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business, 28

in America, 261

in Europe, 90

and family, 25, 34–35, 47, 121, 122

in Russia, 120–23. See also commerce; entrepreneurs; merchant(s); trader(s)

Cahan, Abraham: on American Jews, 208

entry of into Russian culture, 128–29, 133, 134, 135

father of, 138

and Freeman, 263–64

The Rise of David Levinsky, 213, 266

and youth culture, 145–46

Cama, Bhikhaiji Rustom, 30

Cambodia, 38

Camões, Luís de, 45, 65, 66

capitalism: acquisitiveness in, 153

in China, 7

and commerce, 43

and communism, 269

Dostoevsky on, 156, 157

as familistic, 42, 43

Frankfurt School on, 88, 89

and Freudianism, 319

and Jews, 1, 54, 55–56, 73, 91, 100, 118, 123, 153, 156, 162, 263, 265

and kinship, 43

Marx on, 2, 60

and modernity, 99, 207

and nationalism, 99, 207

Nazi view of, 103

postindustrial, 332

revolt against, 98

rise of, 42–43

in Russian Empire, 123, 141, 153, 156, 162

and socialism, 153, 207

Sombart on, 54

vs. tribal entrepreneurship, 34

and tribalism, 43

Ulanovskaia on, 259, 260

in United States, 207, 263, 265, 350

and Zionism, 269

caste system, 4, 13

Catholicism, 43, 370

Caucasus, peoples of, 361

Cervantes, Miguel de, 45, 65, 66, 78, 239

Chaadaev, Petr, 66–67, 73, 74, 152

Chafets, Ze’ev, 369

Chagall, Marc, 126

Chaikov, Iosif, 126

Chaikovtsy, 150–51

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 52–53, 58, 93

Chambers, Whittaker, 260

Chashnik, Ilya, 126

Chechens, 329

Cheka, 221

and Babel, 190

in Jabotinsky, 215

Jews in, 177, 304, 360

and Kogan, 235

Solzhenitsyn on, 360. See also NKVD; OGPU; police, Soviet secret

Chekhov, Anton, 134, 135, 239, 240

Chernenko, K. U., 334

chiliasm. See millenarianism

Chinese, Overseas, 10, 20, 25–26, 29, 30, 32–33, 34, 36, 37, 38–39, 369

Chomsky, Noam, 342

chosenness, 66

in Fadeev, 193

and Germany, 61–62

and Israel, 327, 365

of Jews, 26, 121, 185, 366

and national education, 69–70

Samuel on, 323

of service nomads, 26

and Sholem Aleichem, 204

and Zionism, 204

Christianity: and anti-Semitism, 22, 310

conversion to, 62, 67, 206

evil in, 102

family in, 363

Fraser on, 57

and Freudianism, 81

Jewish conversion to, 46

Jewish origins of, 22, 40

as Jewish revolution, 92

and Judaism, 318

and liberalism, 318

marriage in, 363

and modernity, 41

as nation, 61

and nationalism, 44–45, 67, 321

and Nazism, 103

in Pale of Settlement, 108–9

in Russian Empire, 105, 115, 116, 146–47

and Sholem Aleichem, 206

in Soviet Union, 338

as universal, 70

Chua, Amy, 33

Chudnovsky, Grigorii Isakovich, 176

Chukovsky, Kornei, 337

citizenship: and liberalism, 64, 158–59

and nationality, 36–37

neutrality of, 60

transition of son to, 142

civil service, 50. See also politics

class, 157, 331

Cold War, 299, 331

collectivism, urban, 148

commerce: and capitalism, 43

European Jews in, 49–50, 96

Jews in, 1, 5, 47

among Mon people, 9, 363

Russian Jews in, 118

Soviet Jews in, 225

and Soviet New Economic Policy, 219

stranger communities in, 5–6

youth revolt against, 96. See also business; entrepreneurs; merchant(s); trader(s)

commissar, 192–203, 238

communism: and Apollonianism, 37

and capitalism, 269

and culture, 97–98

death of, 343

ethnic purity of, 314

in Fadeev, 193

family in, 363

Hungarian, 89, 97

and Israel, 328

and Jewish rituals and style, 94

and Jews, 84–85, 350, 352

vs. Judaism, 206

and liberalism, 206, 207, 348

and Marxism, 80, 82, 162

and Mercurianism, 37

as millenarian, 269

as national, 97

Nazi view of, 103

and Nietzsche, 82

and Petőfi, 97

Polish, 89

service nomads under, 36–37

and Sholem Aleichem, 206

in Soviet Union, 104, 262, 314

and United States, 89, 209, 262, 314–15, 348, 350, 352

and Weber, 82

and Zionism, 206, 348, 363, 364. See also radicalism; socialism

cosmopolitanism, 24, 247, 276

Cossacks, 106, 107, 141, 144, 161, 175, 180, 188–89, 190, 282, 308

craftsmen, 8, 10, 27, 333, 334, 335

Crédit Mobilier, 47

Crimea, 248, 294, 299, 336

culture: and communism, 97–98

during Great Terror, 275

and Jewish assimilation, 63, 67–75

of Jewish nationalism, 101

and liberalism, 71

and Mercurianism, 125

as mirror for host vs. strangers, 11, 21, 22

of modernity, 71

and nationalism, 61, 71

neutral secular, 51

and Pale Jews vs. non-Jews, 105–10

in Palestine, 213

and Petőfi, 97

Russian, 275–84, 282

of Russian Empire, 66–67, 69–70, 105–10

and Russian Jews, 72, 105–10, 125–27, 173

Soviet, 275–84, 334

and Soviet Jews, 225–42, 252, 302, 336

of United States, 213–15, 276

youth, 142, 143, 144, 145–46. See also arts; education; language; literacy; literature

Czech language, 64

Czechoslovakia, 50, 313–14, 342, 354

Daniel, Yuli, 342

Dante, 45, 65, 66

Deák, István, 85–86

Deich, L. G., 127, 137, 139, 151

dentist. See medicine

Detienne, Marcel, 27

Deutsche Bank, 47

Deutscher, Isaac, 92

Diaghilev, Serge, 134

diaspora. See Jews (diaspora)

difference, 9, 19, 20–29. See also stranger(s)

dissidents, Soviet, 342, 344–45

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 321

“Diary of a Writer,” 156

Drei, I. M., 145

Dresdner Bank, 47

East Asians, 34

Eckstein, Gustav, 85

economic determinism, 82

economy: Frankfurt School on, 88

of host vs. stranger, 22

Jews in, 42, 43, 54–55

Mercurian success in, 26

modern, 42–43

Protestants in, 42

and purge of Soviet Jews, 303

of Russian Empire, 115, 116, 123

Sombart on, 54–55

of Soviet Union, 209, 210, 218, 219, 220, 222–23, 229, 230, 276, 333. See also capitalism; wealth

education: of American Jews, 261–62, 318, 368

American Jews in, 316, 318

and assimilation, 62, 63

of European Jews, 49–50, 62, 63, 95–96

European Jews in, 50

of Germans in Russian Empire, 111, 113

liberal, 62, 63

in Marxism as Jewish, 95–96

and nationalism, 69–70

restricted, 116

in Russian Empire, 69–70

of Russian Empire Jews, 106, 116, 123–25, 127–34, 140, 144–45, 147, 158

of Russian Federation Jews, 362

of Soviet cultural elite, 232–34

of Soviet Jews, 222–23, 224–25, 231, 232–34, 243, 252, 262, 274, 329–30, 335–36, 355, 356

Soviet Jews in, 224, 225, 226, 233, 301

in Soviet Union, 247, 253–54, 278–79, 331

in United States, 318. See also culture; learning; literacy

Efros, Abram, 126

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 200, 226, 288, 291

The Stormy Life of Lazik Roitshvanetz, 94–95

Einstein, Albert, 52, 91, 342

Eisner, Kurt, 85

Eitingon, N. I., 304, 311

Elman, Mischa, 125

engineers, 329, 333, 334, 335

Enlightenment, 58, 65–66, 74, 88

entertainment, 50, 125, 224, 225, 315. See also occupation(s)