He’d been looking for a way to start a war, and the contents of the Indigo Report gave him just what he needed. Taught him how to contaminate the vaccine with a virus.
“You helped Neevlor get to Newla,” I said again.
The secrets were falling into place. Phoenix couldn’t hide the truth forever.
Gwendolyn, however, shook her head. “I didn’t help Dr. Neevlor at all.” She took a deep breath. “I told her to go to hell.”
Chapter 31
Hackner inhaled a final puff from his cigar before he patted Margaret’s arm—time for her to go. They’d been lying in his red satin sheets for nearly five whole minutes. It was about all he could stand of the woman once the deed was done.
Her red hair matched the sheets and was sprawled about her head like a wicker basket. “Already?” she asked.
“Yes, yes.” He patted her bum to push her out of the bed. “You really are wonderful, darling—and take that as a compliment, because there are two girls I see regularly who I don’t say that to. But, you see, there’s a nation I must run. A great one—the greatest in the entire world. She is my lady, and I her lad.”
Margaret kissed his cheek and slid back into her black velvet dress. “God, I love that you’re so patriotic, baby. I shouldn’t be so selfish. You’re too good a man for me to keep you all to myself.”
He waved off her compliment; the patriotic bullshit always got to them. “Don’t be silly, Marjorie—Margaret, definitely Margaret,” he said. She was too infatuated to notice the slip. “You really are quite wonderful.” He slid to the bed’s edge and buttoned his pants. “Same time next Tuesday?” She nodded. “And, please, try to be gentle with the door this time on your way out—no need to slam it, darling. It’s old wood.”
Hackner tightened his tie before pushing open the mahogany doors between his room and the chancellor’s chambers. How long he had dreamt of the chambers being his before he’d actually earned their keys. And they belonged to him now—the keys and the chambers. His rightful jurisdiction as the Federation’s chancellor.
“Hackner!” Miranda’s shrill voice called from the ConSynth. He laughed bitterly. The chambers would never be his. They had and always would belong to her.
“Hackner!” she called again.
“Yes, Miranda?” He pushed the door shut behind him. The others didn’t know—couldn’t know—of her existence. It was better for everyone that way. Sometimes, he wished even he didn’t know. Wished he still thought the government belonged to the people of the state rather than to her.
“For once,” she said, “I’m pleased.” Her sinewy figure appeared behind him before flashing onto the chaise lounge.
“And why’s that?”
She pointed to a stack of white papers on his—her desk. “Ah,” he said. “I see we’ve begun recycling. Really, I’m surprised this office didn’t start sooner—”
“Results, Hackner,” she said through gritted teeth. “We’ve finally got results. They found the Indigo Report, you idiot.”
Hackner hated when she called him an idiot. He was the free world’s elected leader for God’s sake, and it’s not like they could’ve elected an idiot. He lowered himself into his chair and pressed his feet against the back of his desk—against the place where the prisoner named Charlie had hidden. Miranda had been raving about the Indigo Report ever since he’d arrived in office. Bitching about how badly they needed to find it, and how they had to keep it hidden from the public, though she never told him quite what it was.
He scanned the documents on his desk. God, there were a lot of words in these reports. He couldn’t be bothered with so many words. He was more a man of action. “Less reading, more rutting,” his father always said, and he couldn’t have agreed more.
Hackner saw the smugness line Miranda’s face like a red gloss. She always thought she was in control—that she knew everything. That she had all the power. At the end of the day, however, she was still tied to a small green orb. He grinned. “Since you’re so informed,” he said, “I’m sure you’re aware of the fire, the explosions at the South Atlantic car show, and the lockdown at the Newla-Maui border station?” He cracked his neck to the right. “Or did you miss those while you were busy panting over the Indigo Report?”
The lift in her brow told him that she had not been aware, though he knew she’d never directly admit it. Couldn’t confess that even a second had passed where she hadn’t been in total control—where things hadn’t gone perfectly according to plan.
He drummed his fingers along the ConSynth’s curved glass. “The Lost Boys are moving, Miranda.” He paused to let that sink in. “So where’s your boy? Where’s Mr. Kai Bradbury? Something tells me he’s already forgotten about the girl. I suppose the glamour of crime got to him.”
The chaise lounge sat empty. He heard her breathing behind his throat. Despite the chill that ran down the length of his back, he savored the sweet satisfaction of finally having the upper hand.
“I commissioned the construction of a second ConSynth,” she said quickly. “It’ll be done by the end of the week. Just a precaution.”
“Same color?” he asked. “I do find the green’s become tiresome.”
She ran her hand over his shoulder. He reminded himself that she couldn’t touch him—she was just a hologram, a consciousness suspended by the power of technology, and nothing more. “This one,” she said, “is going to be red, darling. I know you like red. And we wouldn’t want my dear Hackner to become bored with me, now would we?”
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “We certainly wouldn’t want that.”
She lay across his desk, hanging her bare leg just over his lap. She rubbed her hand along the length of her neck as her lips cracked into a smile. “I’d hate for you to get sick of me, like you have poor old Margaret.”
He tightened his jaw. “You were in my room. Again.” He wondered how many times Miranda would follow him without him knowing it.
“I’m always with you,” she said with a smile. “In the office, the boardroom, the bedroom: everywhere. There is nowhere you can hide from me. Not that you’d want to, of course.”
Hackner thought of the prick he felt every so often along his spine. A sure sign she was near—that she was watching.
Miranda kicked her heels on the desk. Hackner didn’t mind—her feet weren’t really there. “The prisoner in fourteen’s acting up again.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You don’t think he’ll come for her either?”
Hackner shook his head. “Doubt it. Let’s give her to R&D.”
“Since that’s worked so well in the past.”
Hackner shrugged. He couldn’t have cared less what they did to things in R&D. From all his encounters with them, he’d come to the conclusion they were about as scientific as eighth-graders pulling frogs apart for the science fair. No real genius, expertise, or talent. It was probably best that way. Made it easier to maintain what Miranda called a “healthy” level of progress. Which was no progress at all, in reality.
“What would you have me do with her?” he asked. “Give her two more weeks with Zane? She’s hardly even looked at the rope.”
Miranda waved away his suggestion. “I’m afraid she’s too far gone for that. I’ve seen her through cameras. At this point, her brains are like scrambled eggs. She can’t even feed herself—Sage does it all.”
The blind girl. How Hackner hated her. She’d already betrayed them once by helping Charlie try to escape. And Miranda had let her off easy. She didn’t want her precious pet refusing to mix his antidote. She’d only made Minister Zane give the girl ten lashes. Ten! It was ridiculous. The girl wasn’t even unconscious afterward!