migration of to Israel, 357
migration of to Palestine, 266–69
migration of to United States, 207, 210–11, 213–15, 260–66, 357, 358–59, 368
in military, 225
and modernity, 237
names of, 298
nationality of, 246, 248–49, 274, 289, 294, 297, 298, 299, 336, 337
national republic for, 248–49, 274
and Nazi invasion, 286–97, 360
normalization of, 252, 253
and nuclear physics, 307
occupations of, 218–21, 223–24, 237, 369
origins of, 331
and Palestine, 267
and poetry, 225
and polemics, 225
as political elite, 251–52, 272–75
political loyalty of, 224
population of in cities, 329, 330
in professions, 224, 225, 226, 237, 301–8, 309, 314, 329, 330, 335, 336
purge of, 297–315, 318, 329
regrets of, 344
restrictions on, 223
revolutionary nature of, 251–52
and Russian nationalism, 277–86, 288, 322
Russian nationalist accounts of, 360–61
and Russians, 329
in science, 224, 329, 330, 335, 336
and secret police, 177, 221, 254–55, 304, 360
self–identification as, 241
and shtetl, 247^8, 252
Solzhenitsyn on guilt of, 360
and state, 242–43
as state employees, 223–24
as strangers, 237, 354
success of, 247, 327, 329, 369
as traders, 218
as tribal aliens, 354
Ulanov–skaia on, 361
urbanism of, 252
wealth of, 218, 222
as writers, 224, 225, 226, 302. See also Soviet Union
Jogisches, Leo, 85
journalism, 41, 50, 104, 303, 315
Joyce, James, 77–79, 84
Ulysses, 77–79, 84, 87–90
Judaism: and Christianity, 318
vs. communism, 206
and Marx, 93–94
and Marxism, 83–85, 98
revolt against, 137
Soviet policy toward, 247
Jussawalla, Adil, 60
Kabakov, Ilya, 343
Kafka, Franz, 63, 75–76
Kaganova, Emma, 311
Kaganovich, Lazar, 97, 248, 294
Reminiscences of a Worker, Communist–Bolshevik, and a Trade Union, Party, and Soviet–State Official, 94
Kahan, Arcadius, 120, 121–22
Kamenev, Lev Borisovich (Rosenfeld), 169, 175, 179, 245
Kaminskaia, Lina, 309
Kandinsky, Vassily, 200
Kanjar, 11, 27, 28
Kantorovich, Leonid, 342
Kapitsa, Petr, 290, 342
Kapler, A. Ya., 304
Karaites, 111
Karpova, A. S. (Zalkind), 233
Kataev, V., 199
Katz, Jacob, 28, 51
Kazantzakis, Nikos, 91
Kazin, Alfred, 214
Kent State, 349
Kenya, 32, 38
Kessner, Thomas, 262
Kharik, Izi, 217–18, 273
Kharkov, 206, 217, 223, 301
Kheifets, G. M., 296
Kheisin, I. O., 186
Kherson, 117
Khmelnytsky, Bohdan, 107
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 362
Khrushchev, Nikita, 314, 334
Kiev, 122, 206, 223, 289, 301
kinship: and assimilation of Jews, 60
and bohemians, 42
and capitalism, 43
corporate, 25
of Lebanese traders, 25
and moneylending, 9–10
of Overseas Chinese, 25–26
stranger minorities outside, 6. See also family; tribe/tribalism
Kirgiz people, 111, 154
Kirpotin, V., 279
Kirshon, V., 220
The Korenkov Affair, 219
Koestler, Arthur, 312
Kogan, L. I., 199
Kogan, Pavel, 280
“The Brigantine,” 234–35
“The Letter,” 235
Koltsov, Mikhail (Fridliand), 226
Komar, Vitaly, 343
Komsomol, 228, 229, 230, 295
Kopelev, Lev, 185–86, 229, 233, 241–42, 279–80, 285, 344–45
Kopeliansky, Lieutenant Colonel, 304
Korea/Koreans, 4–5, 34
Kosov, Semyon Andreevich, 281–82, 283
Kuban, 248
kulaks, purge of, 309
Kun, Béla, 85, 97, 98, 178
Kuniaev, Stanislav, 203
Kushnirov, Aron, 134
Kvitko, Leiba, 298, 299
labor, 11, 29, 212, 261. See also occupation(s); professions
Lamarckianism, 59
Landau, G. A., 138–39, 183
Landau, Lev, 342
Landauer, Gustav, 85, 92
Landes, David, 47
Landsberg, Otto, 85
language: and assimilation, 60, 67–69
and difference, 19, 20
in France, 66
of Jewish nationalism, 100–102
in Joyce, 79
as mercurial and Promethean, 19
of Mercurians, 16, 20, 28, 29
national, 20
and nationalism, 45, 61, 65
and nation–state, 276
of Overseas Chinese, 20
of Pale Jews vs. non–Jews, 108
in Palestine, 213
revolt against, 137
in Russian Empire, 106, 127
of Russian Jews, 105, 108, 127–30
in Russian reading circles, 144
sacred, 20
in Soviet Union, 250, 276–77, 278
of strangers, 16–20
of United States, 276
vernacular, 18, 19, 100. See also culture
Larin, Yuri (Lurie), 245, 248, 251–52, 262
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 85, 93–94
Latin America, 30, 31
Latvia, 152, 154, 169, 174
Latvians, 177, 273
Lavochkin, S. A., 303
law: American Jews in, 315, 318
discrimination by, 110–11
European Jews in, 50
Jews in, 1, 71, 104, 369
as modern occupation, 41
Russian Jews in, 125, 158
Soviet Jews in, 224, 301–2
learning: of European Jews, 46
in modernity, 1, 41
opposite views of, 107
of Russian Jews, 106
of Soviet Jews, 222. See also education
Lebanese, 7, 25, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 369
Lebanese Maronites, 34
Leichter, Käthe, 63–64
Lenin, V. I.: in Babel, 170
on democratic vs. bourgeois cultures, 185
Ehrenburg on, 200
Gorky on, 163–64
and Help–hand, 155
Jewish ancestry of, 163, 338
Jewish Bolsheviks with, 169
on Jewish intelligentsia, 224
on Jewish progressives, 163
and Jews, 152
killing of Nicholas II by, 178
Kopelev on, 241, 242
and Latvians in Cheka, 177
nationality policy of, 246
on peasants, 163
populism vs. Marxism in, 148
and Russia nationalism, 277
on Russian backwardness, 143
on Tolstoy, 153
on Trotsky, 187
Leningrad, 176, 206, 217, 222, 223–24, 225, 230–31, 253, 301
Leninism, 103
Lermontov, Mikhail, 98
Leroy–Beaulieu, Anatole, 58–59
Lesin, Grigorii (Gersha Zelik) Davidovich, 119
Levenson, Joseph R., 371
Levi, Paul, 85
Levin, Boris, 219–20
Levin, I. O., 156, 185
Levine, Eugen, 85
Levitan, Isaak, 126, 134, 135
Levitan, Yuri, 226
Libedinsky, Yuri, The Commissars, 194–95,196
liberalism: of American Jews, 318–19, 350
and assimilation, 62–64
and Christianity, 318
and citizenship, 64, 158–59
and communism, 206, 207, 348
and culture, 71
and evil, 207
and family, 64
of France, 62
and Freudianism, 319
of Habsburg Empire, 62
Jewish promotion of, 71
as language, 64
and Marxism, 318
modernity as, 321–22
and nationalism, 99, 207
Nazi view of, 103
and patricide, 100
and Protestantism, 43–44
and Russian Empire, 153
Russian intelligentsia on, 158–59
of Russian Jewish revolutionaries, 153
and Soviet Jews, 338
and tribalism, 318
in United States, 2, 104, 207, 318–19, 338, 348, 350. See also neutrality
Lichter, S. Robert, 349
Lifshits, Mikhail, 233
Lissitzky, El (Lazar Markovich [Morduk–hovich] Lisitsky), 126, 179, 227
Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge, 199–200
literacy: among service nomads, 29
in Europe, 41
of Jewish Bolsheviks, 175
of Jews in Cheka, 177