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Jessie whimpered and moaned, pleading with him not to shock her again. "No! No! No!" she begged, but he pushed down on the button and sent high voltage pain ripping into her nervous system. She howled and screamed, her body thrashing violently, half on the floor, half in mid-air.

Jones kept a tight hold on her ankle as she jerked and shook and strained against him. Finally she ripped free and scuttled across the floor. He followed, kicking her hard in the ass so she fell on her face.

"All right, whore, get back near the bed, on your knees." he ordered.

Whimpering in pain and terror, Jessie scurried back towards the bed and knelt, sitting back on her heels. Jones pointed the prod at Caitlin.

"Off your ass, whore," he snarled. "I got something for you and your slut sister." He hurled the chain and leather at her and it bounced off Caitlin's sore titties. Caitlin yelped, then edged off the bed and backed herself against a dresser.

"Put those on the blonde whore, girl and do it fast," Jones glared.

Caitlin stared at the jumble of chain and leather then eased away from the dresser and picked some of it up. There were a number of small leather bands, sort of like wrist bands. They had metal studs and small rings set in their sides. She picked one up and eyed Jessie hesitantly.

"On her wrists and ankles, you stupid piece of cunt meat," Jones snarled.

Caitlin swallowed fearfully, then reached down and gripped her sister's arm, lifting it. Jessie held it up obediently as Caitlin fitted a leather band around her wrist. She held up the other and Jessie raised her other hand so it too could be encircled by one of the leather bands.

In due course both her ankles were also circled by leather bands. After them came a leather collar, also studded and also with a ring, just like a dog collar, in fact. She fitted it around Jessie's small throat with a look of regret at the kneeling girl.

Jones flicked a wide metal ring at her and Caitlin grabbed it, looking at it in confusion.

"Fasten her wrists together behind her back you stupid, shit faced, whore," Jones said in a conversational tone.

Caitlin saw that by pressing hard against one side of the metal ring she could create a small opening. She pulled Jessie's wrists together at the small of her back and slid the ring through both the rings in her wrist bands, linking them together.

"Now fasten them to her collar," Jones sneered.

"But… but…

"The chain, you fuck eyed fat assed cunt brained piece of shit."

She picked up a long piece of chain but Jones pressed the tip of the cattle prod against her wrist and she screamed and dropped it.

"The short one, slut mouth."

She picked up a very short chain and saw that there was a small ring at one end similar to the one binding Jessie's wrists together. She pulled Jessie's collar around so the ring on it was behind her and snapped the chain into the ring, then pulled her bound wrists up.

Jessie began gasping in pain long before her wrists were high enough to reach the end of the short chain. Caitlin hesitated to push them up higher but knew Jones would not be satisfied otherwise. She pushed as slowly and gently as she could, edging her sister's slim arms higher and higher as Jessie gasped and moaned and whined in pain.

She had to raise them almost up to Jessie's neck, before she could fasten the ring to the end of the chain.

"Now put the same things on yourself, cunt," Jones ordered.

Caitlin donned the wrist bands and ankle bands, then slid the other collar around her own throat. She couldn't tie them together but Jones didn't seem to intend that just yet. He reached down and gripped Jessie by the hair, dragging her to her feet.

Jessie gasped and moaned, every movement putting pressure on her agonized arms. Her head was pulled back, her chest thrust out as her arms pulled back on her throat. Her eyes rolled fearfully as she tried to look behind her at Jones.

Jones was smiling, which meant bad new.

"Okay, cunt, here's this slut sister of yours. I think she needs to know who's boss. I want you to punch her in the stomach as hard as you can."

Caitlin looked at Jessie's helpless body in consternation. She didn't want to hit her sister, but was frightened of what Jones would do if she refused. She was painfully aware of the cattle prod still clutched in his other hand.

"Right now, cunt!"

She drew back her fist and thumped it weakly into Jessie's belly. Jessie grunted, though not much. Jones hauled her aside and stabbed the cattle prod into Caitlin's belly. The sizzling power ripped into the brunette's guts as she screamed in agony.

She was thrown back against the dresser, Jones keeping the prod jammed into her belly as he sneered in pleasure. Caitlin instinctively grabbed at the prod but her hands burned as the power ripped into them as well. Jones laughed and pulled it back. Caitlin shook and trembled as she fell to her knees, then rolled forward onto the carpet, clutching her belly.

"You better learn to do what I tell you, fuck hole." Jones said.

"Now, you're gonna punch the blonde whore in the belly. If you don't and if it isn't hard, I'll stick this thing up your cunt and fry your brains."

She slowly climbed back to her feet, panting and whimpering, tears in her eyes. Jones swung Jessie around in front of him again and smiled.

"Now, slut!" He yelled.

Terrified, Caitlin drew back her fist and punched Jessie as hard as she could in the belly. The blonde gurgled in pain and tried to bend forward but was drawn back sharply by the agony in her shoulders when she did. She felt sick and dizzy and her belly ached.

"Good, now lets' see you punch her in the tit, either one will do."

Anxiously, torn between not wanting to hurt Jessie and terror of the cattle prod, Caitlin slammed her fist into Jessie's left tit mound. Her fist sunk deep into the soft flesh before coming to rest against her sister's ribs.

Jessie screamed in pain but Jones held her easily in place.

"Again, this time her other tit." He held up the prod menacingly and Caitlin squeaked in fear and slammed her fist into Jessie's other tit. Again Jessie howled in pain as the fist smashed into her soft, tender meat, but there was nothing she could do.

"On your knees, whore!" Jones yelled. Caitlin dropped to her knees, gratefully, thinking she wouldn't have to hurt Jessie again. Jones had other ideas, he bent Jessie forward, ignoring the groans of pain from the trembling girl.

She kept her head pulled back as Jones bent her forward at the waist so her fat tit sacks hung below her like full water balloons. Both hung just about level with Caitlin's face. "Let's see how good you are at boxing, slut box. I want you to start punching these two fat torpedoes here and keep doing it as hard and fast as you can until I say stop."

"Oh please no," Caitlin whimpered. Jones stabbed the prod against the side of her neck and pain exploded in the shaking girl's mind, hurling her back against the wall where she sagged to the floor. Jones stabbed the prod down against her foot, then against her side, then her ass then her back as the girl twisted and turned, shrieking in agony and terror.

Jones pulled back, laughing. Caitlin lay curled up in the corner, sobbing and trembling and shaking in pain and terror. She shivered uncontrollably as looked down with a smile of satisfaction on his face.

"Now get your ass over here, you miserable slut box and do what I tell you or you'll get it twice as bad next time."

Caitlin couldn't move for a minute, but then crawled across to them and jerked upright on her knees, her body still trembling, her eyes wide and wild.

"Start punching at these milk bags," Jones ordered, pressing down against the back of Jessie's neck.

Caitlin lifted her hand in a girlish fist and slapped it at Jessie's tit. It struck and smashed the tit backwards.