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So I just sat down and savoured the first delicious mouthful as Nancy's hand moved speedily along my thigh and reached into my lap.

There it thankfully rested for a moment as Humphrey Price, the broad-shouldered captain of our football team, called across from an adjoining table: 'Rupert, I hope you will be able to score goals on Saturday afternoon with the same facility as the way you carved that hunk of beef.' 'I'll do my best, Humphrey,' I responded as burrowing beneath my napkin, Nancy's hand felt for and grasped my cock. Now in normal circumstances, such behaviour would have caused Mr. Priapus to swell up in greeting but even when she undid my fly buttons, my prick stayed quiescent-but when she slid her hand inside my drawers and started to caress my naked shaft it now began to stir perceptibly with a swelling excitement, especially when she pulled hark my foreskin and washed the exposed smooth-skinned knob with long, lingering licks of her tongue as she coaxed my shaft up into life by sliding her hand up and down its expanding length. Nevertheless, I was determined not to allow this strange turn of events get out of hand, but the mundane task of passing the salt to Frank Folkestone almost shattered my mask of calm as Nancy's hand had now won the battle and my prick stood high, erect and throbbing. Her firm lingers now pulled it towards her soft lips which kissed my knob lightly before opening wide to admit my twitching tool inside the deliriously wet tavern of her mouth. I took my glass and swallowed down a draught of wine as, drawing a deep breath and making a supreme effort to relax, I impaled a piece of beef on my fork. At the same time, inch by inch, Nancy was fucking my cock with her mouth, bobbing her head backwards and forwards as I chewed on the equally tender food on my plate. For a short while I managed to continue eating without showing any outward signs of agitation but soon I became aware of the first rising spasm of sperm starting its journey up from my balls and along my distended staff. I tried to hold back but the insistent pressure from Nancy's lashing tongue was too much and with an involuntary jerk of my hips, I sent a stream of hot spunk crashing into her mouth. This sudden movement caused me to choke on a barely chewed wedge of cabbage as the wicked girl gobbled furiously on my spurting prick. Barry Jacobs shifted his chair to move closer to me and slapped me on the back. 'Are you all right, Rupert?' he asked anxiously. Has something gone down the wrong way?**Not exactly,' I spluttered, drawing in fresh gulps of air whilst Nancy hungrily continued to suck and swallow the last drains of spunk from my now thankfully deflating shaft. 'I'll be all right once everything has gone down,' I could have sworn that I heard Nancy giggle at this and I looked around sharply but fortunately no-one else had heard her. As we finished our main course I deliberately dropped a spoon on to the floor and bent down ostensibly to pick it up but in reality to catch a glimpse of the tousled mop of hair still nestling between my thighs. Nancy looked up at me and winked as she gave my flaccid cock a final lick before pulling her head away, which allowed me to hastily button up my gaping flies.

The plates were now cleared away and Frank said: There's apple and blackberry tart to follow, gentlemen, the perfect finish to an old-fashioned English dinner, don't you think?' As I nodded my agreement, however, I noticed with a smile that another diner at our table, a jolly, gregarious Scot from Stirlingshire named Michael Beattie who had this evening donned his traditional Scottish dress, was sitting bolt upright in his chair with a startled expression on his face. One didn't need to be the winner of a scholarship to guess that Nancy had lifted his kilt and in her own inimitable way was cementing the Act of Union! Wicked though it was, I just could not restrain myself from leaning forward and asking Michael (who was a great theatregoer and a leading light in the Oxford University Dramatic Society) whether he planned to see the show at the Playhouse this week. There are supposed to be some sparkling songs which could be considered for the Christmas revue. 'And you could always use some new jokes, couldn't you? I mean, we all know the good old stories from the music hall like the girl asking you what's worn under the kilt and your answer being, nothing's worn, Miss Jones, everything is in perfect working order,' I added mischievously. He seemed unable to reply but instead threw me a glassy smile and I surmised that Nancy had now taken his claymore out of its scabbard and was, so to speak, busy Tossing the Saber. It would have been cruel to carry on teasing poor Michael but so not to arouse suspicion, I steered the conversation along a tangent to the Dramatic Society's current presentation of The Taming Of The Shrew, of which Michael was the stage manager. 'But we mustn't neglect the OUDS offering at the New Theatre,' I said, turning to the other side of the table. Everyone who has seen the play has praised the production to the skies, not least the performance of Lily Brayton in the title role. I would imagine that our amateur players must have been in awe at treading the boards with such a distinguished Shakespearean actress. 'You went to see the play last night, Roger,' I said to the Honourable Roger Tagholm, the younger son of Viscount Bloomsbury and a polite young man who was sitting across from Michael Beattie, whose face was now screwed up in a contortion which suggested he was suffering from indigestion though I speculated that Nancy was about to draw a large dram of Highland Cream from Michael's Caledonian cock. Tell us frankly whether you enjoyed it. Michael and his friends would want your honest opinion on the matter.' 'I enjoyed it very much and that's a fact,' said Roger warmly, 'Lily Brayton plays her part as Katharine so well that I could believe she is a real shrew off the stage as well as on it, though I'm sure that is not really the case at all. She brought out the best in Fred Newman who I think hit on the right method of playing his difficult role. Petruchio is after all a gentleman who pretends to be a ruffian and Fred realised this, blustering through his lines as a noisy bully yet showing that he is only acting the part, yet not so clearly that Katharine will see through the pretence. I also thought the quieter scenes between Bianca and Vincentio were very well played by Gwendolen Bunbury and Arthur Cuthbertson, who made a very handsome couple indeed.' This generous critique was interrupted by a long drawn-out sigh of release from Michael Beattie whose balls had obviously been relieved of a copious discharge of uisge beatha via Nancy's unseen palating of his prick under the table. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the play,' he said, his voice croaking with emotion which the others may have believed was brought on by Roger's praise but which I guessed was caused by Nancy nipping his sticky knob with her teeth as she licked up the remains of his spend, 'and I'm especially glad that you thought Gwendolen and Arthur played their love scenes so convincingly, as they had a little problem last night and I had a hand in solving it.' But when we pressed him to say more he declined and we rose to take our coffee outside the dining-hall. Nevertheless, after Frank, Barry and myself had settled down with Michael in a quiet corner of the large, high-ceilinged common-room, we asked him again to enlarge upon his curious remark. At first he declined but men his face crinkled into a broad grin and he said: 'Look, if you will all promise me faithfully that none of you will spread this story to anyone else, I'll tell you what actually happened backstage last night between Gwen and Arthur because looking back, it was really rather funny-though I didn't find it all that amusing at the time!' 'Of course, we promise that we won't tell a soul,' we chorused and it is only now, some years after the events here described took place and after I have received the written permission to record the facts of the matter from both Arthur and Gwendolen (now Lady Royce-Mainwaring), that I am setting down Michael's secret story for a far wider audience than when it was first recounted to me. 'All right then,' said Michael, as we took up Barry's usual generous offer to buy a bottle of port for the table. 'I'll start at the beginning. Perhaps you won't be surprised to learn that since women have been allowed to join OUDS there has been a marked increase in the number of fellows willing not just to tread the boards but to take on such work as set construction, scene-shifting, prompting and all the many other jobs necessary to mount a successful production. After all, you might not be paid for your time but there's usually a good chance of meeting any number of pretty girls during the rehearsals, and afterwards, when we invariably go out for a drink, there's usually time to try and form a closer relationship. And working backstage, especially when you're putting on a historical play, there are often several quick changes of costume to be made, and I've never found it a bother to help scantily dressed girls to change into their clothes. 'Now it was clear to all of us involved in putting on The Taming Of The Shrew that Arthur and Gwendolen were clearly enjoying their love scenes on stage-so much so in fact that during the dress rehearsal, after a farewell kiss lasted more than a minute, the director, Sidney Smyth, had to shout out: “Hey, that's enough, you two, this is Shakespeare not a Victor Pudendum show at the Jim Jam Club!” This admonition worked only as far as the first night and since then their on-stage kisses have been becoming longer and longer and a few days ago Sidney Smyth threatened to throw a bucket of water over them if they embraced for longer than ten seconds! Well, last night he deputed me to ensure that Gwendolen and Arthur behaved themselves. Now there is a thirty-five minute break between when the pair leave the stage to when they have to make their next entrance so I thought I would keep a close eye on them during this interval. 'I made my way to Gwendolen's dressing room, which was at the far end of a small, badly lit corridor. There was a light shining through the door which was only slightly ajar and I could hear the soft murmur of voices as I approached. As I had guessed, Gwen was talking to Arthur, but I was shocked and faced with a difficult dilemma when I heard her whisper throatily: “Suck my titties, darling, you know how that excites me!” Should I or should I not make my presence known and break up their spooning? I peered in through the gap left by the half-shut door. Gwendolen looked simply stunning-if you've never met her, let me tell you that she is a most attractive girl, well-built with long curly strawberry-blonde hair and a curvey figure. She had taken off the dress she was wearing in Act One and was lying in Arthur's arms on a pile of clothes heaped on the floor wearing only a silk camisole which had ridden up to reveal her frilly white knickers. She had let the shoulder straps fall down and Arthur had cupped her large creamy white breasts in his hands. He had taken off his shirt and vest but had kept on his tights which bulged so much between his legs I thought that the material would soon give way! Gwendolen stroked this enormous bulge as she repeated her request for Arthur to suck her titties. She made herself comfortable on his lap, put her arm around his neck and pulled his face to her naked nipples. '“Oooh! Oooh! How lovely,” she moaned as he nibbled gently away, tweaking one erect red tittie between the fingers of his left hand as he twisted his tongue around the other, and Gwendolen moaned with delight, holding him in a vicelike grip as with his right hand he lifted her camisole even higher to rub his palm against her pussey. She arched her back upwards to allow him to pull down her knickers and I don't mind telling you that this sight made my own cock swell up so much that I was forced to unbutton my flies and let my stiff shaft spring out of my trousers. My hand flew to my rigid rod but somehow I managed to resist the temptation to toss myself off.