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Otherwise I will assume that you want me to wrap the goods up again and place them back on the shelf!” 'He did not reply but wordlessly he rose and took me in his arms. Then he planted his mouth on mine and we exchanged a lingering kiss before I felt myself being gently laid back on the floor. Simon pulled down a cushion from a chair to act as a pillow for me as I lay back and relaxed, thrilling to the movement of his lips sliding down my body. He kissed each raised time in turn as his hands prised open my unresisting thighs.

Then he buried his face between my legs and licked the dampness round my pussey lips as I lifted my bottom so that he could clasp my buttocks and pull them forward to him. My cunney opened out like a flower as he slipped his tongue through the pouting pink pussey lips and lapped with long, thrusting strokes between the inner grooves of my cunt, which by now was beginning to gush out love juice.

'Simon certainly deserved first class honours for his ability to bring a girl off with his mouth. To add to my pleasure he slipped two fingers into my slit which made me thrash around wildly until the electric sensations subsided. But what took me up to the highest realms of ecstatic pleasure was how he attacked my clitty, driving his tongue into the ring of my love channel and then as the tiny bean broke from its pod he gripped it in his strong fingers and tugged at it quite vigorously, which made me spend profusely as I writhed my hips dementedly. Then he lowered his mouth again and slurped noisily on my drenched pussey, his tongue driving fast round the juicy crack from which dribbled a flow of tangy love juice which he swallowed with evident relish. 'I would have liked nothing better to have repaid the compliment by sucking his prick but the first of the other guests would soon be arriving and I needed time to put my clothes back on.

Simon also understood why I would not let him fuck me with his sizeable prick which he had let free from the confines of his trousers. I am sure you will agree, Rupert, that it would have been far too forward to let oneself be fucked after so brief an introduction.' 'Oh absolutely so,' I said gravely, nodding my head in agreement. 'I never fuck with any girl I have known for less than thirty minutes.' Marianne's delicious dimples showed as she smiled broadly at my ironic comment and said: 'A very wise maxim to follow-and one should be most careful when recounting the pleasures of one's fucking, though I know I can trust you to keep the tale I have just told you under your hat. For as Moliere rather cynically wrote: le scandals du monde est ce qui fait l'offense, et ce n'est pas pecher que pecher en silence.' 'So poor Professor Webb must be feeling rather frustrated unless he has sought relief from the five-fingered widow,' I commented. 'Perhaps, though I think it more likely that he asked one of the girls in that group over by the window to toss him off.' That would be rather dangerous, wouldn't it?' 'Not really, for I am certain that he has probably fucked at least three of them. Amanda Wellsend, the tall blonde girl, told me only this evening that she rode a splendid St George on Simon's cock the other afternoon.' Marianne looked down and lightly touched the bulge in my lap with her hand. I think that you might be more frustrated than Professor Webb,' she murmured. 'Do erotic anecdotes make you feel randy too? I must say that after telling you that lewd story, I'm also feeling pretty horny myself.' My blood was on fire and I muttered: 'What a pity there are no private rooms to which we could repair.' 'But there are, my dear-wait here for just a moment and I'll arrange everything for us,' she replied, a lascivious smile forming across her lips as her hand dived down to give my swollen cock a friendly squeeze. Marianne then made her way through the chattering crowd to where Professor Webb was holding court with his amor at a Amanda Wellsend and her friends. I saw her whisper something in his ear after which he passed something small from his waistcoat pocket to her which she clutched in her fist. When she returned to me she opened her hand to reveal a key. 'For one of the bedrooms upstairs?' I hazarded. She gave a wolfish grin and said: 'Who's a clever boy, then?' and she took my hand and pulled me towards the staircase. I was hardly unwilling to accompany her but as we climbed the stairs I glanced back to see how Frank was fairing-and I was pleased to see that he had now joined Professor Webb's little group and was deep in discussion with a striking red-haired girl who was laughing at some witty remark Frank had just made if the rather smug expression on his face was a true guide to what was happening down there. When we reached the landing Marianne pulled me across into the passage leading to the bedrooms and unlocked the door to our left.

We went in and she closed the door behind us as I switched on the electric light. The room was richly furnished and I was delighted to see there was a large double bed for us-fucking on a narrow single mattress can be fine but I am sure you will agree, dear reader, that un lit matrimonial offers more room for both partners. Be that as it may, Marianne and I wasted no time in tearing off our clothes and in under a minute we were rolling around quite naked on the Professor's huge bed, our mouths glued together in a passionate kiss, our tongues lashing away inside the other's mouth, hugging and clutching each other in a frenzy of loving voluptuousness. Finally, I was forced to break away from our embrace to draw breath- and raising myself on my elbow I looked down upon the soft, quivering body of this exquisite girl. She had unpinned her hair and her gorgeous face was now set off by soft waves of chestnut hair which cascaded down over her shoulders.

Her firm, jutting breasts stood out proudly whilst her well-rounded shoulders tapered down into a surprisingly small waist. Yet her thighs were full and beautifully proportioned whilst between her long legs lay a furry fleece of brown hair which formed a delicious veil over her pouting pink cunney lips. Marianne whispered: 'Let's start with a soixante-neuf. Why don't you lick my cunt whilst I suck your cock?' I have always maintained that this is the most ingenious yet easiest erotic position after the simple man-on-top-woman-underneath-on-her-back 'missionary' position, so called because our more bigoted evangelicals have always taught that this is the only permissible way to engage in intercourse. I have always delighted in the magic of soixante-neuf and Marianne and I assumed the position which led to me repositioning myself so that my legs were up against the bedstead with my cock by Marianne's mouth whilst my own lips were just inches away from the succulent goal of her sweet pussey. I inhaled and savoured the piquant fragrance before burying my face between her legs in this aromatic nest of love. I kissed her creamy crack and my tongue began whipping back and forth, taking on a life of its own when I slipped the tip of my tongue between her cunney lips which opened in salute as it bored deep inside her juicy wet cunt. I felt for her clitty and ran my tongue up and down the sides, teasing it into a full erection as taking it now between my lips I tweaked its plump unsheathed base with the tip of my tongue, which sent tremors of lustful passion hurtling through her.