Выбрать главу

as means, 20

as modern, 1

of Parsis, 31

of Soviet Jews, 222–23, 224, 252. See also education

literature, 45, 65, 214, 239–42, 266. See also culture

Lithuania, 50, 108, 337

Litvinov, Pavel, 342

Loez, 19

Lotman, Yuri, 342

Löwenthal, Leo, 86, 98

Lõwinger, József, 96–97

Lozovsky, Solomon, 299, 312–13

Lukács, Georg, 63, 96–97

Lunacharsky, A., 162, 179–80, 187–88

Luxemburg, Rosa, 85

Magyars, 72

Mahler, Gustav, 63

Maimonides, Moses, 170

Mairanovsky, G. M., 304–5

Maisky, I. M., 291

Malashkin, Sergei, 219, 220

Malays, 10, 33

Malinke, 22

Mandelstam, Osip, 67–68, 129, 136, 137, 147, 190, 264, 281, 324, 343, 351

Manievich, Abraham, 126

Marcuse, Herbert, 86

Margi, 13

Margolina, Sonja, 92

Margolin family, 120–21

Markish, Ester, 210, 221, 310–11, 353–54, 358

Markish, Perets, 191, 221, 292, 298

marriage, 12–13, 15, 21, 105, 179–80, 361, 363,371

Marshak, Samuil, 134, 135, 280

Martin, Terry, 274

Marx, Karclass="underline" aloneness in, 84

on capitalism, 2, 60

and father, 63

and Jews, 2, 60, 91, 99

and Judaism, 93–94

middle–class family of, 83

socialism of, 153

Marxism: alienation of labor in, 102

and American Jews, 263, 264, 318

and Apollonianism, 148

and Bund, 148, 151

and communism, 80, 82, 162

division of labor in, 80

education in, 95–96

evil in, 102–3

father in, 162

Frankfurt School on, 87

and Freudianism, 319, 320, 321–22

and history, 80, 81

intelligentsia in, 162

and Jews, 2, 92, 95–96, 162, 247, 248

and Judaism, 83–85, 98

and liberalism, 318

and Mercurianism, 81, 148

millenarianism in, 92

modernity of, 80, 148, 162

and nationalism, 80, 82, 322

nationality in, 246

and Nazism, 103

on patricide, 100

peasants in, 162

and populism, 148

as religion, 81, 322

and revolt against family, 136

in Russian Empire, 148

of Russian Jews, 151

and science, 80, 81

and Sholem Aleichem, 205

sin in, 80

Soviet, 102–3, 247, 248, 276, 322

and tribalism, 80, 162

Marxism-Leninism, 301, 306

materialism, 82, 156, 213, 214, 260. See also wealth

Mazut Company, 121

McCarthy, Joseph, 315

Mead, Margaret, 323, 324

medicine: American Jews in, 315, 318, 369

European Jews in, 50, 70–71, 104

and Freudianism, 81

Germans of Russian Empire in, 113

intellect in, 28

Jews in, 1, 369

as modern occupation, 41

and Nazism, 103–4

Russian Empire Jews in, 105, 125

Soviet Jews in, 224, 225, 307–8, 329

Mehta, Zubin, 30

Meir (Meyerson), Golda, 296–97

Mekler, Abram, 238

Melamid, Aleksandr, 343

Mendele Mokher Sforim (Sholem Yakov Abramovich), 101

Mendelssohn, Moses, 51

Mendl, Menachem, 211

Mensheviks, 148, 152, 273

merchant(s): cleverness of, 27

craftiness of, 10

and Hermes/Mercury, 8

intellect of, 28

Russian Jewish, 118

stranger communities as, 5–6. See also business; commerce; trader(s)

Mercurians/Mercurianism: as aliens in Russian Empire, 166

aloofness of, 45–46

and Apollonianism, 24, 27–28, 29, 30–35

in Babel, 188

and bodily purity, 45

and Bolsheviks, 173, 192

business integration of, 123

characteristics of, 23

as communists, 37

corporate kinship among, 34–35

and culture, 125

dangers to, 35–39

economic success of, 26

and European Jewish assimilation, 60–61

European revolt against, 211

Europeans’ development as, 41

and exiles as divine punishment, 22

and family, 35

and Freudianism, 81

Germans in Russian Empire as, 112–14

in Gorky, 164

in imperial Russia, 237–38

intellect of, 26–27

internal cohesion of, 35

in Joyce, 77, 78

language of, 16, 20, 28, 29

and Marxism, 81, 148

and modernity, 136

occupations of, 28

and polytheism, 65

postexilic Jews as, 40

and Protestant ethic, 33–34

purity/pollution among, 15

and radicalism, 90–91

and Roth, 317

of Russian Empire, 111, 112–14, 115, 237–38

of Russian Empire Jews, 106, 107, 121, 140, 155, 192

of Russian Federation Jews, 361, 362

of Russian Jewish revolutionaries, 155

in Russian Revolution, 199

and Samoilov, 281

scriptural, 30, 31

and secret police, 306

of Soviet Jews, 192, 201, 218, 237, 247, 255

in Soviet Union, 209, 237, 238, 254, 255, 310

in State of Israel, 328, 364

strangeness of, 35

superiority of, 26

tribalism of, 24, 35

of Trotsky, 265

of United States, 207, 215, 367, 368, 369

universal, 65

values of, 28

writers as, 29

and Zionism, 102, 269

Mercury, 10, 29. See also Hermes

meritocracy, 142, 158, 337, 339, 350, 369

Meromskaia, Tsafrira, 210, 221, 231, 238, 239, 272, 273, 354

Nostalgia? Never!, 256–57

messianism, 58–59, 91–93, 102, 103, 263, 268. See also religion

Mickiewicz, Adam, 67, 71, 97

middle class. See bourgeoisie

Middle East, 34

middlemen, 25, 34, 105, 112, 115, 123

migration: to European cities, 47

from Pale of Settlement, 257

to Palestine, 2, 210, 211, 212, 266–69

Russia as source of, 122, 149, 212

to Russian cities, 116, 117, 149

to Soviet cities, 2, 206, 210, 211 212–13, 216–19, 222, 223, 224, 238, 243

of Soviet Jews, 341, 354–59, 370

to United States, 2, 116–17, 149, 207, 210–11, 213–15, 260–66, 315, 357, 358–59, 368

Mikhoels, Solomon, 138, 290–91, 292, 294, 298, 311

Mil, M. L., 303

military, 114–15, 175, 225. See also Red Army; Whites

millenarianism, 35, 91–92, 103, 269. See also religion

Minc, Hilary, 314

mind. See intellect

Mints, I. I., 302

Mishin, V. P., 335, 336

Mississippi Summer volunteers, 348–49

Mitin, M. B., 302

Mlynek, Anna, 232–33

modernism, 75, 77, 103

modernity: Armenians as models for, 30

and capitalism, 99, 207

and Christianity, 41

culture of, 71

debate over Jewish success in, 52–60

of England, 66

in Europe, 1–2, 40–46

of France, 66

and Freudianism, 81

and Germans of Russian Empire, 114

and Holocaust, 46

and Jews, 1, 30, 52–60, 61, 63, 64, 73, 104, 207

in Joyce, 77

learning in, 1, 41

as liberalism, 321–22

and Marxism, 80, 148, 162

and medicine, 41

of Mercurianism vs. Apollonianism, 136–37

and nationalism, 1, 43–45, 99, 321–22, 350

and nation-state, 276

occupations of, 1, 41

and peasants, 60, 61

polytheism of, 65

professions in, 142, 207, 332

and Protestantism, 41–42, 43

and Russian Empire, 114, 115–16, 142–3

and Russian Empire Jews, 115–16, 118, 123, 153, 155–56, 158

science in, 41, 42, 207

service nomadism in, 30

and socialism, 207

and Soviet Jews, 237

of Soviet Union, 277, 331, 332

and strangers, 61

vs. traditional society, 142

and tribalism, 43, 45, 363–64

wealth in, 1, 41

Western, 142–143

youth in, 142, 143

Moldavians, 336

Molière, 66

Molotov, V. M., 220, 244–45, 294, 304