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entrepreneurs: American Jews as, 261

and capitalism, 34

Jewish, 1, 5, 6, 30, 43, 72

as modern, 41

Russian Federation Jews as, 362

Russian Jewish, 122, 154

Soviet Jews as, 218, 220

in Soviet Union, 209

tribal, 34. See also business; commerce; occupation(s)

Epstein, Shakhno, 291, 294

equality: of American Jews, 207

in Russian Empire, 110, 115, 145, 148, 149, 154

in Soviet Union, 335

in United States, 336–37

Eretz Israel. See Israel

Esperanto, 64, 99, 276, 279

ethnicity: and American Jews, 322

biological, 285–86

and Bolsheviks, 173–74

and nationalism, 65, 116

in Nazism, 366

Russian, 250

in Russian Federation, 361

Russian revolutionary intelligentsia on, 157

Shulgin on, 181–82

in Soviet Union, 246, 250, 274, 275, 276, 277, 285–86, 297, 301, 309, 314, 331, 335

stranger, 4

in United States, 207, 336–37

and victimhood, 346. See also blood; nationality; race

Europe: bodily cleanliness in, 41

bourgeoisie in, 50

and China, 7

colonialism of, 6–7

development as Mercurian, 41

food in, 41

Gorky on, 164

intellect in, 41

vs. Israel, 364–65

literacy in, 41

modernity of, 1–2, 40–46

multiculturalism in, 364

nationalism in, 159

occupations in, 41

revolt against Mercurianism, 211. See also Jews (European)

evil, concept of, 102–3, 104, 207, 320, 365, 366

exile/homelessness, 1, 8, 22, 23, 59, 101, 102, 103, 151

Ezhov, N. I., 270, 272, 306, 309

Fadeev, A., 302

The Rout, 192–94, 196

family: in American Freudianism, 320–21

of Bagritsky, 221

and business, 25, 34–35, 47, 121, 122

and capitalism, 42, 43

in Christianity, 363

in communism, 363

of East African Indians, 25

of Freud, 83

as fundamental, 363

and Germans of Russian Empire, 113

Jewish, 117, 121, 122, 261, 288

of Kopelev, 285

and liberalism, 64

of Marx, 83

and Mercurianism, 35

in nationalism, 61, 363–64

nuclear, 44

opposite views of, 107

revolt against, 96–99, 100, 136–42, 150, 152, 153, 220–22, 231, 254, 256, 267

and state, 64, 142

stranger minorities outside, 6

in United States, 210, 261, 262, 265. See also kinship; tribe/tribalism

Fast, Howard, My Glorious Brothers, 353

father: of Bagritsky, 221

in Joyce, 77, 78, 79

of Markish, 210, 221

in Marxism, 162

murder of, 100

and nationalism, 101

of Polisar, 221

revolt against, 73–74, 75–76, 96–97, 98–99, 100, 138, 139–40, 141–42, 144, 145, 152, 153, 220–22, 254, 264, 267, 350

secularized, 63. See also patriarchy

Faust, 59–60, 78, 306

February Revolution, 175

Fefer, Itsik, 291–92, 294, 296, 298–99

Feldman, Gita Borisovna, 250

Fels, Joseph, 154–55

Fiddler on the Roof, 325–27

Fikhtengolts, Mikhail, 126, 226

Finns, 117, 336

Firin, S. G., 199

First All-Russian Congress of Soviets, 175

First Congress of Soviet Writers, 225

First Five-Year Plan, 229, 230, 253

Fishman, Joshua A., 19

food, 12, 13, 21, 24, 41, 60, 105, 108

Foster, Brian L., 9

Foucault, Michel, 81

France, 47, 58–59, 61, 62, 64, 66

France, Anatole, 101

Frankfurt School, 86–89, 342

Fraser, John Foster, 57

Freedom Riders, 348–49

Freeman, Joseph, 263–64

Freemasons, 51

Free Speech Movement, 348

French Revolution, 58–59, 65

Frenkel, N. A., 199

Freud, Sigmund: aloneness in, 84

family of, 83

and father, 63

and Jews, 83–84

and revolt against family, 136

strangeness in, 82

and Weber, 82

Freudianism: aloneness in, 81

and American Jews, 319

and capitalism, 319

and Christianity, 81

and Declaration of Independence, 319

evil in, 103

family in, 320–21

Frankfurt School on, 87

and Jewish revolution, 319

as Jewish solution, 2

and liberalism, 319

and medicine, 81

and Mercurianism, 81

and modernity, 81

and nationalism, 80, 82

and Nazism, 103–4

on patricide, 100

and professionalism, 319

reason in, 81

as religion, 81, 82, 319, 321, 322

and science, 81, 319, 321

self-knowledge in, 80, 81

sin in, 80

and tribalism, 80

in United States, 81, 104, 209, 319–20, 322

will in, 81

Fridland family, 119

Fridman, Mikhail, 362–63

Fromm, Erich, 86

Frumkina, Esther, 187

Fuchs, Eugen, 71

Fuga, 17

Fukuyama, Francis, 35

Fuld family, 121

Gabrilowich, Ossip, 125

Gai, Mark Isaevich (Shtokliand), 221

Gaister, Inna, 231, 257–59, 272, 273, 286, 316–17

Gastev, Yuri, 340–41

Gefter, Mikhail, 344, 345

Gelfand, Izrail, 342

Gellner, Ernest, 65–66

gender roles, 11–12, 78. See also women

Georgians, 152, 336

German (language), 67–69, 129

Germanic languages, 18, 19

Germans, 20, 29

in Russian Empire, 111–14, 166, 237, 255

and Soviet Union, 299, 336, 355

German Social Democracy, 85

Germany, 327

anti-Semitism in, 70, 116

assimilation in, 61–62, 63

banking in, 47

and chosenness, 61–62

communists in, 85

culture of, 72

education in, 49, 125

Fraser on, 57

golden age of, 66

Jewish success in, 118

liberalism in, 63

nationalism in, 71

national universalism of, 64

newspapers in, 50–51

Russian revolutionary intelligentsia on, 157

socialists in, 85–86

wealth in, 48, 49

Weimar Republic of, 85. See also Nazis/Nazism

germ-plasm, 53, 54, 58. See also blood; race

Ghorbat people, 22–23

Gilels, Elizaveta, 125–26

Gilels, Emil, 226

Gintsburg, Evzel (Iossel) Gabrielovich, 119, 120

Gintsburg, Horace, 119, 120

Gintsburg family, 121

Ginzburg, Aleksandr, 342

Ginzburg, Evgenia, 240, 272–73, 343, 344

Gnedin, Evgeny, 241, 343

Goans, 31–32

Godley, Andrew, 117, 261

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 45, 67, 68, 71, 97, 101, 239

Gogol, Nikolai, 144, 239

Goldberg, Ben-Zion, 292

Goldberg, J. J., 357

Goldstein, Boris, 126, 226

Goldstein, Moisei Khatskelevich, 226–27, 272

Goldstein, Moritz, 68, 69, 71

Golomstock, Igor, 342

Goloshchekin, Shaia, 178, 180

Golubov-Potapov, V. I., 298

Gomperz family, 120

Goncharov, Ivan, 113–14

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 340, 355

Gordin, Jacob: The Jewish King Lear, 138

The Jewish Queen Lear, 138

Gorky, Maxim, 134, 159, 163–64, 186–87, 199

Gosling, L. A. Peter, 10

Gradnauer, Georg, 85

Great Britain, 32, 48, 65, 66, 118

Great Patriotic War, 225, 275, 281, 282, 283, 301

Great Retreat, 225

Great Terror, 254, 255, 269–75, 297, 306, 312, 322, 334, 345

Great War, 165–66

Greeks, 111, 159,299

Green armies, 173, 174

Gross, Jan T., 185

Grossman, Vasily, 286–87

Forever Flowing, 197

“Four Days,” 195, 196

Life and Fate, 240–2, 288–89, 308

Group for the Emancipation of Labor, 151

Gubelman, M. I., 293

Gujaratis, 32