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Hours later Jones woke up and got out of bed naked, grinning down at the two, apparently in much better humor now.

"Well, I hope you slut lesbos had a fun time munching cunt all night," Jones snorted as he stood over them. He bent and unfastened their rings, then pulled them both up by the arm, dragging them into the bathroom.

"Time for our morning milk," he snickered, lifting one of the big containers of horse it and held it against Jessie's lips. began drinking. He snickered, then and pressed it to Caitlin's lips. Remembering he'd done yesterday when she'd refused, she quickly, trying to ignore what it was she was drinking.

He turned them so their backs were towards him, then grabbed a fist full of ass with each hand, cackling with pleasure as he mashed their ass meat. He undid the links holding their wrist bands together and gave them a shove towards the tub.

"Get into the tub, whores," he ordered.

The two women stood in the tub, which still held all the sperm he had poured in the other day, then got down onto their knees as he poured the container of milky white fluid down over their heads, coating their bodies with horse cum. He picked up a second container, then a third, pouring the entire contents down on them.

"Let's see some lesbo action," he ordered, picking up another container.

Jessie was dulled eyed and hopeless. She obeyed at once, putting her arms around Caitlin and kissing her. Caitlin kissed back, trying to think of how she could get Jones, how she could escape, how she could kill him. Jones watched with lewd delight as they kissed each other and fondled each other's cum stained body.

"Suck her tits, blondie," he ordered and Jessie licking and sucking on Caitlin's the fact the white horse sperm coated it and was dripping down into of cum they knelt in.

He picked up the toilet plunger and shoved it hard against Caitlin's side, knocking both girls over onto their sides. There was a good foot of cum in the tub and they rolled in it helplessly as he poured down more. Jessie wound up on her back, her entire head under the horse sperm for long seconds before Caitlin could shift and let her up.

The blonde choked and coughed as Caitlin rubbed her back. Her mind blazed with rage at Jones. The man snickered as he bent to open another container. He laughed openly as he poured it down on the choking blonde girl's head.

She had to, simply had to get him soon. She couldn't bear the idea of another day of torment and degradation.

It had to be fast and unexpected, leaving him no time to react. Jessie was so exhausted and subjugated by now that she'd be virtually useless. And if she didn't do something soon, she wouldn't be in any better shape herself.

"You two whores make a good show," he said in a conversational tone. "You got good tits too and nice tight cunts. I bet I make a fortune out of you. I'm gonna take you across the border to Mexico and sell your cunts all day long. I'll be fuckin' rich!"

She saw him pick up another big jar of horse sperm. Both his hands were needed to hold the jar and he was being very careful with it, not wanting to spill any on himself. The cattle prod was sitting on the counter on the left.

She gave Jessie another deep kiss, then rose to her knees, pulling the blonde up with her. Their hands stroked each other's buttocks as they kissed passionately, wanting to please Jones. Caitlin thought quickly, wanting to stand without raising any suspicion.

She slid her hand down between Jessie's thighs, squeezing her pussy, pushing a pair of fingers up inside her snatch. Jessie moaned in pleasure, her dazed mind no longer registering what would have disgusted her only days ago.

Caitlin gripped her hair and pulled her higher. She put all her own weight on her left knee as she brought her right up between Jessie's thighs and mashed it against the soft cunt meat. She pushed Jessie back against the corner of the tub, then rose, pulling the blonde up along the wall.

She pressed Jessie into the corner, kissing her deeply again, her back to Jones so he wouldn't suspect anything. She felt him getting nearer, coming right up against the side of the tub. He extended his arms, bringing the container of horse sperm over their heads.

Suddenly she turned and her hands shot up, knocking the open container backwards, spilling it onto Jones's surprised face. He screamed in shock, stumbling backwards away from it. She jumped forward out of the tub as the container fell on the floor. She kicked Jones in the balls as she shoved him back against the counter.

He yelped in surprise, not having even seen her, too busy trying to rub the horse sperm out of his face. She grabbed the cattle prod and swung it like a bat, slamming it against the side of his head, knocking him forward. She pushed the end against his ass and pushed the trigger, shooting high voltage into his naked ass.

He screamed in pain and was thrown forward, falling into the sperm filled tub. Jessie stared down at him with wide eyes.

"Get out of the tub!" Caitlin screamed at her. She looked fearfully at the brunette, then at the cattle prod and eased out of the tub, along the wall away from her.

Jones growled in fury and surged out of the tub, but the tip of the prod met his face and he screamed in fury as the sharp, crackling power bit into his forehead, flinging him backwards into the tub. Sperm splashed all over the floor as he fell into it. He pulled himself out, sputtering and choking on sperm

Caitlin jammed the cattle prod against his arm and chest, stabbing it again and again and again as he choked and tried to fight her off at the same time. He batted at the prod but only got shocked in the hands. Caitlin shot the prod through his warding hands and shocked his face again, flinging him back hard against the corner.

He fell back into the sperm again, his head and shoulders disappearing briefly underneath. The sperm was very slippery, as she well knew and he instinctively rolled onto his front, to get on all fours. He heaved himself up out of the murky white fluid, but his ass was pointed at Caitlin and she took full advantage.

She stabbed the prod against his balls and pressed the trigger. He shrieked and shot forward, his head smashing into the wall. He groaned and sank down into the sperm, his motions feeble as the dazed man tried to pull his head out of the sperm.

Caitlin jumped into the tub and sat atop his back, her hands gripping his hair as she fought to keep his head under the sperm. He trashed and shook weakly, then a series of bubbles came to the surface. She held him in place for a long minute before climbing out of the tub.

She was shaking and trembling, as was Jessie, who was cowering in a corner. Both eyed the motionless body floating in the sperm filled tub, fearful that he was just faking, that he would jump out and attack them again. But it didn't happen.

It took hours of exhausting work for the two tired young women, but they finally got the house cleaned up, all the electronic goods put away and Jones dumped unceremoniously into an abandoned septic tank behind the stable.

With the house clean they stepped into the shower and cleaned themselves off, both nearly scrubbing the skin off before they were satisfied. And then, the exhausted girls dropped into their parents bed for a dozen hours of uninterrupted slumber.

When Jessie woke it took long seconds to put together where she was and to remember the horrible events of the past two days. Her movements woke Caitlin and the two stared at each other, unaccountably shy now in each other's presence.

"We forgot one thing," Caitlin said, finally.

"What?" Caitlin slid her hand down onto her sister's right breast and fingered her nipple ring.

"You know, it's… weird, but, I kind of, well, kind of like them."

"You do?" She tugged a little at the nipple rings.


"Me too."

"I never… I mean, I never did it with a girl before you know."