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Gulag, 199

Gundolph (Gundelfinger), Friedrich, 52

Gurevich, Aron, 342

Gurevich, Yuri, 340–41

Gusinsky, Vladimir, 362

Gypsies: and bodily purity, 45

bohemians as, 42

divine punishment of, 23

extermination of, 38

and Gajo, 15

gender roles among, 11

language of, 16–17, 20

occupations of, 5

purity/pollution among, 15

in Russian Empire, 111

in Russian Federation, 361

as service nomads, 30

strangeness of, 10

transience of, 8, 28

violence toward, 36

women of, 11. See also Rom

Haase, Hugo, 85

Haberer, Erich, 150–51

Habsburg Empire, 62. See also Austria

Haiti, 37

Harshav, Benjamin, 267

healer, 28

Hebrew, 19, 20, 128, 137. See also Yiddish

Heifetz, Jascha, 125

Heine, Heinrich, 43, 68, 239

Heinze, Andrew R., 319

Helphand, Alexander (Parvus), 99, 155, 241, 343

Henri de Navarre, 61

Hermes, 7–8, 10, 12, 24, 26–27, 29–30. See also Mercurians/Mercurianism; Mercury

Herzen, Alexander, 140, 239, 339–40

My Past and Thoughts, 49, 67

Herzfeld family, 121

Herzog, Elizabeth, 107

Life Is with People, 323–24

Hilferding, Rudolf, 85

Hindu caste system, 13

Hirsch, Paul, 85

Hirsch family, 121

history, 80, 81, 106, 264, 265, 267, 323, 360–61

Hitler, Adolph, 60, 82, 301

Holland, 65, 66

Hollinger, David A., 263

Holocaust: and Israel, 327, 328

and Jackson-Vanik amendment, 357

and Jews (American), 370

as measure of all crimes, 366

and modernity, 46

and Sholem Aleichem, 205

Solzhenitsyn on, 360

and Soviet Union, 337

and State of Israel, 365

Wiesel on, 352. See also anti-Semitism

homelessness. See exile/homelessness

Homer, 77, 78, 87, 101

Horkheimer, Max, 86, 87–88

host people, 6, 11, 20, 21, 22

House Un-American Activities Committee, 315

Hugo, Victor, 66

Hungarian (language), 67

Hungary, 314

anti-Semitism in, 116

assimilation in, 62, 63

and banking, 48

business in, 49, 123

communism in, 89, 97

and education, 49

Jewish success in, 118

national universalism of, 64

newspapers of, 51

professionals in, 50

radicals in, 85

socialists in, 89

wealth in, 48

Ibo people, 30

Ibraimov, Veli, 248

Inadan, 6, 10, 11, 17, 22, 29, 30

Inber, Vera, 199

India, 4, 6–7, 13, 20–21, 30–31

Indians, Overseas, 25, 29, 30, 31–32, 33, 34, 38

individual, 42, 43, 44, 207

Indonesia, 33, 38–39

Industrial Revolution, 64

industry: American Jews in, 261

and homelessness, 23

Jewish success in, 48

in Pale of Settlement, 118–19, 120

and Russian nationalism, 277–78

in Russian Empire, 120, 121–22, 123, 149, 152

Russian Jews in, 118–19

and Soviet Union, 276

in Soviet Union, 223, 249

worker in, 37

intellect, 1, 26–27, 41, 53, 56–60, 90–91, 107, 110, 113, 118. See also reason/rationality

intellectuals, 215, 263, 318

intelligentsia: in Marxism, 148, 162

and populism, 148

of Russian Empire, 70, 157–58, 162

Russian Jewish, 140–44, 155

and Samoilov, 281

self-hatred of, 152, 165

Soviet, 234, 254, 277, 331–35, 340

and Soviet Communist Party, 332

Soviet Jews as, 224, 230, 233, 234, 237, 238–39, 256–57, 272–73, 297, 335, 340

as strangers, 335

International Relief Organization for Revolutionaries (MOPR), 89

Iofan, Boris, 290

Ioffe, Adolf, 176

Iokheleson, Vladmir, 129

Islam, 361, 365

Ismailis, 31–32

Israel, 103, 208, 210, 267, 268. See also Palestine; Zionism

Israel, State of: and American Jews, 315, 327, 352, 365, 370

Apollonianism in, 328, 364

as armed camp, 365

chosenness of, 327, 365

culture of, 327–29

ethnic homogeneity of, 364

vs. Europe, 364–65

and Holocaust, 327, 328, 365

Mercurianism in, 328, 364

nationalism of, 327, 328, 364, 367

socialism in, 327

and Soviet Jews, 338, 352–55, 357, 358–59

and Soviet Union, 294–97, 352–53, 367

strangeness of, 328, 366–67

violence in, 328

youth in, 327

Zionism of, 348. See also Palestine; Zionism

Italian Americans, 34, 35

Italy, 66, 327

Ivanov, Vs., 199

Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 69, 70, 71, 128, 156–57, 204

The Five, 215

Jackson, Henry, 357

Jackson-Vanik amendment, 357

Jacobs, Joseph, 53

Jains, 13–14, 31–32, 33

Janos, Andrew, 98

Japanese, 5, 10, 33, 35

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, 291, 292, 293–94, 295, 296, 298, 312

Jewish Autonomous Region, 294

Jewish National Region, 248–49

Jewishness, 167, 203, 220, 263, 322–27, 360

Jewish Revolution, 3, 92, 282

and Bolshevik revolution, 180

death of, 331

in Fiddler on the Roof, 326

and Freudianism, 319

against Jewishness, 167, 203, 220, 263, 360

Jewish Social Democrats, 149, 150

Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic, 294

Jews (American): and anti-Semitism, 262, 316, 326

assimilation of, 207

Bromberg on, 208

in business, 261

Cahan on, 208

and capitalism, 263, 265

in civil service, 370

and communism, 315, 350, 352

culture of, 213–15

in education, 316, 318

education of, 261–62, 318, 368

and emigration of Soviet Jews, 356–57, 370

as entrepreneurs, 261

equality of, 207

and ethnic politics, 322

family of, 117, 261

and Freudianism, 319

and history, 264, 265

and Holocaust, 370

in industry, 261

as intellectuals, 263, 318

and Israel, 315, 327, 352, 365, 370

Jewishness of, 207–8, 322–27

labor of, 261

liberalism of, 318–19, 350

life of, 210–11, 259–66

literature of, 266

marriage of, 371

and Marxism, 263, 264, 318

in media, 368, 370

in medicine, 315, 318, 369

meritocracy of, 350

messianism of, 263

as nationalists, 315, 351

and Nazi mass murders, 327

in nonprofit organizations, 370

occupations of, 210, 368–69

and Palestine, 267

parent-child conflicts among, 262, 265

in politics, 369–70

population of, 368

professions of, 261, 315–16, 318, 350

and proletariat, 263

Protestantized Judaism of, 263, 357, 359

in public-interest organizations, 370

religion among, 349–50

secularism of, 350

socialism of, 265, 357

and Soviet Union, 264–65, 291–92, 327

and Stalin, 264

student radicalism of, 348–50

success of, 118, 260–62, 315–16, 327, 367–68

and Trotsky, 264, 265

urbanism of, 261

and victimhood, 370–71

wartime Jewish appeals to, 291

and West, 264

and youth, 263

and Zionism, 359. See also United States

Jews (Ashkenazi), 121

Jews (diaspora): as antipodes of Apollonians, 40

assimilation of, 60–64

by blood, 286–88, 295, 359

bodily cleanliness of, 15–16, 45

business connections of, 28

chosenness of, 26, 185, 366

in commerce, 1, 5

culture of, 1

defined, 3

divine punishment of, 22

endogamy of, 12–13

as entrepreneurs, 1, 5, 6, 30, 43, 72

as exiles, 1, 22

extermination of, 38