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"Show sis how good it tastes, slut," he leered.

She put her lips to the edge and started drinking as he held the heavy container in place. She drank and drank for almost a full minute. When he pulled the container away almost a quarter of it was gone and Jessie looked white in the face.

"See how good it is," he smirked. "Show your sister how good it makes you feel, whore.' Jerk off for us. Lean back and jerk off real nice."

Jessie slowly leaned back against the corner of the tub, still sitting on her heels. Her eyes were dull and almost vacant as she ran her hands up and down her sticky body, cupped and fondled her breasts, then started rubbing her slit.

Jones tilted the container and a long thick stream of horse sperm poured down over her head and face, then splashed off her tits. He let the stream fall right onto her cunt, ordering her to pry her cunt lips open and lay back. She lay back, her knees back and legs wide, holding her cunt open as he poured the stuff right into her hole.

She was utterly coated in the sticky sperm and Caitlin watched, nauseated as Jessie plunged four fingers into her cunt and squeezed her titties hard, her body writhing as she grunted and moaned and sighed in fake pleasure.

"Okay, whore. That's enough self loving. Now do your sis. I wasn't to see a good hard kiss and I want you to squeeze those round titties of hers until they come off."

Caitlin drew back into the opposite corner, trying to push Jessie away as the cum smeared girl, her hair plastered to, her scalp and cum dribbling down off it and off her face and shoulders, tried to embrace her.

Jones produced a second gallon container and poured it down on Caitlin's head. She screamed and tried to avoid it but her sister grabbed her and started kissing her, mashing her cum wet tits against Caitlin's. The two rolled to the bottom of the tub as Jones poured the contents all over them, deepening the level of the cum in the tub.

He grinned and snickered as Jessie fought to kiss and fondle her sister.

"All right, blondie. Get your ass out of the tub." Jessie gratefully pulled away and stepped out of the tub, dripping cum onto the floor.

"As for you, slut," Jones said to Caitlin. "You're gonna learn a lesson."

He turned his back on her and opened the cabinet, then fished out a pair of plastic gloves. Caitlin jumped out of the tub and he jerked aside, not wanting her to get horse sperm on him. She ran out the door with him in pursuit, down the hail, down the stairs and out the door.

She ran across the lawn towards the nearest building, the stable, hoping to hide, but he was too close and reached out, grabbing her long, trailing hair and jerking her to a halt. He whirled her around and slammed his knee up into her bare cunt, lifting her right off her feet with the force of the blow.

She gurgled in shock and agony, her legs going rubbery and dropping her downward. But he slammed his knee up into her crotch twice more as he held her by the hair and arm and then turned and threw her into the wooden fence, slamming his fist into her side.

She sagged to the ground and he gripped her under the arms, hauling her up again. The top rail of the wooden fence was at chest level and he forced her arms over it, pulling her hands under and back. She was bent over and helpless and he slammed his knee up into her pulpy cunt again and again, until she was unconscious.

Jessie had stayed in the bathroom, kneeling in the corner and trembling in fear. He came back and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her after him as he went back downstairs. He picked up a bag and shoved it into her chest, ordering her to follow him.

They went back to the corral, where Jessie spotted her sister lying in a heap. She squeaked in fear but saw almost at once that Caitlin was still alive.

Jones lifted the unconscious girl and pushed her back against the fence. He made Jessie hold her there as he brought her arms around and under the top rail, tying them in place with a rope he took from the bag. He tied her legs wide apart as well, so they weren't even on the ground and the helpless girl's weigh rested mostly on her armpits.

He stood back and looked at her in approval. With her arms around the rail her chest was pushed out nice an firm and her slit was parted wide for his inspection.

He took the bag from the subdued blonde and fished around in it, pulling out a little vial.

He held it under Caitlin's nose and the girl started mumbling and jerking and twitching, then she woke up with a gasp. He snickered and pulled it back.

"Wouldn't want you to sleep through this, whore."

"Go inside and get me a couple of those containers of horse sperm," he ordered Jessie. "They're right by the front door."

She trotted back to the house, not for a minute considering running. Meanwhile he pulled out a riding crop from the bag and held it out to the bedraggled, moaning brunette.

"I went and got some professional equipment," he smirked. "It's made for slut training."

He slammed it down on her right tit and she screamed in pain, jerking helplessly against the ropes. He laughed and swung it down again, this time on her left tit. Again she screamed and jerked and wept as an angry red welt appeared.

He swung the crop down against her stomach, then her right tit again, then swung it in a sideways motion against both tits at once. They jiggled and bounced and he laughed, swinging it again the same way.

Jessie ran up with the two containers held against her chest. He put down the crop and plucked a clamp from the bag, slipping it over Caitlin's nose. Then he took one of the containers from Jessie, ordering her to put the other down.

He opened one, then motioned Jessie over the fence.

"Grab her hair and pull her head way back," he ordered.

Jessie did as he ordered, trying to ignore Caitlin's moan of pain as she forced her head upside down.

Jones poured the entire contents of the sperm container down over Caitlin's face and shoulders and down the front of her body, his boner sticking out against his jeans as he watched.

He pulled a big wide funnel from the bag and slapped gripped Caitlin's right tit with his gloved hand, then twisted savagely. She screamed and in the middle of the scream he forced the tube between her teeth and into her mouth.

He picked up the second container and started pouring it into the funnel as Jessie held her sister's head back. The creamy fluid poured out the end of the funnel into Caitlin's mouth, then rapidly filled the oral cavity and backed up to the top of the funnel, overflowing it and pouring down on the brunette's cum smeared face.

Jones stopped pouring and smiled.

"You better swallow that cum, whore, otherwise you'll drown on it. You ain't gonna breath till you've taken it all."

He watched the level of cum in the funnel start to go down and saw the girl's throat bulging as she swallowed again and again. When the funnel and her mouth were empty, her chest heaved as she drew in air. He gave her a few seconds, then started pouring again.

Again the funnel filled, though this time it was obvious she was drinking quickly. The level slid downward steadily and she breathed again. Again and again he filled the funnel, watching the horse sperm go down the luscious brunette's throat and into her belly.

"Please no more," she moaned, "I can't take any more. Please. Please, I'm all full. Please," she groaned around the funnel. He ignored her pouring more, removing the clamp from her nose so she could breath but warning her it would be back if she didn't continue to drink steadily.

She kept drinking as he kept pouring. She choked after a half minute and sperm shot out her nose as she started coughing and choking and gagging. He examined the container. It was almost half empty. He grinned at her, then bent and untied her legs.

He pushed right leg up beside her head, tying it to the top rail, then pushed her left leg up, forcing her left foot up next to her head as well. With both tied there and her groin open and vulnerable, he picked up the crop and started whipping her cunt and asshole.