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“You see, whether this is an intense hallucination, or whether it is some kind of projection which makes it seem very similar, it must have something to do with that a rug. I’m sure it must nothing remotely like this has ever happened to me before. So, I thought that if I could repeat the condition or, would you say, believe myself to be repeating the condition? there may be just a chance… I don’t know. It may be simply silly… but even if nothing comes of it, it can’t make things worse in any way now, can it? So, will you let me try it… The three of them considered for some moments.

“I can see no reason why not…” said one.

The spokeswoman nodded.

“I shouldn’t think there’ll be any difficulty with authorization in the circumstances,” she agreed. “If you want to try, it’s fair to let you, but I’d not count on it too much…”

In the afternoon half a dozen small servitors arrived, bustling round, making me and the room ready, with anxious industry. Presently there came on more, scarcely tall enough to see over the trolley of bottles, trays and phials which she pushed to my bedside.

The three doctors entered together. One of the little servitors began rolling up my sleeve. The doctor who had done most of the talking looked at me, kindly, but seriously.

“This is a sheer gamble, you know that?” she said.

“I know. But it’s my only chance. I’m willing to take it.”

She nodded, picked up the syringe, and charged it while the little servitor swabbed my monstrous arm. She approached the bedside, and hesitated.

“Go on,” I told her. “What is there for me here, anyway?”

She nodded, and pressed in the needle…

Now, I have written the foregoing for a purpose. I shall deposit it with my bank, where it will remain unread unless it should be needed.

I have spoken of it to no one. The report on the effect of chuinjuatinthe one that I made to Dr. Hellyer where I described my sensation as simply one of floating in space was false. The foregoing was my true experience.

I concealed it because after I came round, when I found that I was back in my own body in my normal world, the experience haunted me as vividly as if it had been actuality. The details were too sharp, too vivid, for me to get them out of my mind. It overhung me all the time, like a threat. It would not leave me alone…

I did not dare to tell Dr Hellyer how it worried me, he would have put me under treatment. If my other friends did not take it seriously enough to recommend treatment, too, then they would have laughed over it, and amused themselves at my expense interpreting the symbolism. So I kept it to myself.

As I went over parts of it again and again in detail, I grew angry with myself for not asking the old lady for more facts, things like dates, and details that could be be verified. If, for instance, the thing should, by her account, have started two or three years ago, then the whole sense of threat would fall to pieces: it would all be discredited. But it had not occurred to me to ask that crucial question… And then, as I went on thinking about it, I remembered that there was one, just one, piece of information that I could check, and I made enquiries. I wish now that I had not, but I felt forced to So I have discovered that: There is a Dr Perrigan, he is a biologist, he does work with rabbits and rats He is quite well known in his field. He has published papers on pest-control in a number of journals. It is no secret that he is evolving new strains of myxomatosis intended to attack rats; indeed, he has already developed a group of them and calls them mucosimorbus, though he has not yet succeeded in making them either stable or selective enough for general use.

But I had never heard of this man or his work until his name was mentioned by the old lady in my “hallucination”…

I have given a great deal of thought to this whole matter. What sort of experience is it that I have recorded above? If it should be a kind of prevision of an inevitable, predestined future, then nothing anyone could do would change it. But that does not seem to me to make sense: it is what has happened, and is happening now, that determines the future. Therefore, there must be a great number of possible futures, each a possible consequence of what is being done now. It seems to me that under chuinjuatin I saw one of those futures It was, I think, a warning of what may happen unless it is prevented.

The whole idea is so repulsive, so misconceived, it amounts to such a monstrous aberration of the normal course, that failure to heed the warning would be neglect of duty to one’s kind.

I shall, therefore, on my own responsibility and without taking any other person into my confidence, do my best to ensure that such a state as I have described cannot come about.

Should it happen that any other person is unjustly accused of doing, or of assisting me to do, what I intend to do, this document must stand in his defence. That is why I have written it.

It is my own unaided decision that Dr Perrigan must not be permitted to continue his work.


The solicitor stared at the signature for some moments; then he nodded.

“And so,” he said, “she then took her car and drove over to Perrigan’s with this tragic result.

“From the little I do know of her, I’d say that she probably did her best to persuade him to give up his work, though she can scarcely have expected any success with that. It is difficult to imagine a man who would be willing to give up the work of years on account of what must sound to him like a sort of gipsy’s warning. So, clearly, she went there prepared to fall back on direct action, if necessary. It looks as if the police are quite right when they suppose her to have shot him deliberately; but not so right when they suppose that she burnt the place down to hide evidence of the crime. The statement makes it pretty obvious that her main intention in doing that was to wipe out Perrigan’s work.”

He shook his head. “Poor girl! There’s a clear conviction of duty in her last page or two: the sort of simplified clarity that drives martyrs on, regardless of consequences. She has never denied that she did it. What she wouldn’t tell the police is why she did it.”

He paused again, before he added: “Anyway, thank goodness for this document. It ought at least to save her life. I should be very surprised indeed if a plea of insanity could fail, backed up by this.” He tapped the pile of manuscript with his finger. “It’s a lucky thing she put off her intention of taking it to her bank.”

Dr Hellyer’s face was lined and worried.

“I blame myself most bitterly for the whole thing,” he said. “I ought never to have let her try the damned drug in the first place, but I thought she was over the shock of her husband’s death. She was trying to keep her time fully occupied, and she was anxious to volunteer. You’ve met her enough to know how purposeful she can be. She saw it as a chance to contribute something to medical knowledge, which it was, of course. But I ought to have been more careful, and I ought to have seen afterwards that there was something wrong. The real responsibility for this thing runs right back to me.”

“H’m,” said the solicitor. “Putting that forward as a main line of defence isn’t going to do you a lot of good professionally, you know, Hellyer.”

“Possibly not. I can look after that when we come to it. The point is that I hold a responsibility for her as a member of my staff, if for no other reason It can’t be denied that if I had refused her offer to take part in the experiment, this would not have happened. Therefore it seems to me that we ought to be able to argue a state of temporary insanity; that the balance of her mind was disturbed by the effects of the drug which I administered. And if we can get that as a verdict it will result in detention at a mental hospital for observation and treatment, perhaps quite a short spell of treatment.”