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Justin chuckled. “Well, I’m also sure he’s got a team of makeup artists who can make him look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed through the worst hangovers.” Although his gaze was fixed on the window, Justin seemed to be looking at something much farther away. “Just hope he remembers his promise to get that Darius kid an internship. I honestly thought I wasn’t going to get that—or even get out of there last night— if I didn’t agree to his scheme.”

“Darius’s scheme?” asked Mae, puzzled.

“Lucian’s. He has this crazy idea that he can sway the polls by going off on some great ambassadorial trip to Arcadia to foster friendship between our countries.”

It was enough to make her set the donut down. “I know praetorians fighting down on the borders in the south. I think we’re a long ways from true friendship. That could be a dangerous trip.”

“Well, he won’t be in the border areas,” admitted Justin, “but I agree, it’s a risky thing for him to do. He thinks it’s worth it, though. Was going on about how there are no heroes anymore and politicians need to act, not just talk.”

Mae resumed eating and kept her expression neutral because Justin was probably scrutinizing her reaction to those words. There was something particularly inspiring about them, and from what she’d learned about Lucian, he probably meant them. She’d grown to like him in their brief acquaintance, enough that she enjoyed spending time with him but not enough to want to pursue anything particularly intimate. No matter how sincere and passionate he was at times, it was hard to shake that “politician-y” air around him. That wasn’t Mae’s style, but she certainly wasn’t going to let Justin know, both because it was good for him to be in the dark about some things and because he occasionally encouraged her to spend time with Lucian—only to then seem annoyed if she did. She was still trying to figure that out.

“What’s crazier still is that he wants us to come with him,” continued Justin. “He’s got all sorts of cultural experts—and praetorians—going along and thought we’d fit right in.”

”Judging from your tone, you refused the invite.”

He snorted. “Of course. We’ve already got plenty of religion to wade through for SCI without getting wrapped up in that autocratic one. Besides, I really have no desire to spend any appreciable time in that backward place. No red velvet flags or wide-brimmed hats for me.”

Mae stopped mid-bite. “Red velvet flags?”

“The Girls Salons. You know they traffic in women, right?” Mae did. After being ravaged by Mephistopheles, Arcadia had suffered severely from fertility problems, a situation made worse by polygamy. Men desperate for wives went to extreme measures, often stealing children and women from other provinces. “The salons are the places that raise orphan girls. When they’ve got some girls ‘for sale’ that have reached puberty, they hang a red velvet flag outside their door.” Justin shook his head in disgust. “Fucking barbarians. Makes Panama look like the height of civilization. Oh, plenty of shady stuff went on there with women too, but at least it wasn’t a sanctioned part of mainstream society.”

Mae, although no longer hungry, bit into another donut to hide her expression. Red velvet flag. The vision from last night came back to her, the cloak that had turned into a flag waving in the wind—and the young girl hidden underneath it. A sick feeling welled in Mae’s stomach. Was that what had become of her niece? She would only be eight by now, but did she have a future of being sold off as some Arcadian’s third wife? Emil, the Morrigan’s servant, had hinted about Arcadia, but Mae hadn’t truly focused on the reality of her niece being there. And Mae had certainly never thought she herself might have an opportunity to go there.

“Maybe we should join him,” she said at last.

Justin’s eyebrows rose, but she took no satisfaction in surprising him. “Looking for some extra time with Lucian?”

“No,” she scoffed. “But our whole purpose is to seek out divine activity in the world. Arcadia’s got a strong religious presence. When are we ever going to get a chance to get in? And be so well-guarded?”

“Ah, that’s it, isn’t it? You’re looking for a praetorian getaway, huh? Hoping to sneak some ree in for you and your buddies?”

She held back from rolling her eyes. “Why do you assume there has to be a selfish motive?” she asked. “I’m just saying, if it’s something we should eventually look into, maybe we should take this opportunity.”

Justin stood up and stifled a yawn. “You say that, but believe me, you wouldn’t like Arcadia. Independent, progressive women like you wouldn’t really fit in there.”

“I think I know something about girls being forced into conservative roles,” she reminded him.

“You know something about Gemman girls being forced into conservative roles. Maybe you had to wear a pink dress and study

‘ladies’ subjects,’ but no one could ever publicly—or privately—beat you with the government’s sanction. You can go to school. You can own property. You can vote. Believe me, Mae, we’re much better off not going there. Let Lucian make his daring stand. We’ll stick to our wild provinces.” He moved to the door and rested his hand on its knob. “I’m going to go check in with the illustrious Cornelia. You and your donuts going to stay here?”

Mae nodded wordlessly, too stunned to think of any other response. As Justin shut the door behind him, the image of that red velvet flashed through her mind, and she wondered if she may have just let the door shut on any chance of finding her niece.


No Living With Them

Justin left Mae to her donuts and mulled over their conversation as he headed down the hall to Cornelia’s office.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she wanted to go to Arcadia, he mused.

Worried she wants to spend time with Lucian? asked Horatio.

Justin considered this a moment, analyzing both Mae’s reaction and his own insecurities. No. I don’t think so. There’s something else.

Maybe she needs more danger and excitement, suggested Horatio. Justin was skeptical. We were attacked by a horde of beetles and witnessed a woman being possessed by supernatural forces. How could Mae possibly need more danger and excitement?

She’s a Valkyrie, countered Magnus. She’ll always need more danger and excitement.

Well, she’ll have to find it somewhere else, Justin told them.

Because we aren’t going to Arcadia.

“Justin.” Cornelia Kimora, head of SCI, opened the door to her office just as he was about to knock on it. “Excellent timing. Let’s talk about you going to Arcadia.”

Justin froze, momentarily disoriented at the lack of transition between internal and external conversations. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

Cornelia stepped to the side and gestured him in. “Senator Darling’s office has been in touch with us this morning about the trip. I initially declined, but they were very insistent. And once Director Kyle heard you were on board—”

“I’m not,” exclaimed Justin. “I told Lucian no!”

“Did you?” Cornelia arched an eyebrow. “I admit, I thought it odd that you were so supportive, but then one never can presume what you’ll—”

“I’m not supportive! I’m not going.”

She pursed her lips in thought, damnably calm, considering the outrageous nature of what they were discussing. “Well, there may be a problem, then, because arrangements have already been made for you and Praetorian Koskinen to accompany the delegation. There’s actually a briefing scheduled later today, and they’ll be announcing it all to the press this week.”