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He doubled up the belt then slashed it down against her right tit. She howled in terrible agony as the heavy leather cut into her tender mammary. He raised it and whipped it down again, this time on her other tit. Again she screamed, the sound so loud and horrible the horses shuffled uneasily in their paddocks.

He slashed it down on her right tit again, then her left, then her right, then her left, swinging it as hard and fast as he could. The belt was a constant whirring blur as it cut into her sensitive tit meat, turning it quickly red. He finally halted, panting from exertion.

He pulled her head forward, feeling a wonderful power as he watched her tear streaked face sobbing in misery. He lifted the container and held the edge to her lips, tilting it so the cum was against her mouth.

"Drink, slut girl."

She pretended to drink, revolted by the stuff even touching her lips. He wasn't fooled, cursing and slapping her face. He set down the container again and stood up. He gripped her left ankle and pulled her leg high, then stepped on her left leg.

He held her legs wide as he slashed the belt down directly against her cunt. Jessie shrieked like a madwoman as the belt slammed down right on her cunt mound. She howled and screamed in agony as he whipped it down again and again and again.

Then he let her leg go and dropped to his knees. He lifted the container in one hand and gripped her hair in the other, forcing the sobbing girl onto her knees and then pulling her head back.

"Open your mouth, whore!" She opened her mouth.

"Wider. Wider!" She opened her mouth wide and he tilted the container of horse semen, letting a thick stream pour down into her open mouth. It filled her mouth completely and he halted.

"Swallow it, cunt meat or I'll tear the skin off your back!"

She sobbed and swallowed, coming very close to throwing up as the horrible tasting stuff poured down her throat. He tilted the container and poured more into her mouth, filling it again. Again she swallowed and again and again and again. He snickered and laughed, then moved the container around, pouring the horse semen down on her face and onto her taut, red breasts, down her smooth, soft belly and into her bare pussy mound.

He shoved her away and she fell onto her face. He poured more cum down on her head and shoulders and back and ass. Then, with almost half the container gone, he put it down and picked up the belt. He leaned over and gripped the tape still tightly fixed to her cunt and ripped it off. Water gurgled out of her cunt chute, for all the ice had long since melted in her warm belly.

His eyes were wild as he raised his hand high and slashed the belt down on her ass. She screamed in pain, the sound music to his ears. Water gushed out of her asshole as she lost control of herself. He whipped it down again and more water spat out of her ass.

He slashed it down again, this time on her back, then on her ass again, then her thigh, then onto her stomach as she rolled drunkenly, trying to evade his cruel, savage strokes. But he kept swinging the belt, raising angry red welts on her soft white skin as he slashed and slashed and slashed again.

Finally he tossed the belt away and dropped his pants. His cock was bulging red and rock hard as he dropped to his knees between her legs, ripping her thighs open. She was on her belly, sobbing in horror and misery. He fitted his cock against her cunt opening and thrust hard and deep, burying its entire length inside her fuck pipe.

Her cunt was soaking wet from the water, but had already warmed up. Now it sucked on his prick as he pounded it furiously down into her hole. His hands slapped her ass and then gripped her hips to jerk her back against him as he skewered the weeping, shivering blonde.

He fucked as hard as he could, not in ignorance, but wanting to hurt her, needing to hurt her. He felt the cum bubbling in his balls and tore his cock free, then slammed it down her asshole. She sobbed louder by did nothing else as he viciously drove his cock down her anal chute with violent strokes.

Then he came, yelling in pleasure and triumph as he poured his juice down the college girl's asshole and let her insides suck it down.

"Now do you understand, SLUT? You're a filthy, worthless little cunt! You're nothing but a fuck hole, three fuck holes and I'll use whichever one I want and whatever else you got that I want."

The trembling, shaking girl understood, only too well.


It didn't take him long to find the number in their little brown book. He called up the supply house and used their credit card to order up twenty gallons of horse sperm. He was surprised at how expensive it was, but then, it wasn't his money, was it. He told the man they were going to start a big breeding program and that seemed to satisfy him.

Jessie was upstairs having a bath. He snickered in glee at the thought of the bath she was gonna take when he got the rest of that semen. In the meantime…

He lifted the pipe the girl had called a piece of old junk. He knew very well what it was. It was a cattle prod and he'd ordered some fresh batteries for it from the farm supply house. He could hardly wait till the little cunt felt it up her snatch.

He thought about inviting some of his friends over, but he didn't want to share the pretty blonde with anyone just yet. Besides, his friends wouldn't be able to pay for her. The only ones who were gonna borrow his pet pussy were people with money.

After that last whipping he'd given her he figured she'd do damned near anything he told her to, no matter how disgusting. There wasn't going to be any college for this pussy. He was gonna put her out on the street and make some money off her tight cunt and pretty face.

First, he'd have to fuck up her head more, like those brainwashed guys in Vietnam or Korea. He'd have the little bitch willing to do anything on his say so, make it so she wouldn't even think about trying to leave or disobey, then he'd really be in the money. He'd heard where some of these cunts could pull in a quarter of a million a year.

Of course they all used it up on drugs, or their pimps did. He would get it all though and get himself a nice penthouse somewhere in New York. He heard a sound out front and ran to the window. A blue car was pulling in the drive.

He ran upstairs fast and burst into the girl's room, then into the bathroom. She looked up in surprise and fear. He grabbed her and jerked her out of the water, deluging the whole floor as he pulled her stumbling into her room.

He took the tape out of his pocket and taped her wrists behind her quickly, then pulled her ankles together and forced them back against her ass, winding the tape around them again and again, then back around her wrists, hog tying her. He heard the door bell and so did she, gasping in surprise.

He quickly pulled the tape up and jerked her head back hard, running the tape over her mouth and around her head several times, then back around her wrists. He didn't even bother to tear the tape off, leaving the roll attached as he ran to the stairs.

"Jessie?" a voice called. It was a female voice. He edged closer to the stairs as he looked over. There was a girl coming into the living room, looking around in surprise at the pile of electronic goods near the stairs.

"Where are you? Are you here, Jessie?" she called. She looked up the stairs and Jones ducked out of sight. She was an older woman, older than Jessie anyway, maybe by ten years. She had thick, shoulder length brown hair and wore a suit without a tie.

She came up the stairs and Jones ducked back into Jessie's room, standing up behind the door. The woman came straight there, like she knew the layout of the house. She stared in shock at the bound, hog tied form of the naked girl. "Jessie"! she cried, rushing forward. Jones grabbed her from behind, his arm going around her throat to stifle a scream. He gripped her right arm and forced it up behind her back, tightening his arm around her throat as he forced her down to her knees.