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She leaned down and gave a swift series of butterfly kisses upon his blue-veined length and by now the perspiration was pouring down his forehead as he frantically tried to free himself from his captors.

However, he was no match for four strapping girls and soon he was almost weeping with frustration. '“I think he's hungry enough for you now, Carrie,” smiled Suzanne and our prisoner spluttered: “Hungry enough? I'm bloody starving!” '“Come on Carrie, it is his birthday,” shouted Andrew and the gorgeous girl nodded as she climbed over George, rolling all over him and rubbing her superb titties in his face before taking hold of his enormous erection in her hand. Then she lifted herself up and sticking her bum up in the air she sat down hard on his stiffstander which slid all the way into her slit as her buttocks bounced against his thighs. She purred contentedly as she screwed herself from side to side on his bursting cock and then she began to ride her mount like a jockey on a thoroughbred. I could see his rigid rod flash in and out of her juicy cunney and then George arched his back and jetted a copious gush of spunk as she enjoyed her own climax, uninhibitedly screaming out her delight. 'She nimbly swung her legs round and jumped off her exhausted lover and Pippa piped up: “Who's next to give George a birthday present?” Andrew heaved himself up from his chair and looking at Lord George's limp prick he suggested that some girl might like to bring back this exhausted tool to life. Well, Rupert, my blood was up from watching Carrie in action and so I must admit to you that I volunteered for the job. Carrie took my place, although we hardly needed to keep hold of our victim who appeared a little hors de combat after his vigorous fuck, even though Carrie had done much of the work. 'I began by running my tongue along his hairy ballsack and then slowly I licked the soft length which was still wet from Carrie's spendings. This soon had the desired effect and his prick gradually swelled up until I found it difficult to accommodate its throbbing thickness between my lips. So I went back to his scrotum and kissed his sweet nuts whilst I gently rubbed his strong, sinewy shaft with my hand. I took my time and his cock and balls received a prolonged salivating which made him groan in ecstasy. When I had sucked up his sabre-curved cock to its fullest erection, I reached behind him and inserted a moistened fingertip into his bottom hole. With my other hand I cupped his tightening ballsack and set up a rhythmic motion, bobbing my head up and down in time with my finger. As I now know, there is not a man in the whole wide world who can resist a good gobble and I only had to squeeze his balls two or three times before he rolled his hips and sent thick wads of creamy, hot spunk down my throat. To the applause of the other guests, I eagerly swallowed his spend which tasted slightly sweeter than Andrew's sperm.' 'Did you then let him fuck your dear little cunt?' I asked breathlessly, reaching down to stroke her damp pussey. 'Certainly not,' she retorted sharply, 'don't forget it was only an hour or two earlier that evening I had first had any prick penetrate my pussey. If I was to be fucked again, it would only be by Andrew Stuck, the man who had so carefully and considerately taken my unwanted virginity.' I apologised profusely for my hasty remark which Gillian gracefully accepted in the nicest way possible-by opening her legs and letting me rub her dampening slit whilst she took hold of my burgeoning boner and the next thing I knew I was looking down at her and my sturdy prick was being guided between Gillian's welcoming pussey lips. She whimpered and closed her legs around my waist to hold me tight as she began that rapid rippling contraction of her cunney muscles which so excited me.

This was to be no slow, lingering fuck for we were both urgent in our needs and as I thrust into her again and again she rose to meet me with equal vigour. Great gasps swept through our bodies and she cried out: 'Rupert, Rupert, I'm spending, you big cocked boy! I'm spending, shoot your spunk inside me!'. It was an easy command to obey for already I could feel the first spurt of milky cream forcing its way along my pulsing prick. This was shortly followed by another as I discharged a powerful stream of sperm and Gillian's own juices flowed liberally in response. She seized tight hold of me and we fucked away quite uncontrollably, writhing and twisting on the bed until we were both totally drained. As we lay there entwined in each other's arms, panting and sucking in great gulps of air, we were so overcome that neither of us could speak for a while as we shared our post-fuck fatigue. Gillian was the first to recover her senses and she said: 'What a simply marvellous bout of love-making. I came at least three times, Rupert, you have such a clever cock.' Thank you very much,' I said modestly, though like all men I was delighted to be complimented upon my performance. 'But any credit must be equally shared with your divine cunney and I suppose the wonderfully lewd account of your rite of passage also helped stir my imagination.'

She smiled and continued: 'Oh, I am pleased you enjoyed it. Don't think too badly of me because I sucked Lord George Lucas's cock after Sir Andrew Stuck had fucked me.' 'Good grief, of course not, Gillian, why, so long as you had no objection I must confess here and now that if a lovely girl came into the room and asked me to fuck her, I would have no compunction about obliging her.' 'Really, Rupert?

You are not just saying that to make me feel less guilty after telling you how free I was with my favours that night?' 'No, honestly, darling, I'm doing nothing of the kind,' I assured her in all truthfulness, though I wondered why she wanted to lead the conversation in this very personal direction. 'Why on earth shouldn't a girl let herself go once in a while just in the same way a man can without being labelled as anything but a chip off the old block.'

'Why indeed, Rupert, but there is such an overwhelming prejudice against women enjoying themselves in bed that even though I surmised you were not so blockheadedly chauvinistic about this matter, I wanted to make sure before imparting any information about a party being held at the aptly named Oxford Playhouse on Saturday night. I've been invited and told I may bring a friend but I didn't want to mention any thing to you until I was sure that you wouldn't be stuffy about it.'

'Who's throwing the party? Is it town or gown?' I asked, more than a mite puzzled by this little speech. She smiled and replied: 'Neither really, my love, it's for the cast of A Nice Little Stroll Does You Good which has been running at the theatre for the last two weeks before it transfers to Birmingham and then on to the Holborn Empire In London. The show is one of Mrs. Susan Moser's lush musical comedies and the impressario, Mr. Louis Segal, is so pleased with the reviews it's attracted in the provincial papers so far that he is putting on this party for the cast and some friends. You might know that he often tries out his productions in out of town theatres before spending a lot of money putting on a show in the West End.

'But you see, I've been invited because one of Sir Andrew Stuck's hobbies is to invest in theatrical productions, and he is one of the major backers of A Nice Little Stroll Does You Good, and all four of the girls who were at Lord George Lucas's birthday party are in the chorus and naturally they will also be at the party. But if their presence or Andrew being there would bother you, then I'm quite happy to go on my own.' 'For heaven's sake, that won't be necessary, you silly goose. We are both free agents and can live our lives as we alone wish to live them.' She puckered up her lips and planted a kiss on my cheek. As she snuggled up to me I felt her relax, but moments later we were disturbed by a soft knocking on the door.