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Fifteen years after the Covenant was signed, and five years after the ratifcation process had ended, the Glaund base was shelled from the sea by units of the Faiandland Navy. There was much collateral damage to houses and businesses on the main part of the island. A naval and air battle ensued and an invasion of Derril followed, an attempt by the Faiandlanders to oust the Glaundians from their base. Militarily this failed. The native Derril people could only huddle in fear as their newly won neutrality was so cynically breached.

Fortunately, there has been no repetition of this in recent years. Glaund warships are constantly on station in the deep channels around Derril, and troop carriers come and go. The Faiand forces stay away from the area.

They too have their bases around the Archipelago. Neutrality is general but not yet universal.

The artist Dryd Bathurst was in residence in Derril City for a period. His gigantic oil painting entitled Derril Nymphs in Succour has never been placed on public display. It may be viewed strictly by appointment by accredited academics and art professionals. Information is available online, as are reproductions of certain details from the painting — the whole work is still considered too sexually explicit and debauched to be seen in one piece by the public. There are social reasons too: the families of the young models who so willingly posed for the artist are still reluctant to grant release of the images.

The building where Bathurst maintained his studio was demolished immediately after he left Derril, but there is a small and tasteful commemorative plaque on view in the public square opposite.

There are no shelterate or havenic laws, but because of Bathurst’s sojourn on the island the anti-importunation regulations are strict. No visas are required for visitors intending to inspect only the Covenant Memorials, but those people wishing a longer stay should enquire at their local Seigniory offces before setting out.

Currency: all accepted and converted at market rates. The Muriseayan thaler is the offcial currency.

Derril — Torquil


The largest island in the Torquil Group, also its administrative centre, DERRIL traditionally depended on a mixed economy of farming and mining. In recent years the tourist trade and devotional pilgrimages have become the principal movers of the economy. In the case of tourism, certain recently lifted restrictions on travel (notably the erotomane laws) have opened up the whole Torquil Group to visitors. At the same time, the infux of pilgrims to Derril increases by several thousand people every year, and shows no sign of decline. The south-western area of the island, formerly given to arable farming, is now one of the most visited areas in the entire Archipelago.

Of the island patois names, the former, DARK HOME, appears to be authentic and is mentioned in the historical record. The latter name, HER HOME, is of more recent coinage and was taken up after the Manifestation. It seems that the formal name Derril also began to be used at that time, but we have been unable to trace any record of that.

The earlier name, Dark Home, came into use at the time the island was one of the main exporters of coal. The spills from the pits and the general discharge of smoke into the atmosphere led to many areas of the island being covered by a thin film of coal dust and tar. These spillages made Derril unattractive to visitors and unhealthy to residents, but strict pollution controls have been introduced all over the Archipelago. Because of them, the main island and some of the smaller ones adjacent to it, have been thoroughly decontaminated. Today, Derril is a pleasant, clean and healthy place to visit.

Mining activity, which was anyway confined to the northern part of the island, has now largely been discontinued, but local museums and visitor attractions are open all year round.

The west coast, which has magnificent rocky cliffs and wide sandy beaches, is a popular destination for vacationers. Inland, large areas of virgin forest are found. There is a danger zone on the eastern side, where Faiandland military forces manage a base. Because of constant training exercises, and trials of weaponry, we recommend tourists to stay away. In any event, the perimeter is patrolled day and night by armed guards, and there are abundant warning signs on every approach road.

Normal visitors need have no concerns about this base, provided they remain in known holiday areas. There are many facilities available for visitors to use, all of whom are allowed to travel to Derril by ferry, in the usual way.

It is important to remind intending visitors that before departure they should always check with their booking agent that they are travelling to the right place. The similarly named Torqui Group also contains an island called Derril, which is said by the people of Derril, Dark Home, to be an uninteresting and unattractive place. This is absurd, as Derril, Large Home, is unquestionably the birthplace of the Covenant. (See entry above.)

Even this historical fact has been challenged in the past by more extreme factions on Dark Home, or Her Home as these people prefer to call it. They also claim that Derril, Large Home, changed its name in recent times in an attempt to cash in on the Manifestation. Some of the more ultra-orthodox Derrilians even claim that Derril, Large Home, set up a Manifestation of its own, in an attempt to lure pilgrims.

This claim is probably based on the fact that Caurer, as a young woman, delivered a lecture at Derril University, Large Home.

Our gazetteer is not the place to attempt to mediate in an inter-island squabble that has been rumbling on for many years.

Private research suggests, incidentally, that the parvenu island is Derill, Sharp Rocks, in the Torquin Islands. (See entry above.) Until comparatively recently that Derill was called Osly, Steep Bank of Gravel. Not much is known about Derill/Osly. It is listed in the Muriseay Register as a Category C island, although no reason is given. Category C islands are in general either not open to visitors, are unpopulated, or are believed to be hazardous in some way.

Let us move on to the main feature of Derril, Her Home.

This island is unusual in that it is one of the comparatively few places in the Archipelago to have a civilian airport. It is situated on the south-western peninsula and was built because of the ever-increasing pressure on the port facilities in Derril Town. Access to the south-western peninsula overland from Derril Town is now barred to visitors, so that visitors to the CAURER SHRINE mostly arrive and depart by air. Specialist airline carriers have been set up around the Archipelago, and they provide a network of reliable routes for Caurer pilgrims.

The Caurer Shrine is open every day of the year and no appointments are necessary.

Arriving passengers at E. W. CAURER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT will be greeted by representatives of their tour operators, if they are travelling on one of the many available packages. If they are travelling independently they will find a number of efficient and inexpensive services available to them. Cars may be hired, buses leave for the Shrine at half-hourly intervals throughout the day, and there is a dedicated tram service whose route takes advantage of the many splendid views of the sea and adjacent islands.

Guides who speak most of the Archipelagian dialects are always on hand, and their fees are modest. There is hotel accommodation both at the airport and in the immediate vicinity of the Shrine. Pilgrims are recommended to stay at least one night when visiting the Shrine, or using one of the many healing institutes.

The story of the Manifestation is well known, but a brief factual summary of our own is something we believe we cannot avoid including here. As usual we leave readers to make up their own minds. Most of the pilgrims to Derril, Her Home, appear to accept it as literal truth.