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I was really cheesed off. I let the howls and the tears have full rein. Why not? She loved it and it helped me bear the misery. My poor bottom had just about had enough.

I was put in a cell. Still handcuffed. They loved those handcuffs. They were to humiliate, that’s all. The rotten bitches.

You want the rest? It’s a drag actually. The Nazi type caned me damn near every hour and made me tongue her until I hoped I’d never see another female part for the rest of my life… Except Dorinda’s of course. Oh, how I longed for that girl. I wanted Dorinda so bad it hurt.

Then, a couple of nights later, who do you think it was who unlocked my cell, unlocked my handcuffs and escorted me outside the gate? Oh sure, not hard to guess. The Nazi-lady herself. She hadn’t had me long, but she had got all the use out of me she could. I suspected Rabin’s rentals had got cheated. But I didn’t say so.

Oh, it was good to be free. I kept thinking of those ten years. I’d have no skin and tongue left.

It was a miracle to hop into a car. There was darling Thalia waiting for me. I hugged her and kissed her as though to reassure myself that someone nice really existed. Then I absentmindedly put my wrists into the handcuffs she held open and watched her click them tight. It never occurred to me that for a little while – the time it took from the prison wall to the waiting car – I had been free. Totally free. I’ll always wonder what would have happened if I’d run like blazes.

No rest for dear little Terry. Not that I’d expected any. Old Rabin had to get his dividends out of me. ‘Return on investment’ I believe they call it. I got in one glorious night with Dorinda, but next morning I got my summons.

"We have a limited tourist trade, " Rabin said, eyeing me in a way I didn’t like.

"You rent them things?" I asked helpfully. Then realised what I’d said.

"You are a most perceptive girl." I really think the old boy would sooner be nice to me than nasty, so I gave him my full attention. "It is my experience that tourists seek abroad those pleasures they would be ashamed of to seek at home… You are following?" "Someone wants to cane my bottom?" I'd seen it coming.

He sighed sadly. With such eloquent sighs the old boy hardly needed speech. "Alas yes. He is a young man of your own race. A simple youth who, I suspect, is splurging an inheritance in pleasures of the flesh."

"Isn’t he a bit depleted by the time he’s got this far?"

"It has taken him this far to pluck up his courage," Rabin said dryly. "I fear you are the first."

"But you think it is in a good cause?"

"Ah yes." Old Shylock brightened perceptibly. "He did not quibble. During out conversation I gathered he had little interest in using female facilities for their usual function."

He peered at me brightly through those thick lenses. "You may be relieved by my deduction that he is probably impotent."

"That part usually doesn’t hurt, but the other does," I pointed out.

I got another sigh. This one told me to shut up.

Well, anyway, Cedric. That was his name. Imagine. He’d rented a house for his exploration into what fun it is to hurt a girl. Thalia delivered me nicely cleaned and perfumed and with my wrists handcuffed behind my back in the good old tried and true fashion. It’s really awful like that, a girl can’t do a thing. The key was tied round my neck with a bit of ribbon and a bow. She said I looked simply darling. I was sure I did.

Poor Cedric. I’ll always remember him as that. A poor lean weak chinned clerk from a poor dusty office in a back street. All of a sudden fate had placed heaven in his hands and he didn’t know what to do with it. He sat and looked at me with his mouth wide open. If I hadn’t been handcuffed I0d have popped something in it. I knew for sure this was the first time he’d ever really had a good look at a naked girl.

"I’ve read a lot of books," he said as though that explained everything.

"And they’ve told you exactly what to do to me?" I wasn’t sure right then if I wanted to help the silly ass.

"Err… well… I do have my own ideas." Sophistication plus!

"Please tell me."

He was stymied. He couldn’t get off the first tee. I had an inspiration. It seemed a natural.

"Look here, darling," I said in as sexy a voice as I could manage. "Why don’t you forget the Arabian Nights and we’ll just be a couple of tourists seeing the sights. Then take me back to London. I’m ever so much fun."

"But I wanted to whip you…" He’d managed to get it out.

"Whip me in London. There’s not so many flies there."

He looked hastily down at his own, then blushed.

"If you’ll unlock my handcuffs I’ll be a really good girl and make you very happy. And I won’t try to escape." I let him have both barrels. Then I twisted and pulled at my wrists as though they hurt.

He was in agony. EC1 battling Damascus. The accounts payable clerk versus Ali Baba. I watched despairingly as Ali Baba got the upper hand.

"Mr. Rabin said you’d make that suggestion." Firm reproof.

Good old Rabin. What hope had a girl got with such an owner? He’d reach out of his grave and rent me at a profit.

"Did he tell you to keep me safely chained?"

He had the grace to actually look discomforted. "Yes, acutely he did." He shuffled his feet a bit. "As a matter of fact he rented me quite a lot of stuff."

"Jolly decent of him."

"Saves buying it, y’know."

"Simply spiffing. What did you get?"

He flushed. "Quite a lot of chain actually. Anklets and wristlets. A lot of cord… You’ll look very pretty. Then, there were some other, err, things…"

"You mean things to hurt me and make me cry?"

It was a blow below the belt. He wasn’t ready for it. He hadn’t adjusted to my breasts and pubic hair even. For a moment I guessed he wished he was back in EC1.

"Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course I am. You know I am." He glowered at me resentfully. "But it is not going to make any difference."

This time I was the one who sighed. In his own way Cedric was as much a prisoner as I was. Prisoner of a fantasy and of a strange land that would never allow the two of us together to leave this town.

"Well, all right," I conceded. "How are you going to torture me first?" I wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

"I’ll cane your bottom." The words exploded out of him like a groom saying ‘I do’ at a wedding.

I turned round with plenty of hip motion and displayed my chubbies. Looking back over one shoulder I said sweetly: "They’ve been very well caned already."

It was as though he’d noticed my whip marks for the first time. I’m sure it was. My nipples and my quiff had hypnotised him up to now. As for the rest of me he may have supposed that girls actually were striped that way but no one had ever told him. He boggled.

"I say, y’know, that’s not cricket."

"No, it was a cane… And a whip. In fact, several."

"But… But, I’ve paid a lot of money…?"

"You mean you didn’t expect to rent a used girl?"

It was a bad day for Cedric. "Well, no. What I mean to say… well really…"

"I’m merchandise, y’know," I explained gently. "Mr. Rabin rents me out all the time. Always suitably chained. I’m bound to get a bit – what do they call it: shelf marked."

"But, I can’t. I mean to say I shouldn’t. Not after… After


"No, you shouldn’t, should you?"

"But I’m damn well going to. You’ll have to put up with it."

"Thank you, kind sir," I said.

"Are you his only.. only…"

"No, I’m not Mr. Rabin’s only girl," I said icily. "He has at least one more, far more beautiful than I. But her bottom too looks much like mine. It’s an occupational hazard for slave girls."

"You’re a slave?" He looked incredulous.

"You surely don’t think I’m a local housewife picking up a little extra cash?"

"You mean you’re really a slave… girl?" His eyes came to life.

"That excites you, doesn’t it?" I flung at him bitterly. "Well, get your money’s worth. Yes, I’m a slave, A real life slave. I’m kept chained and naked and I’m whipped if I don’t obey. Does that give you a nice firm erection?"