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In brief, two teenage girls, daughters of local farmers, are said to have gone missing during a particularly hot spell of summer weather. In the generally accepted version of the story both girls are described as entirely normal, but there is evidence that they suffered from learning difficulties. The older of the two had been lame since birth; the younger had endured a disfiguring skin infection all her life.

The names of these two unfortunates are not known for sure — their identity was concealed as a result of what happened to them. Local villages mounted a search for the girls as soon as they were missed, and the following day hundreds of volunteers from the locality joined the search. At first the families assumed the girls had wandered away from their home area and become lost, but as the hours of searching went by without result worse fears were aroused.

On the morning of the third day the girls suddenly returned, apparently unharmed. They had an unexpected story to relate. They said that while they were walking in a local gulley, which then as now was much overgrown with trees, they had come across a strange woman. She spoke to them gently and showed them many wonderful sights. They had walked with her and rested with her, and listened to stories of distant lands and miraculous events. At the end, when the woman suddenly left them, both girls discovered they had been cured of their ailments.

Later, when shown photographs by a reporter from a newspaper, the girls immediately identified the woman as Caurer. Neither of them had previously known anything about Caurer’s life or work, and recognized her only from their meeting with the apparition.

Because Caurer’s whereabouts at the time of the Manifestation were known exactly, and beyond a shadow of a doubt — she was delivering a series of lectures at the University of West Olldus, on the other side of the world from the Torquil Group — it was declared to be a miracle.

Caurer herself denied all knowledge of it. As the speculation grew, she refused to comment any further, beyond once more repeating her denial in the most forceful of terms.

Towards the end of her life, Caurer did reveal that at times when she was most in demand, she had occasionally used a physical double to stand in for her. This woman, a former journalist on the Islander Daily Times, was sent only when Caurer was not expected to speak, and merely added her presence to some occasion.

Researchers and witnesses soon produced a catalogue of past occasions when Caurer had been glimpsed only from afar, had been driven past in a vehicle, or had been seen standing on a podium, and when she had never spoken to anyone and refused all interviews. At the time, these occasions had added to her reputation for remoteness, and in many ways increased the curiosity about her. There had never been any suspicion of bilocation, though.

Caurer made this revelation on the occasion of the woman’s death: her name was Dant Willer and she had become a trusted assistant to Caurer for about five years. In answer to a question from a journalist, Caurer added that this woman was not with her in her home on Rawthersay at the time of the alleged Manifestation, but neither was she anywhere in the Torquil Group, and certainly not on Derril.

After Caurer’s own death an entry was found in her private diary, ridiculing the whole myth of a miraculous appearance on Derril, Dark Home, Her Home. The entry can be read in holograph in a display case at the CAURER FOUNDATION’S exhibition on Rawthersay, and of course the complete text of the diaries has been in print for several years. The entry about Derril appears in all editions.

The same entry gives the only known insight into Caurer’s attitude to the so-called Manifestation.

She asserts that the mystery of the young girls’ disappearance on Derril was easily explained and rational in every way. She points out that the older of the two gave birth to a child about nine months after the incident. Whoever this child was or whatever it grew up to become, he or she has never laid claim to divine parentage or supernatural powers and it seems overwhelmingly likely that the reasons behind its mother’s disappearance were of earthly origin.

However, by this time the Manifestation had become accepted as a true event by millions of people, and the astonishing growth of the miracle industry was in full swing.

As Caurer’s reputation has continued to grow after her death, two charitable bodies have emerged. Each of these, in their profoundly different ways, seeks to represent her posthumously. Unsurprisingly, they are embroiled in a deep, permanent and apparently insoluble feud over her.

On the one hand is the strictly secular Caurer Foundation. This is based in Rawthersay, Caurer’s home island, with administrative offices in the northern mainland city of Glaund. The Foundation was set up during Caurer’s lifetime, and is usually accepted as accurately reflecting the ideas and wishes of the great woman’s life, work and beliefs. About the alleged Manifestation on Derril, the Foundation’s official stance is as follows:

Caurer herself never visited Derril, Dark Home, Her Home. No one connected with her work ever visited Derril. The woman who sometimes stood in as her physical double never visited Derril. Caurer herself never claimed to have the power of miraculous healing, and although she kept an open mind on the subject she never discussed it or wrote about it. She certainly never claimed to have divine powers. She believed that the story of the Manifestation had been innocently or naïvely invented by the two girls as a way of explaining away some other activity, and that other people had seized on the event afterwards in an attempt to capitalize on her name.

The opposing position is held by the Caurer Shrine Trustees:

They maintain that the Manifestation has been confirmed by elders of all the most important churches. Caurer has already been beatified and later is likely to be canonized. Her powers of healing have been demonstrated many times, both by people who have passed on Caurer’s original laying on of hands, and the beneficial effects of the waters that flow through the Caurer Gulley. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims confirm their lives have been changed for ever by a visit to the Shrine.

The Shrine Trustees also accuse the Caurer Foundation of attempting to undermine the economy of Derril, and therefore of the Torquil Group as a whole. The Caurer pilgrims support more than twenty hotels all year round, have indirectly financed the installation of modern infrastructure throughout the islands, as well as creating jobs all over the Archipelago in the travel and airline industries.

This gazetteer recommends non-pilgrim visitors to make their trips to Derril in the early spring or late autumn. The weather is at its best, and the island is less crowded than at other times.

Currency: all Archipelagian currencies are accepted at the Shrine and at the related facilities in the neighbourhood. The currency used in Derril Town: Archipelagian simoleon, Muriseayan thaler, Aubracian talent.

Intending non-pilgrim visitors to Derril are reminded of the confusion described above, and to take all necessary precautions. The usual inoculations for islands in the sub-tropical zone are not required, though. The island called Derril in the Torqui Group has strict havenic and anti-importunation regulations. On the contrary, on Derril, Dark Home, Her Home, importunation is freely bestowed.



EMMERET is a small island, still underpopulated, which suffered devastating bush fires a century ago. After the fires the main settlements and principal house were rebuilt, under Covenant regulations.

There are few roads on Emmeret, but walking is pleasant and maps on sale in Emmeret Town show several recommended paths. The most frequented walk is the one from the port to UGGER PARK. Beyond the main landing point in Emmeret Town’s harbour a well signposted narrow track leads through open fields and young woodland to CHUD ROCK, the highest point on the island. Chud Rock is famous for its limestone caves, which are open to the public. Tour guides take visitors through a series of spectacular rock and stalactite formations. Expert cavers may also enter the system of potholes at Chud Rock.