Выбрать главу

moneylending, 5, 6, 9–10, 23, 41, 118

Mon people, 9, 363

MOPR (International Relief Organization for Revolutionaries), 89

morality, 14, 42, 44, 53, 54, 55, 82, 100

Mordvinians, 299

Moreinis, M. A., 139, 147

Moreinis-Muratova, F. A., 129, 134, 138, 139, 227

Morozov, G. I., 304

Moscow, 125, 206, 217–18, 223–24, 230–31, 253, 301

Moscow International Youth Festival (1957), 352

music. See arts

Mussavatists, 273

Mutnikovich, Abram, 128

Nabokov, Vladimir, 256, 321

Nader, Ralph, 31

Nadson, S. la., 143, 147

Nakhimson, Semen, 179

Namier, Lewis Bernstein, 57

Naoroji, Dadabhai, 30

Nathans, Benjamin, 125

nation: Christianity as, 61

deification of, 44–45

expiation of guilt by, 185

guilt of, 157

and modernity, 276

and Nazism, 102

nationalism: and American Jews, 315, 351

anti-Semitism in, 74

as Apollonian, 37

and assimilation, 61, 62

in Bund, 148

and capitalism, 99, 207

Chamberlain on, 53

and Christianity, 44–5, 67, 321

communism as, 97

and culture, 61, 71, 101

ethnic, 65, 116

in Europe, 159

and family, 61, 363–64

and Freudianism, 80, 82

German, 71, 116

golden ages of, 65

in Gorky, 164

Hebrew, 101, 102

in Hungary, 116

of Israel, 208

and Jews, 44–45, 73, 100–102

in Joyce, 79, 84

and language, 20, 45, 61, 65

and liberalism, 99, 207

and literature, 45, 65, 129–30

and Lukacs, 97

and Marxism, 80, 82, 322

and modernity, 1, 43–45, 99, 321–22, 350

in Nazism, 2, 365, 366

of non-Russian republics, 278

as political vs. tribal, 322

and professions, 207

and religion, 1, 61, 67, 70

Russian, 277–86, 288, 322

in Russian Empire, 141

and Russian literature, 129–30

and science, 207

service nomads under, 36–37

and socialism, 207

and Soviet Union, 247, 277–86, 300

state as family in, 142

of State of Israel, 327, 328, 364, 367

and tribalism, 1, 66, 321, 322, 363–64

in United States, 67, 315, 322

as universal, 64

and unprotected status of Jews, 165

and Zionism, 363

nationality: and citizenship, 36–37

and evil, 104

in Marxism, 246

of Mordvinians, 299

of Soviet Jews, 246, 248–49, 274, 289, 294, 297, 298, 299, 336, 337

in Soviet Union, 246, 247, 250, 275, 285–86, 293, 294, 297, 329, 331, 335–36

of Ukrainians, 299

in United States, 350. See also ethnicity

nation-state: common language of, 276

and Hebrew-based nationalism, 102

and modernity, 276

service nomads under, 36–37

and Soviet Union, 208–9. See also state

Nawar, 6, 29

Nazis/Nazism: in Aliger, 283, 284

anti-Semitism of, 2, 103, 286–91, 327, 337, 365

and capitalism, 103

and Christianity, 103

and communism, 103

ethnicity in, 366

as evil, 365, 366

evil in, 102, 103, 104

Frankfurt School on, 88–89

and Freudianism, 103–4

invasion of Soviet Union by, 286–97, 360

and Israel, 327, 328

and liberalism, 103

and Marxism, 103

mass murder by, 286–91, 327, 337

and medicine, 103–4

as messianic, 102, 103

and millenarianism, 103

and modernism, 103

Namier on rise of, 57

and nation, 102

nationalism of, 2, 365, 366

and Party, 312

rise of, 184

science in, 103, 365, 366

secularism in, 104

and Sholem Aleichem, 205

Nazi-Soviet alliance, 301, 315

Nedelin, Mitrofan, 332, 334, 340

Neizvestny, Ernst, 343

Nekrasov, Nikolai, 98

Nepal, 5

nepotism, 34, 43

Nestorians (Assyrians), 5, 20, 38, 111, 166

neutrality, 67

of citizenship, 60

lack of, 63

of public life, 62

of secular culture, 51

of strangers, 5–6. See also liberalism

New Economic Policy, 210, 218, 219, 220, 222, 229

Nicholas I, 49

Nicholas II, 178, 180

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 24, 55, 60, 82, 91, 163

Nigeria, 30

Nikritin, Solomon, 126

Nixon administration, 357

NKVD, 254–55. See also Cheka; OGPU; police, Soviet secret

nomadism, 11, 54, 59. See also service nomads

nose, Jewish, 77, 87, 128

Novak, Grigory, 191

nursing. See medicine

Oblomov/Oblomovism, 162, 164, 193, 278

occupation(s): of American Jews, 210, 368–69

and anti-Semitism, 72, 73

of Armenians, 30

of diaspora Jews, 30, 40

in Europe, 41

of European Jews, 369

of Germans in Russian Empire, 111–13

Mercurian, 28

middleman, 25, 34, 105, 112, 115, 123

modern, 1, 41

in Pale of Settlement, 105

and restrictions on Russian Jews, 116, 123

of Russian Empire Jews, 115–16, 122, 123, 154

of Russian Federation Jews, 362–63

service, 105

of Soviet Jews, 218–21, 223–24, 225, 237

in Soviet Union, 329

of strangers, 4–5, 9

undesirable, 4–5, 9

in United States, 210. See also professions; specific occupations

Odessa, 71, 122, 124, 125–26, 159, 210

Odysseus/Ulysses, 23, 27

OGPU, 199, 221, 244. See also Cheka; NKVD; police, Soviet secret

Oistrakh, David, 125, 226

Old Believers, 111, 121, 123

Old Bolsheviks, 256

Olesen, Asta, 17

Onikov, L., 355

Oppenheim banking house, 47

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 342

Orlova, Raisa, 136, 231–32, 233, 239, 344, 345

Memoirs of Times Not Past, 346–47

Orzhikh-Bogoraz-Shternberg group, 151

Ottoman Empire, 6, 166

Pakistanis, 11, 32

Pale of Settlement: collapse of, 2, 166

education in, 124

emigration from, 117

industrialism in, 120

life in, 105–10

and Meromskaia, 238

migration from, 140, 257

and Russian civil war, 173

urban riots in, 155, 159. See also shtetl

Palestine: and American Jews, 267

Apol-lonianism in, 209

Arabs in, 209

as dream, 215

history in, 267

Jewish brotherhood in, 212–13

Jewish identification with, 318

language in, 213

messianism in, 268

migration to, 2, 210, 211, 212, 266–69

Russian culture in, 213

Russian emigration to, 149

socialism in, 209, 267

and Soviet Union, 268, 269

State of Israel in, 294–97

Zionism in, 104, 209, 268. See also Israel; Israel, State of; Zionism

Palestinians, 31

Para-Romani languages, 16–17

parents. See family; father

Parsis, 6–7, 13, 16, 20–21, 26, 29, 30–31

Pasmanik, D. S., 184

Pasternak, Boris, 343

Pasternak, Leonid, 126, 134

pastoral society, 4, 7, 23, 28, 54, 111

patriarchy, 25, 96, 144. See also father

Patriotic War of 1812, 281

Pauker, Ana, 314

peasants: and anti-Semitism, 289

and civil war, 173

and culture, 282

and equality, 111

Gorky on, 163

vs. Jewish success, 154

Lenin on, 163

in Marxism, 162

vs. Mercurians, 23, 29, 123

modernization of, 60, 61

and New Economic Policy, 219

and populism vs. Marxism, 148

protection of, 116, 159, 160

and Samoilov, 281–82, 283

shtetl Jews on, 27

and socialism, 141

values of, 28

People’s Will party, 151

Pereires family, 47, 120

Perle, Richard, 357