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The Intruder


Chapter 1

Jessie sighed as she closed the text at last. She took off her glasses and rubbed her tired eyes, then stood up, yawning and stretching in her chair. She was beginning to think maybe she'd been wrong to choose law as a major. Long years of long hours awaited and she wasn't sure she was up to it.

Instead of going to Europe with her family, for example, she was here alone in their huge summer home, alone for a few days anyway, until she began her summer law clerking job in the city. What she wouldn't give to be alone out here for the rest of the summer, just relaxing.

She plucked a tissue out of its box and wiped her thin, wire framed aviator style glasses, then put them back on her nose. What else could she, daughter of William Winston the Fourth do, anyway? Her family practically bred lawyers, had for centuries.

She would be the first woman though and surely that was something to be proud of. She pulled her sweatshirt up and off, then skimmed out of her pants, tossing them in the laundry hamper.

She hesitated, then slid her panties off, undid her bra and tossed both in with the sweat suit. The house was empty, after all. She padded naked down the hail to the bathroom, pausing by a large mirror and turning to examine herself.

She was a tall young woman, lithe, slender, athletic, as she should be as Captain of the school's track and field, volleyball and swim teams. She had short hair because of that, not wanting it in her way when she moved around quickly. It was straight, very light blonde and somewhat boyish, just over her ears on the sides and touching her collar in back. She did have long bangs though, which she brushed across to the right.

She held her right leg out straight and raised it off the floor, smiling. She had great legs, everyone said so, legs that went on forever, long and shapely and unblemished, perfectly formed and tapering evenly to her ankles.

Rest of you ain't bad either, she said to herself, her hands cupping her high, full, firm breasts. She turned sideways to admire her profile, then turned her behind to the mirror, slapping her ass with a smile. Her buttocks were nicely rounded yet not plump or oversized.

She padded down the hall to the bathroom and began brushing her teeth, her perfect, white teeth, she thought, turning glum. What good was a body like this when you had no damned time to make use of it in the way it was made.

Slut, she thought, giggling a little in amusement. She washed out her mouth and sighed as she saw her reflection. Her face was oval and soft, too soft for someone who wanted to be a cutthroat lawyer. She had a small snub nose and round green eyes, again, not the piercing, angry eyes to sway or intimidate opponents.

Well, she'd just have to be tougher than them, then, thinking her a powder puff because of her looks, they'd be taken completely by surprise.

She brushed her hair then went back down the hall to her room, feeling slightly kinky walking naked, empty house or no. She got into bed naked and fell quickly asleep.


She woke at dawn, as usual and got out of bed, feeling energized. She went to the dresser and got out a pair of shorts and tank top, not bothering with underwear since she'd just get it all sweaty. Who was out there to see her anyway?

She went downstairs and out the back door. The Winston's owned a large former ranch, over five thousand acres of green. Their sprawling home sat in the middle of it, with a big pool in back and a stable off to one side. There were a few horses in the stable for riding, something else she would miss when she left. She did some deep knee bends, then stretching exercises.

She was about to set out when something happened. Normally, she jerked off in the morning, but this morning she'd neglected that for some reason. As a result she was feeling sexually charged. Maybe that was why she suddenly had an idea, an idea that made her skin tingle with lust.

Why not jog nude? After all, the jogging trail was clear as it wove in and out of the woods. No branches or brushes needed to be pushed through. She could jog naked without getting any scratches or scrapes. Nobody would see her either. Their nearest neighbor was miles away.

Feeling terribly slutty she stripped off her shorts and tank top, then, naked, her breasts swelling with heat and her nipples hard as diamonds, she ran out across the wide green lawn towards the jogging trail that wound through the woods.

She jogged all through the woods, feeling wonderfully natural as she moved in the buff. She halted halfway through, supposedly to catch her breath, but really just to lay sprawled out in a grassy field naked. She felt like a naughty, slutty little girl.

She jogged back, then as she was nearing the pool in the back yard, danced around pulling her shoes off, then ran as hard as she could and dove forward, hitting the water like an arrow and sliding beneath in a smooth, deep arching dive.

She swam strongly from one side of the pool to the other, then took it easy, doing a slow backstroke. She climbed out, dripping water and walked into the house and up the stairs, taking her morning shower at last. She wanted to jerk off badly, very badly, but she fought it.

She didn't have time right then, since she wanted to go to town quickly, get some shopping done, then get back and hit the books again. She had ten chapters to get through today.

Feeling sexy, she put on a pair of tiny pink, silk bikini panties and a matching French bra. Then, as if to counterbalance that, she put on a red checked flannel shirt and loose white pants, then got into a pair of cowboy boots and went back downstairs.

"Well, hi there." She gasped in shock and spun around to find a large, strange man sprawled out on the couch, a glass of beer in his hand.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" she demanded.

"Name's Jones. What's your name, honey?" She glared at him and strode forward. "It's not honey, for one thing. Now get your feet off the coffee table and your ass out of this house before I call the police."

"You haven't even asked me why I'm here," he smiled.

"I don't care why you're here. You had no right coming into this house uninvited." She saw now that she'd left the patio door unlocked.

"Oh come on, honey. Don't be unfriendly like that."

"Fine," she said, glaring. She went over to the phone and lifted it up. There was no dial tone. She looked at it in surprise, then at him. He grinned and she suddenly felt a twinge of fear.

"Did you do something to this phone?" she asked, her voice not as firm as it was before.

"Maybe, maybe not. Come and sit down and we'll talk." Instead she backed away, realizing for the first time, just how big he was. Sprawled on the couch it didn't show as well from back by the stairs.

"I said, come here," he said and suddenly he had a gun in his hand. She froze, her eyes widening and her heart beginning to pound with fear.

"Get your ass over here and sit down," he ordered. She swallowed nervously, then did as he ordered, sitting across from him.

He had shaggy brown hair and was wearing a cheap looking shirt and tight jeans.

"You're cute, you know that, honey?" She didn't answer.

"What's your name?"

"Jessica," she said.

"Jessica. They call you Jessie?" She nodded.

"Jessie, I got a bit of a problem. See, I got no place to stay tonight and here I find you with this big ol' house and nobody else here. I was hoping you'd let me stay the night."

"Sure," she said, eyeing his gun.

"Why, I think you, Jessie. That's real friendly. Say, stand up for a minute, would you?" She stood hesitantly and his eyes moved up and down her body.

"Really nice. How tall are you, Jessie?"

"Five eleven," she whispered.


"Five eleven," she gulped.