37, 185, 195, 221, 385, 482, 987

Larin, Yuri, 247, 250–51, 261, 340, 345, 508, 546

Larina-Bukharina, Anna Mikhailovna, xiv, 247–51, 261, 596–97, 720, 727, 747, 801, 883–87, 987

Lavrenev, Boris, 197; The Forty-First, 201–2, 214

Lebedev, Platon. See Kerzhentsev (Lebedev), Platon Mikhailovich

Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret), 341

Left Communists, 150–51, 742

Leftists, 298, 301

leisure entertainments: of children, xii, 510–15, 650–51; dancing as, 532–33, 543, 545, 648; museums, 610; public holidays, 527–34; radio/newspapers as, 509; reading and study as, xii, 509–10, 513–14, 610, 659–60; recreation facilities for, 393–407, 495, 536, 648; socializing in homes as, 515–22, 552, 650; special occasions, 522–27; theater as, 350–51, 395–407, 512–13, 610, 615–17. See also dachas; rest homes

Lelevich, G., 281, 306, 784

Lengnik, Fridrikh (Fridrihs Lengniks), 553–54

Lenin, V. I.: April Theses of, 131, 135; attempted assassination of, 158; Bolshevik takeover and, 144; death and preservation of, 212–17, 410; family life of, 260; on governmental/political organization, 58, 149; intelligentsia and, 24; leadership of, 131–33, 137–38, 142, 283, 468; on Marxism, 115; millenarian outlook of, 150–51, 297; on morality/ethics, 227; murder of Nicholas II and, 155; names of, 724, 738; on proselytizing, 36; reminders of the old regime and, 186, 266, 290; return of, 130; Russianness of, 288; sculpture of, 219; Sverdlov praised by, 164–65; on violence and coercive measures, 151–52, 154

Leningrad (USSR), 908–9

Lenin Mausoleum, 217, 337, 353, 409–10, 441, 529, 582

Leonov, Leonid, 473–74, 476, 599, 609–10, 629, 631, 934, 947–50; Works: The Badgers, 280; The Pyramid, 947–50, 961; The Road to Ocean, xv, 629–40, 642, 947–48, 978, 987; The Sot’, 363–65, 368–69, 371, 375–76, 411, 474, 948

Leontiev, Yakov, 462–63

Lepeshinsky, Panteleimon, 657, 936

Lesskis, Georgy, 657–59

letter-writing, 554–55

Levidov, Mikhail, 640; A House on Prechistenka, 616

Levin, Boris, 234, 377

Levina, Elena Borisovna, 377–78, 991

Levina-Rozengolts, Eva Pavlovna, xiv, 234, 377–78, 549, 632, 943–44, 945, 991

Lezhnev, I., 732

L’Hoste, Hubert, 603–6, 657, 669, 856, 986

Libedinskaia, Lydia, 891–92

Libedinsky, Yuri, 245, 281; A Week, 195–96, 201, 204; The Birth of a Hero, 269–70, 337

linear time, development of, 75–77, 79

List, Gustav, 14

List Metal Works, 14–15, 18, 140, 389

literature, Soviet: apocalypse stories in, 196–97, 201–2, 206; Babylon stories in, 195–97, 201–2, 364, 366, 606; collectivization in, 446–48; construction/building plots in, 362–76, 402, 446, 969; creation stories in, 122, 124, 365, 372, 403–4, 446, 701; crucifixion stories in, 196, 197–98, 201–2, 206; exodus stories in, 77, 193–94, 202–5, 208, 369, 606; ideological conversion and, 279–89, 403–4, 456–58, 472–78; inferno stories in, 205; as leisure entertainment, 510, 610; long journey, 449, 452; love/marriage/family and, 264–71; as myth, 195–209; proletarian writers and, 19, 281, 285; socialist realism and, 475–77, 611, 616, 639, 656, 848

Litovsky, Valentin (“Valia”), 891, 920

Litovsky (Kagan), Osaf, 664, 891

Litvinov, Maksim, 387, 464, 936

Liubchenko, A. P., 524

Liushkov, G. S., 715

Loginov, Zhenia, 827, 834

Lohuti, Abulqosim. See Lakhuti, Abulkasim

long journey literature, 449, 452

Lopatin, German, 125–26

love, faith, and revolution, 66–72, 75, 227–28, 236, 251, 259–60, 887–89, 904