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“Have you ever lost a game before?” he asked.

“I . . . yes, of course . . . I just didn’t think . . .”

“That I could beat you?”

“No, I just . . . it doesn’t happen very often.” I looked up at him and shook my head. “Congratulations.”

He leaned back in his chair and laughed. “I think beating you just improved your opinion of me more than anything else I’ve ever done.”

“I’ve always had a high opinion of you.” I stretched out, surprised to feel kinks in my body. It was strange how these dreams could have such a realistic physical component. “How long have we have been here?”

“I don’t know. It’s not morning yet.” He appeared unconcerned. “What do you want to play next?”

“We shouldn’t play anything,” I said. I stood up. “It’s been hours. I’m asleep, but you aren’t. You can’t stay up all night.”

“I’m a vampire, Sage. A creature of the night, remember?”

“One who’s on a human schedule,” I chastised.

He still didn’t seem worried. “Only one class tomorrow. I’ll make it up.”

“What about the spirit?” I began to pace restlessly as more of the implications hit me. “You have to be using a lot of it. That’s not good for you.”

“I’ll take my chances.” There was an unspoken for you at the end of his sentence.

I returned to the table and stood in front of his chair. “You have to be careful. Between this and the Veronica hunt. . . .” I suddenly felt bad. I hadn’t thought twice about asking him to help with that. I’d forgotten the risks. “Once we’ve stopped her, you need to lay off the spirit.”

“Don’t worry.” He grinned. “Once we’ve gotten rid of that bitch, I’ll be celebrating so much that I won’t be sober for days.”

“Ugh. Not the healthiest way to do it. Have you ever thought about antidepressants?” I knew they helped some spirit users by blocking the magic.

His smile vanished. “I won’t touch those things. Lissa took them and hated them. Being cut off from spirit nearly drove her crazy.”

I crossed my arms and leaned against the table. “Yeah, but using it will drive you crazy too.”

“No lectures tonight, Sage. It mars my stunning Monopoly victory.”

He was far too casual for such a serious matter, but I knew him well enough to recognize when he wouldn’t yield. “Fine. Then let’s end on a high note. Send me back, and get some sleep.”

“You sure you’ll be okay?” His concern was so intense. I didn’t think anyone had ever worried about me that much. Well, maybe Ms. Terwilliger.

“Probably she gave up for the night.” I really didn’t know, but I couldn’t let him keep exerting himself. The thought of Veronica reaching out again terrified me . . . but the thought of Adrian endangering himself almost scared me more. He’d risked so much for me. Could I do any less? “You can check on me tomorrow night, though.”

Adrian’s face lit up as though I’d just accepted a date. “It’s a deal, then.”

And like that, the reception hall dissolved around me. I returned to peaceful sleep and just barely heard him say, “Sweet dreams, Sage.”


ALTHOUGH OUR MAGICAL PLANS had been derailed, Ms. Terwilliger had asked me to come by her room before classes started in the morning so that we could talk strategy and future assignments. I had just enough time to swing by the cafeteria for breakfast and found Jill, Eddie, and Angeline sitting together. It felt like it had been a long time since we’d all been together in some kind of normal setting, and I welcomed this small moment of bonding. It was a refuge in the storm that had been my life recently.

Jill was grinning about something that Eddie didn’t seem to find so funny. “He didn’t say anything about it to me,” he said.

“Of course not.” Jill laughed. “He’s too embarrassed.”

I sat down with my tray. “Who’s too embarrassed?” I assumed any “he” they were talking about must be Adrian, though it was hard to imagine Adrian embarrassed about anything.

“Micah,” said Jill. “I talked him into modeling for our sewing club again. And then he got Juan and Travis to do it too. ”

“How’d you manage that?” I asked. Jill had originally gotten involved with Lia through the school’s sewing club. Back when Jill and Micah had dated, she’d convinced him to model some very badly made clothes. He’d done it out of adoration, though I wasn’t sure he’d really enjoyed it.

Jill leaned forward, an excited sparkle in her eyes. “Claire guilted him into it! It was hilarious. But I don’t know how he talked Juan and Travis into it. Maybe they owed him a favor.”

“Maybe they have ulterior motives,” said Eddie. His tone surprised me until I remembered his lesson about the latest social developments around here. What was it? Claire was Micah’s new girlfriend. Juan and Travis were his friends, who liked Jill. Eddie didn’t like that they liked her. Got it. Apparently, Eddie hadn’t kept his opinions to himself because Jill rolled her eyes.

“Will you stop worrying about that?” she asked. She was still smiling but sounded just a little annoyed. “They’re good guys. And I’m not going to do anything stupid. You don’t have to lecture me about humans and Moroi. I get it.”

Her jade eyes flicked over to me, and her smile faltered a little. She studied me for several long, troubled moments, and I wondered what she was thinking about. Was she still hoping for some romantic resolution between Adrian and me? Was she wondering why Adrian and I kept getting into intimate situations? I kind of wanted to know that too. She finally dragged her gaze away, letting her happy mood return.

“I’m just looking out for you,” Eddie said obstinately.

“You look out for assassins. I can handle these guys. I’m not a child, and besides, these are the most male models we’ve ever had. It’s great. If we could score a couple more, our club could do a whole project on men’s clothing.”

Eddie still looked way too serious for this discussion. “Maybe Eddie would volunteer,” I suggested. “I bet guardian posture would be great on the catwalk.”

He blushed, which even I had to admit was adorable. If Jill had been irritated by his earlier overprotectiveness, it was no longer obvious. From her dreamy expression, you’d think Eddie blushing was the most amazing thing she’d ever witnessed. I think he was too overwhelmed at the thought of strutting down a runway to notice.

Angeline had been completely silent so far. I glanced over at her, expecting her to have something funny to say about her boyfriend being encouraged to model. But to my surprise, she wasn’t paying attention to the conversation at all. She had a geometry book open and was furiously trying to draw some circles freehand. It killed me to watch, but after Kristin’s comment about Angeline stabbing someone with a compass, freehand might be best.

“What do you think, Angeline?” I asked, just to see how engrossed she was. “Do you think Eddie would make a good model?”

“Hmm?” She didn’t look up. “Oh, yeah. You should let Jill try some clothes on you.”

Now Jill blushed. Eddie’s deepened.

Just when I thought this meal couldn’t get any more surreal, Trey stopped by. He nudged Angeline’s chair with his toe. “Hey, McCormick.” He nodded toward her graph paper. “Time to check out your curves.”

Rather than answering with some biting response, she looked up instantly, a big smile on her face. “I’ve been working on them all morning,” she said. “I think they’re pretty good.”