Выбрать главу

Altman, Natan, 126, 178, 179, 227

Altschuler, Mordechai, 217

Amin, Idi, 38

Amitay, Morris, 357

Andropov, Yuri, 355

Anisfeld, Boris, 126

anti-Semitism, 207

Agursky on, 338, 339

and Bolsheviks, 310

in Brushtein, 347

as cause of exile, 23

and Christianity, 22, 310

condemnation of, 38

in Fiddler on the Roof, 326

Frankfurt School on, 87

in Germany, 70, 116

Gorky on, 186–87

and Great Terror, 273–74

in Haiti, 37

in Hungary, 116

as irredeemable bigotry, 366

and Jewish success, 52

in Leningrad, 253

and modernity of Jews, 63, 72

in Moscow, 253

and nationalism, 74

of Nazis, 2, 103, 286–91, 327, 337, 365, 366

and occupations, 72, 73

reasons for, 22

in Russian Empire, 108–10, 115, 116, 155–62, 166, 221, 360

of Shulgin, 181

in Soviet Union, 242–47, 248, 249, 250–51, 252–54, 289, 293, 294, 297–315, 318, 329, 331, 335–42, 355, 360

and Trotsky, 187

in Ukraine, 289

in United States, 262, 316, 326, 369. See also Holocaust; Jews; pogroms

Antokolsky, Mark, 126, 134

Apollo, 24, 26, 29–30

Apollonians/Apollonianism: in Babel, 188, 191–92

in Bolshevism, 212

character of, 212

communism of, 37

as cosmopolitan, 24

in Gorky, 164

in imperial Russia, 237–38

of Israel, 208

Jewish change into, 46

and Jewish nationalism, 101

Jews as antipodes of, 40

in Joyce, 77

and Marxism, 148

and Mercurianism, 24, 27–28, 29, 30–35

and modernity, 136, 137

nationalism of, 37

in Palestine, 209

and Roth, 317, 351

in Russian Empire, 106, 107

of Russian Federation, 361

of Russian Jewish intelligentsia, 140

and Samoilov, 281

in Soviet Union, 209, 237, 238, 254, 255

of State of Israel, 328, 364

of Trotsky, 265

in Zionism, 149, 212, 269

Aptekman, O. V., 146–47

Arabs, 31, 209, 365

Aramaic, 18, 20

Arany, Janós, 97

Arendt, Hannah, 77, 99

Armenian Amira, 6

Armenian Dashnaks, 273

Armenian Gregorians, 34

Armenians, 5, 6, 20, 121

corporate kinship among, 34

as entrepreneurs, 30

extermination of, 38

homeland of, 8

literacy among, 29

as models for modernity, 30

Ottoman massacres of, 166

as professionals, 30

revolutionary, 152

in Russian Empire, 6, 111, 115

in Soviet Union, 336

as traders, 34

Armstrong, John A., 112

Arnold, Matthew, 55, 65, 263

Aronson, Naum, 134–35

Arosev, A., The Notes of Terenty the Forgotten, 197–98

artisans, 28

and Prometheus, 8

Russian Jewish, 105, 115, 122, 155

segregation of, 10

as violators of norms, 23

arts, 63

European Jews in, 50, 51

Russian Jews in, 126

Soviet, 342–43

Soviet Jews in, 224, 225, 226, 329. See also culture

Asch, Sholem, 186

assimilation, 22, 60–64, 67–75, 96, 163, 207, 300, 361

Austria, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62, 63, 85–86

Austro-Hungarian language, 64

Aven, Petr, 362

Averbukh, Susanna, 136

Axelrod, P. B., 151

Azbel, David, 345

Azerbaijanis, 273, 336

Babel, Isaak, 160–62, 304, 324

and Aliger, 282, 283

“Childhood. At Grandmother’s,” 130–31, 132–34

Cossacks in, 141, 188–89, 190

execution of, 271–72

father of, 139

on grandmother, 137–38

“Jewess,” 266

and Jews in Russian civil war, 174–75

on Pushkin, 135

and Red Army, 167, 169–70

Red Cavalry, 188–90

“The Road,” 172

and Roth, 317, 351

and Russian culture, 280

and Samoilov, 280, 281, 282

and secret police, 172, 190, 255

“The Story of My Dovecot,” 124

Bagritsky, Eduard (Dziubin), 168, 169, 172–73, 221, 227, 235, 282, 283

“February,” 200–203

“The Tale of Opanas,” 195–96

“TBC,” 198–99

Baitalsky, Mikhail, 196, 216, 221, 229–30, 272

Bakst, Léon (Lev Rozenberg), 126, 134

banking, 27, 35, 47–48, 49, 118, 120, 121, 126

Batum Oil Association, 121

Bauer, Otto, 85

Bavaria, 85, 92

Bedny, Demian, Warriors, 278

Begin, Menachem, 365

Beilin, Abram, 343–44

Beizer, Mikhail, 176–77

Bek, Aleksandr, The Volokolamsk Highway, 329

Belkin, Abram, 233

Belkin, M. I., 304

Bell, Daniel, 265

Belorussia, 218, 225, 336, 337

Belorussia-Lithuania, 117

Ben-Gurion, David, 211, 212, 213, 268, 291

Benjamin, Walter, 86, 216

Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer, 204

Berdiaev, Nikolai, 91–92

Berezovsky, Boris, 362

Bergelson, David, 298, 299

Berlin Wall, fall of, 358

Berman, Jakub, 314

Berman, M. D., 199

Bernstein, Eduard, 85

Bezymensky, Aleksandr, 228

Biale, David, 365

Bible: on chosenness, 26

education in, 128

endogamy in, 12–13

intellect in, 26

and Joyce, 77

millenarianism in, 91–92

moneylending in, 9–10

and socialism, 94

Bikerman, I. M., 183, 185

Birnbaum, Solomon, 18–19

Birobidzhan, 248–49

Bismarck, Otto von, 49

Blake, William, 44

Blank, Aleksandr Dmitrievich, 245

Blank, Moshko Itskovich, 245

Bleichrsder, Gerson von, 49

Bleichrsder banking house, 47, 120

blood: Jews by, 286–88, 295, 301, 359

and purity/pollution, 21

in Soviet Union, 285

taboos on, 60. See also ethnicity; race

Boas, Franz, 98, 342

body, 1, 107, 225

purity of, 15–16, 41, 45, 56

Bogoraz, Larisa, 342

Bolkosky, Sidney, 69

Bolsheviks, 152, 162, 256

and anti-Semitism, 310

and Apollonianism, 212

on bourgeoisie, 173, 174, 184

and collective redemption, 211

defeat of, 334

and ethnicity, 173–74

Gorky on, 163

and Jewish Revolution, 180

and Jews, 169, 173, 175–88, 205, 338, 360

and Mercurianism, 173, 192

and Petrograd Soviet vs. Provisional Government, 334

and Russian avant-garde, 342

Russian language of, 276–77

and youth, 211–12. See also Jews (Soviet); Red Army; Russian Revolution

Bonner, Elena, 354

Boran people, 22

Borokhov, Ber, 204

Botvin, Mikhail, 226

Boulton, Marjorie, 98

bourgeoisie, 83

Bolsheviks on, 173, 174, 184

in Europe, 50

Frankfurt School on, 87

Kazin on, 214

purge of, 309

Russian revolutionaries on, 157

service nomadism as, 37

and Soviet Jews, 218, 219, 225, 299

Braz, Osip, 126, 135

Brenner, Joseph Hayyim, 73–74, 89, 209

Brest-Litovsk negotiations, 176

Brezhnev, Leonid, 334, 340, 355, 356

Brodsky, Isaak, 126

Brodsky, Joseph, 340, 342, 343

Brodsky, Lazar Izrailevich, 121

Bromberg, Ia. A., 208, 210–11, 213–14, 263

The West, Russia and the Jews, 183–84

Bronstein, David, 137

Bronstein, Lev Davydovich. See Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davydovich Bronstein)

brotherhood, 145, 148, 156

Brushtein, Alexandra, The Road Leads Off into the Distance, 347

Brutman, Semen, 191

Brym, Robert J., 341

Budapest, 48, 63

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich, 200, 245, 270, 308, 313

Bukharitsyna, Parasha, 146

Bulatov, Erik, 343

Bulgakov, Mikhail, 243–44

Bund, 101, 128, 148, 151, 273

Burakumin, 10, 11

Burma, 33