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National Registry—Database of all Gemman citizens, containing their basic and genetic information. Identity chips are synced to the Registry, and all citizens must have names of Greek or Latin origins.

Patriarchy, Patrician, Patricians—Those who clung to their ethnic heritage and were exempted from genetic mandates after the Decline because of financial contributions to the early government. Patricians identify with a particular culture (Irish, Egyptian, etc.) and select for features associated with that

culture. Many patricians still live off of that early wealth and have established aristocratic mini-societies on special regions

allocated to them, called land grants. “Caste” and “castal” are slang terms for patricians used by the rest of the country.

Plebeian, Plebeians—Term for most of the RUNA’s population, those created from its genetic mixing programs. Most plebeians have dark hair and eyes, with tanned skin.

Population Limits—Gemman women are only allowed to have

two children before being sterilized unless they can provide proof of financial and social stability to care for more. Those qualifying may have up to four children total, with no exceptions.

Praetorian, Praetorians—The RUNA’s “super soldiers.”

Praetorians have a small positive feedback implant in their arms that will increase whatever neurotransmitter is being actively produced in the body. For example, when adrenaline is naturally produced in a fight, the implant will increase the body’s production, enhancing the praetorian’s abilities. Praetorians are divided into color-coded cohorts and serve for eighteen years, from age 22-40.

Primary Schooling—Elementary school in the RUNA.

Provinces—The generic term used by Gemmans for any part of the world that isn’t the RUNA or EA. It isn’t an official designation in those regions, which range from semi-organized countries to completely unregulated regions.

Republic of United North America—Commonly called the RUNA. A country formed from Canada and parts of the former United States during the Decline. It is the most stable and technologically advanced country in the world. Its primary language is English, followed secondarily by Spanish. Its official colors are maroon and dark purple.

RUNA—Pronounced “roo-na.” See Republic of United North America.

Secondary Schooling—Collective term for middle school and high school in the RUNA.

Servitor—From the Latin “servitor veritatis” or “servant of the truth.” Government employees of Internal Security who license and investigate religious groups. Although much of the job is paperwork and interviews, some situations become volatile, and servitors have quick access to law enforcement and military resources. Their sub-department is the Division of Sect and Cult Investigation.

Stream—See Media Stream.

Tertiary Schooling—A required two-year degree that all Gemman citizens must complete, starting when they’re eighteen. Unlike primary and secondary education, which is fairly standardized, tertiary education is more specialized to the person’s interests, in the hopes of encouraging continuation with a four-year college degree. Those starting college by a certain age have their education paid for by the government.


Richelle Mead is the author of the international number one bestselling Vampire Academy series. Her love of fantasy and science fiction began at an early age when her father read her Greek mythology and her brothers made her watch Flash Gordon. She went on to study folklore and religion in college, and when not writing, Richelle spends her time drinking lots of coffee, watching reality TV, and shopping for dresses. She works in her pajamas and has a passion for wacky humor— especially if the 1980s are involved. Originally from Michigan, Richelle now lives with her family in Seattle, Washington.

Visit www.RichelleMead.com to find out more.