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I murmured, brushing away a stray lock of hair from her face.

'Well, naturally I wouldn't have let you spunk inside me without a johnny if I had not already taken precautions,' she said indignantly. 'And I would be very upset if the thought ever crossed your mind that I let any Tom, Dick or Harry fuck me.' 'It never crossed my mind and I assure you that I did not mean to imply any such dreadful imputation,' I said hastily. 'Furthermore I don't think you are wrong to love fucking – I also can't think of a nicer way to spend my time and after all, if the parsons are right to condemn intercourse except for the purpose of procreation, why did our Creator make love-making so pleasurable if he did not want us to enjoy it?' To my astonishment my rhetorical question was answered! 'I could not agree more with you. Apes have been observed to finish their sexual union in six seconds, the male using some seven or eight thrusts of the phallus to complete the act. Would the puritanically inclined wish us to behave in such fashion? Is this a benchmark to which we should aspire?' said a fruity male voice by the door. I sat up in shock at this interruption but Marianne appeared to be very little disturbed by the stranger's entrance. 'Don't fuss, Rupert,' she said soothingly.

'It's only our host who I am sure has come up here only to make sure that we are having a jolly time.' By Gad, she was absolutely right regarding the identity of the intruder for this uninvited visitor was indeed none other than our host, Professor Webb. He stood at the foot of the bed and flourished what must have been a spare key of the door before putting it back in his pocket. He beamed at us and said: 'You're not too tired to accommodate a fresh cock, are you, Marianne?' 'So long as it's rock-hard and ready to do its duty,' she answered. And before I could venture to give my opinion on the matter, our host was unbuckling his trousers and sitting down on the bed to bend down and take off his shoes and socks. 'I do owe Simon a good fuck, you remember. I had no time even to suck his cock before the party began after he had creamed my cunney so superbly with his mouth.' 'Be my guest. Professor,' I said rather sourly and moved across the bed as our uninvited guest climbed into bed with us.

Although the bed was large, we only just had enough room to allow him in with us. For he was naturally broad shouldered and over the years had developed a corpulent figure which tended to sag somewhat without the power of doming to pull him into shape. But there was nothing amiss with his massive love truncheon which stood out from a mass of grey-flecked ginger hair at the base of his belly. He climbed rather awkwardly on top of Marianne and I must say that I was concerned that her tight little crack might make it difficult to take in such a mighty weapon. But perhaps because she had just absorbed my own sizeable prick, even a shaft the girth of the Professor's presented no problems for her and I watched in awe as the gigantic crown of the Professor's cock slid between Marianne's pouting cunney lips. He took a deep breath and then let out a deep growl of satisfaction as inch by inch his thick tool disappeared inside her warm, juicy pit.

There, do you like my thick prick slipping into your juicy cunt, m'dear?' he asked roguishly.

“Yes, I love it. Push it all in, you randy cocksman!' she gasped, but teasingly he pulled back and she wailed with dismay as with a passionate jolt of his loins the randy pedagogue plunged it in again, which made her roll her hips and clasp her legs around his waist whilst his large hairy ballsack banged against her bum.

They fucked away in joyful unison, with Marianne clutching his ample buttocks to draw him even closer inside her and they heaved merrily away as he screwed his shaft in and around her luscious crack.

'Oh what a perfect pussey! How it sucks and clasps my cock!

A-h-r-e, I'm coming, I'm coming, I can't hold back!' he groaned and she panted: 'It's all right, don't worry-I'm almost there too.

Shoot your spunk, you thick-pricked fucker!' These lewd words sent them both passing the point of no return and the lewd pair gloried in the joys of an unforced simultaneous spend as they writhed around in ecstasy with Marianne's pussey awash with the Professor's jism as well as the love juices flowing freely from her own cunney.

Then, when they had completed the course, he moved off her, flopping over to lie down on her side that was furthest from me. Watching this erotic exhibition had so excited my flaccid cock that it had swollen back up again in a fine state of erect stiffness. I rolled over back to Marianne and began to kiss and cuddle her. The insatiable girl relished the idea of a further fuck and responded by embracing me whilst I played with her titties. I guided my hand between her legs and parting her cunney lips with my fingers, began to massage her wet pussey which made her purr with pleasure. Shortly her bottom began to jerk up and down to the rhythm of my frigging and she opened her legs wider to receive me as I clambered on top of her. We were both leaning on our sides as with a squelchy swishy sound my cock slid into her sopping love channel. Marianne rotated her hips, working her soft, wet flesh against my hot, hard shaft as I matched her rhythm, letting my length slide in and out of her clinging dampness until our surging cries of fulfillment echoed round the room as her cunt milked my prick which was thrusting faster and faster out of her sated body.

'Aaah! Aaah! One last push!' she screamed out and she bucked and twisted under me as her spend sent thrilling waves of electric delight crashing through every fibre of her being. She arched her hips and with a huge final shudder, sank happily into the bliss that follows the draining of love's reservoir. When we had all regained our strength, the three of us spent the rest of the night engaged in further fucking and sucking. I think my favourite position was fucking Marianne's cock-hungry cunney whilst she lustily sucked on the Professor's prick, though we tried several variations on this and similar themes until the first rays of daylight heralded the dawn.

After bidding the others farewell (for neither Marianne nor the Professor needed to rise at an early hour), I walked back to college with some difficulty, taking only small, bandy-legged steps as my over-indulgence had left me saddle-sore. God knows how long Marianne will need to recover from her all-night orgy, I thought as I hauled myself up the stairs to my room. There's just time for forty winks before breakfast, I decided whilst taking off my coat and dinner jacket, and without further ado I threw myself down upon my bed. But I was so completely worn out from the violent erotic excesses in which I had participated, that, this time being without the kind assistance of Nancy, I fell into a deep sleep from which I did not awake until shortly after eleven o'clock. Still, both my mind and body felt refreshed when I finally awoke, and after undertaking what my fellow undergraduates rather vulgarly know as a triple S, I was ready to face the day. Unfortunately, I had missed a seminar on the law of property, which meant that I had inadvertently broken the promise which those readers with good memories will recall I had made to my godfather about diligent attendance at lectures during my first year as a student. However, I did not feel too badly about this as the offence was not one committed deliberately and most fellows cut some work at some time or other without getting into any trouble. Mind, this did not hold good for one poor fellow who was summoned to the office of the famous Oxford don Dr Spooner, who when excited would often transpose the initial sounds of pairs of words, and was told by the angry don: 'You have hissed all my mystery lectures and are suspended from your studies. Leave college immediately by the next town drain.'