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90. Quoted in Almog, The Sabra, 75.

91. J. Arch Getty and Oleg V. Naumov, eds., The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932–39 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999), 557–60.

92. Ibid., 561.

93. Ulanovskie, Istoriia, 128–29.

94. Babel’, Sochineniia, 2:379–81.

95. Shikheeva-Gaister, Semeinaia khronika, 41–42; the English translation (used here) is in Fitzpatrick and Slezkine, In the Shadow of Revolution, 384.

96. Roziner, Serebrianaia tsepochka, 194.

97. Altshuler, Soviet Jewry on the Eve of the Holocaust, 26–27; Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 132; Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, 424–27, 432–61; Roziner, Serebrianaia tsepochka, 191–93; Weiner, Making Sense of War, 138–49.

98. Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, 311–25, 337–39; Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 132.

99. N. I. Rutberg and P. N. Pidevich, Evrei i evreiskii vopros v literature sovetskogo perioda (Moscow: Grant, 2000); John Bowlt, “From the Pale of Settlement to the Reconstruction of the World,” in Tradition and Revolution: The Jewish Renaissance in the Russian Avant-Garde Art 1912–1928, ed. Ruth Apter-Gabriel (Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 1988), 43; Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 137.

100. I. Stalin, Works (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1955), 13:40–41.

101. Artizov and Naumov, Vlast’ i khudozhestvenaia intelligentsiia, 132–37, 333; Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, 451–61; Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 149–77; Pravda, February 1, 1936; Pravda, February 10, 1936; B. Volin, “Velikii russkii narod,” Bol’shevik, no. 9 (1938): 32–38. See also I. Trainin, “Bratstvo narodov v sotsialisticheskom gosudarstve,” Bol’shevik, no. 8 (1938): 32–46, and V. Kirpotin, “Russkaia kul’tura,” Bol’shevik, no. 12 (1938): 47–63. For a comprehensive survey, see David Brandenberger, National Bolshevism: Stalinist Mass Culture and the Formation of Modern Russian National Identity, 1931–1956 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002).

102. Kopelev, I sotvoril, 141, 143, 149. Cf. Kopelev, The Education, 114, 116, 122.

103. Slutskii, Izbrannaia lirika, 30.

104. Samoilov, Perebiraia, 188.

105. Ibid., 196, 202.

106. Ibid., 205.

107. Ibid., 204.

108. Margarita Aliger, “Tvoia pobeda,” Znamia, no. 9 (1945): 1–28.

109. Kopelev, I sotvoril, 130; Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, 449–51.

110. N. V. Petrov and A. B. Roginskii, “ ‘Pol’skaia operatsiia’ NKVD 1937–1938 gg.,” in Repressii protiv poliakov i pol’skikh grazhdan (Moscow: Zven’ia, 1997), 36.

111. Grossman, “Ukraina bez evreev,” in Na evreiskie temy, 2:335.

112. Quoted in Nedava, Trotsky and the Jews, 11–12.

113. Evreiskii antifashistskii komitet v SSSR, 1941–1948: Dokumentirovannaia istoriia (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1996), 46.

114. Grossman, Zhizn’ i sud’ba, 57, based on Grossman, Life and Fate, 86–87.

115. Grossman, Zhizn’ i sud’ba, 62; Grossman, Life and Fate, 94. On the effect of World War II on Soviet ideology and collective identities, including Jewishness, see Weiner, Making Sense of War, esp. 207–8.

116. Grossman, “Ukraina bez evreev”; Weiner, Making Sense of War, 273–74, 191–93; the quotation is on 270.

117. Weiner, Making Sense of War, 209–27.

118. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 35–47. The translation is based on Shimon Redlich, ed., War, Holocaust and Stalinism: A Documented Study of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in the USSR (Luxembourg: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995), 173–83.

119. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 230–31; Evreiskii antifashistskii, 30–35, 56–61, 179.

120. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 236–42; Evreiskii antifashistskii, 184–236; Redlich, War, 73–93.

121. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 72; translation based on Redlich, War, 221.

122. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 102; cf. Redlich, War, 210.

123. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 113; cf. Redlich, War, 238. On universal and particular suffering in wartime Soviet Union, see Weiner, Making Sense of War, esp. 209–16.

124. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 114; cf. Redlich, War, 239.

125. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 93.

126. Ibid., 136–39; Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 428–41.

127. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 429–30; Markish, Stol’ dolgoe vozvrashchenie, 172; Nepravednyi sud. Poslednii stalinskii rasstrel (stenogramma sudebnogo protsessa nad chlenami Evreiskogo antifashistskogo komiteta) (Moscow: Nauka, 1994), 28.

128. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 284–85; cf. Redlich, War, 380.

129. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 283–87; cf. Redlich, War, 382–83.

130. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 290; Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 405.

131. Evreiskii antifashistskii, 273, 294.

132. Ibid., 302; Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 406–7, 413–14; Sovetsko-izrail’skie otnosheniia: Sbornik dokumentov (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 2000), vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 400.

133. Nepravednyi sud, 33, 89.

134. Ibid., 147, 150.

135. Ibid., 23, 155, 30, 33, 111.

136. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 194–96, Chuev, Molotov, 332–33.

137. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 561–91, 598–600; G. Kostyrchenko, V plenu u krasnogo faraona (Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1994), 242; Ethan Pollock, “The Politics of Knowledge: Party Ideology and Soviet Science, 1945–1953” (Ph.D. diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2000), 400, 413.

138. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 243–71, 266, 521–53, 259–64; Istoriia sovetskoi politicheskoi tsenzury, 102.

139. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 533–34, 302, 329, 363.

140. Ibid., 603–26; L. L. Mininberg, Sovetskie evrei v nauke i promyshlennosti SSSR v period Vtoroi mirovoi voiny, 1941–1945 (Moscow: Its-Garant, 1995).

141. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 572–88; Allilueva, Dvadtsat’ pisem, 156–69.

142. Kostyrchenko, Tainaia politika, 460–61; Sudoplatov, Razvedka i Kreml’, 212, 255–56, 321–23, 329–35, 343–63, 464–66; Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story (New York: Harper Perennial, 1991), 408–12, 418–19. For Soviet espionage in the United States, see John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999); Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America—the Stalin Era (New York: Random House, 1999).