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Shelley considered this. "Maybe not. Frankly, I can see how they both felt as if they were the injured party. Maybe Bitsy came back for one more round. Maybe she even came back to apologize. Either scenario could have led to a shoving match. It might have been an accident."

"At the top of the basement stairs with the door open?" Jane asked. "And her purse missing?"

"How do we know it's missing? Maybe it skit-

tered away when she fell, or went under the stairs."

"I'm sure the police thought of that, Shelley."

"Hmm. I guess that is unlikely. What about Bitsy's ex-husband?"

"What about him?"

"He obviously had a high level of contempt for her. When he stopped by the house to harass her, it was obvious he knew a lot about what was going on. Maybe he intended to get her into even more trouble by causing a death."

"He seemed the nasty sort who might do so, but would he take such a risk? She was already in enough trouble she'd brought on herself," Jane said, adding, "Have another cookie, please. I'll eat all of them if you don't."

Shelley took an experimental nibble. "They're not bad. So, who else might be responsible? What about Evaline? She didn't like Sandra. She complained about being called 'Ev' as if it were for Everett."

"That's a trivial thing. Not worth killing for. What about the furnace guy? He was really very angry about having to get the rotten shrimp out of the ductwork. And I don't blame him. Such a horrible smell."

"I'd guess furnace guys are used to finding nasty things in ducts," Shelley replied. "Dead possums, squirrels, and such. And it's not as if Sandra weren't going to be hit up for a bigger bill, because it was her fault."

"Sandra wasn't paying the bills. Bitsy was, remember."

"We just keep coming back to Bitsy, don't we?" Shelley asked.

"Yes, we do. I wonder what they actually said to each other. What if Sandra was threatening to sue Bitsy if she were fired? That, on top of all the other expenses, might have put Bitsy over the edge. But there's a lot we don't know."

"Like what?"

"Who else disliked Sandra?" Jane asked. "She, too, has an ex-husband. At least I think so. Wasn't that supposed to be the reason she took her mother's maiden name back?"

"I thought that was so utterly silly, I put it out of my mind. I don't know if she did have a husband. But what about the other workers? Was someone else, besides Wesley the furnace guy, furious about her not keeping the site secure? Maybe valuable tools had been stolen?"

"That, again, would eventually become Bitsy's responsibility," Jane pointed out. "It was really up to her to make sure the doors were locked. She's the owner of the property. It's her insurance company that would have to pay for the tools if they were stolen or damaged."

"Back to Bitsy again. Do you really think she didn't do it herself?"

"I've never liked Bitsy much, but I just can't imagine her killing someone. Can you?"

"I really don't know her well enough to guess,"

Shelley admitted. "I guess we're going to have to let Mel figure it out. After all, it is his job."

"But we could help him out a little," Jane said. "The workers think of us as just other people who had to put up with both Bitsy and Sandra. They'd be more gossipy with us than with Mel."



The police department had closed the renova- tion house the next day to complete their physical search of the premises, which left Jane and Shelley free to catch up with real life. They each made heavy hits at the grocery store, paid and mailed bills, and did cleaning, and in the early afternoon, they joined back up to go to the library and check out a lot of expensive decorating books. Jane didn't hear from Mel and didn't try to call him when he was in such a bad mood.

They spent the afternoon poring over the books, gleaning many good ideas, especially for bathrooms and kitchens. Shelley had her copy of the measurements and took copious notes of what might fit where. Jane's notes were about styles and terms she was learning.

"This is the fun part," Jane said. "I'm feeling a little better about the possibility of actually doing this."

"It depends on a lot of things," Shelley reminded her. "What sort of contract Bitsy comes

up with. And I'm sure she's not even thinking about it now. Not to mention what the police might be discovering. You don't want to just give Mel a call, do you?"

"I'm keeping a low profile until he's over his snit," Jane said. "It's not in my best interest to irritate him further when he's been so overworked."

"I'd sure like to know what he's learned about the other people involved," Shelley said. "And I wonder who this new contractor is. Apparently it's a man. I wonder what he's going to think about all the women workers."

"You don't suppose he'll replace them, do you?"

"I wouldn't think he could. Most of them are probably under contract to Bitsy."

"But if the contracts were really with Sandra…?"

"Oh, dear. I hadn't thought of that. Our contract, though obviously devised by Sandra, was supposed to be with Bitsy. I'd assume the others were as well."

"Then he's stuck with the workers unless they bail out voluntarily."

"Some of them may," Shelley said. "But most of them seemed to be quite good at what they were doing."

"It's a shame we don't know more about most of them," Jane said. "After getting to know a bit about Evaline, it makes me wonder how and why

the others, like Jack and Henry, happened to get into what are traditionally men's jobs. And seem to be quite good at them. I bet they won't bail out. The work they're doing on the house will be a fine credit for them to get other jobs."

"You're probably right. Maybe we need to get to know them better when the work can go on," Shelley agreed.

"But not in front of Mel," Jane warned. "We'll have to see them away from work if the house is still crawling with police."

"Didn't we get a list of them?"

"I didn't," Jane said.

"I'm running home for my file. I'm sure in the wad of paperwork Bitsy gave me there's a list of the workers."

"Why would she give either of us that information?"

"For consultation purposes, I suppose. To see what they think about the feasibility of what we're shopping for. Like the wiring for the kitchen, say, or the necessary plumbing and dimensions of the bathrooms. I'm going to run home and see if I'm right about that list. I'm sure I didn't imagine it. I just wasn't especially interested when I spotted it."

"We haven't met or heard about the plumber yet, have we?"

Shelley was back in a few minutes. "I was right. Here are the names and telephone numbers. But no plumber mentioned. What would you say to get-

ting together somewhere tomorrow, if the house is still closed, with Jacqueline and Henrietta?"

"On what excuse?"

"We can say we need to know what the plans are for the finished woodwork so we don't clash with it on the furniture," Shelley said.

"And then just chat with them about generalities? I like it."

Shelley made the call and set up a time and place for lunch the next day.

"You two are experts at your work and we don't want to do anything that compromises it," Shelley said when they met with the two women.

It was interesting to see the pair in their street clothes rather than their work clothes. Jack was in a pink sundress with a pretty lacy collar and a touch of very feminine makeup. She was truly a Jacqueline when she wasn't working. Henry was wearing a gender-neutral suit in dark blue with trousers, with a very elegant blue-and-white-striped blouse. There was a pretty enamel pin on her lapel.

They were both so nicely dressed that they put Jane and Shelley in the shade. Both of them were in nice-enough slacks, blouses, and lightweight sweaters because restaurants tended to turn the air conditioning way up until the late fall. Of one silent accord, they called their two guests by their full real names.