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As the vehicle rolled up to the rear entrance, Zane Watson opened the Uber app and entered a very generous twenty-dollar tip. After getting off the chartered flight, he had told the driver he was in a hurry, and the middle-aged Indian man had taken the instructions to heart. It wasn’t clear whether he just relished the challenge or was hoping for a good tip, but whatever the motivation, he managed to cover the distance in record time. Only a police escort would have gotten them there any quicker.

After stepping out, Zane walked down the covered walkway and entered through a revolving glass door. The worldwide headquarters of the Delphi Group occupied the top two floors of the building. The location was conducive to the organization’s symbiotic relationship with the CIA, the FBI, and a few other intelligence agencies. If necessary, Dr. Alexander Ross or other members of the team could be at any of the agency locations in a half hour or less, which was helpful in times of crisis.

Not surprisingly, Delphi’s presence in the building wasn’t noted anywhere on the premises. The directory at the first-floor kiosk didn’t name the penthouse occupant, nor did the building’s website or marketing materials. The Delphi offices were accessed by a private elevator at the rear of the building. The elevator itself could only be found by passing through a door marked Employees Only. That door remained locked at all times, but even if someone was able to get through, they would need a twelve-digit code and to pass an eye scan to open the elevator door. When Delphi had visitors, they were never “buzzed through.” Instead, a staff member would go down and escort them up.

Before heading to the top floor, Zane stopped at the Starbucks in the lobby and ordered a venti coffee with a dash of cream. The meeting that was about to take place could very well last past midnight, and after traveling in from Europe via a chartered flight, he would need a substantial boost of caffeine to stay focused and sharp. In addition to his unparalleled gut instincts, Dr. Alexander Ross always insisted on a deep dive into all material facts. That meant all attendees needed to be prepared to dive in with him.

Coffee in hand, Zane keyed his way past the access door. As he took the private elevator up, he thought back on the events at Brehmer’s estate. Their worst fears had been realized. Carmen had been on board the helicopter that had taken off late that afternoon. Almost everyone there seemed to have evacuated by chopper or by car. After dispatching the only two remaining guards, Zane, Mortensen, and Pratt searched for two hours without finding any sign of Carmen. Just as they were about to end their search, Mortensen discovered a basement floor. After going down, the operatives found something they hadn’t expected: a captive. That captive was Devon Lind, the cousin of Victoria Lind.

Other than a few minor bumps and scrapes, the American was fine. After giving him some water and a protein bar, the team evacuated him to a US intelligence safe house in Milan, where he was picked up the next morning by a team of CIA field agents. From there, he was flown by charter to Ramstein Air Base in Germany, where he received a full medical examination. As expected, he was in relatively good health. The last Zane heard, a team of FBI agents had flown to Germany to debrief Lind and escort him back to the States.

Despite the good news that Victoria Lind’s cousin was safe, there was still a cloud over the investigation. Carmen was missing, and Zane was so concerned about her that he hadn’t been able to sleep. He had spent the entire transatlantic flight anguishing over what he might have done differently. In the end, he doubted they could have reached her in time, even if they had gone in right away.

A chime indicated the elevator had arrived on the top floor.

“Welcome back,” a familiar voice said as the doors parted.

Seated at a reception desk directly in front of him was Kristine Hirsch, Delphi’s senior administrative assistant. She had straight auburn hair that fell past her shoulders, and a face that was both attractive and disarming. She wore a stylish black blazer with a black-and-white-striped dress shirt underneath. She was one of those people who could be both professional and fun, a characteristic missing among so many who worked in the intelligence business.

Zane had always admired Kristine. Her father had left the home when she was three, leaving her mother to raise Kristine alone in a small Virginia town outside of Richmond. The father, a traveling salesman, had run off with a younger secretary who worked for one of his clients. Forced to grow up quickly, Kristine helped her mother around the house, and that included taking care of her baby brother. Perhaps in an attempt to show her father she didn’t need him, she excelled in school and received a scholarship to VCU.

Good-looking, highly intelligent, and with a sweet personality, Kristine was still single. While their contact was limited, Zane tried to be a father figure to her. Whenever he was in town, he always made a point to ask about her dates. Knowing how shallow and materialistic DC men could be, Zane encouraged her to take her time in finding someone. A girl like her deserved only the best. Perhaps because of her past, Kristine seemed to appreciate Zane’s input. The last thing she wanted to do was marry some man who resembled her father in any way, shape, or form.

Kristine smiled as Zane stepped out of the elevator. She seemed happy to see him, but there was also a touch of sadness in her eyes. It didn’t take Dr. Phil to understand where the sadness came from. The entire office was depressed that Carmen was still missing.

Before Zane could speak, Kristine came around the desk and gave him a hug. It was tighter than usual, another indication of her emotional state.

Zane pulled back. “How are you?”

“I’ve been better,” she said after a short pause.

Zane nodded. “Me too.”

Her eyes moistened as she looked him in the eye. “Promise me you’re going to bring her back, Zane.”

Zane squeezed her arms. “You know we will. It’s just going to take a little time.”

She gave him a half smile then wiped her eyes.

Zane looked down the hallway and noticed that most of the glass offices were empty. “Where is everybody?”

“Most are downstairs in the labs. The others are in Dr. Ross’s office waiting for you.”

Delphi headquarters occupied the two top floors of the building. The space on the lower level was where Delphi’s electronic research and surveillance was carried out, and it was also where specialists conducted an analysis of any evidence gathered in the field. There was even a small unit devoted to the development of unusual weaponry and devices.

The top floor was the original home of Delphi, and it contained the office space for Ross, the senior operatives, and the organization’s administrative and accounting team.

“How is he doing?” Zane asked, referring to Ross.

Focused is the word that comes to mind.”

Zane nodded. He guessed that might be her way of saying he was on edge. When one of his operatives was in danger, the Oracle’s demeanor and personality changed. Some might say he had on his game face, but it was more than that. Even though it wasn’t a regular thing, Ross could be difficult at times. But Zane knew that if he was in one of those moods, it was strictly because of his care and concern for the team. Underneath the hard exterior was a man who had a deep love and devotion to his people. Zane hoped Kristine understood that.

“Well, I’d better get to it. You going to be around?”

“For another hour or so.”

“Well, then, let’s catch up another time. Something tells me I’m going to be here a while.”