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intelligentsia of, 70, 157–58, 162

Jewish population of, 105, 117

language in, 106, 127

legal discrimination in, 110–11

and liberalism, 153

Mercurianism in, 111, 112–14, 115, 237–38

military in, 114–15

and modernity, 114, 115–16, 142–43

nationalism in, 141

Nestorians (Assyrians) in, 111

Pale of Settlement in, 2

pogroms in, 116, 118, 166

Provisional Government of, 334

Pushkin as national poet of, 74

railroad industry in, 120, 121–22

Red Terror in, 178

secularism in, 149

Time of Troubles in, 167

universalism of, 64

view of Jews in, 143–44, 155–62

Westernization of, 111

women in, 124. See also Jews (Russian Empire)

Russian Federation, 359–63

Russian Revolution, 360

and civil war, 172, 173–74

defined, 167

February Revolution, 175

in Fiddler on the Roof, 326

Mercurianism in, 199. See also Bolsheviks; Red Army; Whites

Russians: and Bolsheviks, 310

education of, 223

and ethnicity, 250

Gorky on, 164

and Jews, 329

modernization of, 252–54

and nationalism, 277–86, 288, 322

and nationalist accounts of Jews, 360–61

and Soviet nationalities, 331

Soviet pride in, 275–84

traditional opposition of to Jews, 362

Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), 151–52, 155

Russo-Germans, 255

Rwala people, 23–24

Rybak, Issachar, 126

Rybakov, Anatoly, 191–92, 209–10, 221

Sabra, 212, 213, 267–68, 367. See also Israel; Israel, State of; Palestine

Sachar, H., 120

Sakharov, Andrei, 332–33, 334, 340

Samoilov, David, 233, 236–37, 238, 280–81

Samosud, S., 290

Sampson, John, 17–18

Samuel, Maurice, 27, 101

The World of Sholem Aleichem, 323

Schapiro, Leonard, 154, 177

Schatz, Jaff, 95–96, 98

Schiller, Friedrich, 45, 68, 69, 70, 71, 97, 239

Schoenberg, Arnold, 91

Schoenfeld, Joachim, 109

Schorske, Carl, 62

Schulberg, Budd, 266

science: American Jews in, 318

and bodily purity, 45

European Jews in, 50, 51–52, 104

and Freudianism, 81, 319, 321

and Marxism, 80, 81

in modernity, 41, 42, 207

and nationalism, 207

in Nazism, 103, 365, 366

racial, 103

Soviet Jews in, 224, 329, 330, 335, 336

in Soviet Union, 306, 331, 333, 334

Stalin on, 306

Veblenon, 59

Scientific Revolution, 64

Scotland, 66

SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), 348

Second Congress of Soviets, 175

secularism, 23, 63, 102, 104, 149, 209, 350

Sedov, Lev, 324, 325

self-hatred, 73–74, 152, 165, 364

Seligman banking house, 47

Semenchuk, Konstantin, 249–50

Semenov, Semyon, 304

Semichastnyi, V., 340

Semitic language, 18

Serov, Valentin, 126

service nomads: aloofness of, 22

bohemians as, 42

bourgeois, 37

as chosen, 26

danger to, 35–39

diaspora Jews as, 39, 40

difference of, 20–29

economic dependency of, 21

economic success of, 36

endogamy of, 12–13

genealogical self-definition of, 9

and Jewish nationalism, 101

languages of, 17, 19

literacy among, 29

in modernity, 30

and purity/pollution, 21

segregation of, 36

travels of, 29

tribalism of, 24–26

as violators of norms, 23–24

violence toward, 36

Seton-Watson, R. W., 85

Sevela, E. E., 355

sexuality, 11, 12, 21, 108, 212

Shakespeare, William, 45, 65, 68, 79, 239

Hamlet, 77

King Lear, 138

Sharon, Ariel, 329

Shcherbakov, A. S., 249

Shechner, Mark, 319

Sheikh Mohammadi, 5, 8, 17, 22

Shell Corporation, 121

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 66

Shersher, Leonid, 239

Shifrin, Nisson, 126

Shklovsky, Viktor, 175, 199

Sholem, Gershom, 69

Sholem Aleichem, 292

Brodsky in, 121

and Bund, 148

on chosenness, 26

and Fiddler on the Roof, 325, 326

history in, 106

as Jewish Pushkin, 148, 247, 267

as national writer, 101

revolt against family in, 254

and Roth, 316

Samuel on, 323

Soviet promotion of, 247

Tevye the Milkman, 138, 139–40, 204–5

United States in, 326

usefulness of, 347–48

Shrayer, Maxim D., 203

Shterenberg, David, 126, 227

Shternberg, Lev, 93–94, 342

shtetl, 46, 247–48, 252, 323–24. See also Pale of Settlement

Shtrum, Viktor, 289, 292

Shulgin, V. V., 181–83, 184, 360

Shvartsman, Lev, 272, 304

Sidorina, Natasha, 231

Simonov, K., 302

Singer, I. J., The Brothers Ashkenazi, 137

Siniavsky, Andrei, 342

Six-Day War, 351, 353, 354, 365

Slánský, Rudolf, 314

Slavic languages, 19

Slepian, Vladimir, 345

Slezkine, Yuri, family of, 216, 226–27, 248–49, 272, 286, 310, 361

Slutskaia, Vera (Berta), 179

Slutsky, Boris, 235–36, 280

Smith, Adam, 44

Smolenskin, Perets, 124

Smolensky, Alexander, 362

Social Democratic party, 151, 152–53

socialism: of American Jews, 265, 357

and capitalism, 153, 207

and European Jews, 84–85, 91, 93, 101

of Herzen, 339–40

in Hungary, 89

and Israel, 327

Kazin on, 214

of Marx, 153

in modernity, 207

and nationalism, 207

in Palestine, 209, 267

populism as, 141

and postindustrial capitalism, 332

and professionalism, 207

in Russian Empire, 141

of Russian Empire Jews, 152, 153, 156–57

in Russian reading circles, 144

and Sholem Aleichem, 204, 205

in Soviet Union, 276, 331

of Stalin, 82

in United States, 215

in Vittenberg, 147

Weizmann on, 149, 150

as welfare state, 331. See also radicalism

socialist realism, 225, 240

Socialist Revolutionaries, 273

social justice, 93

Society of Militant Materialist Dialecticians, 225

Sokolnikov, Grigory (Girsh Brilliant), 175

Sokolov, N. A., 180

Sokolov, Vladimir, 134

Soloveichik family, 119

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 360–61

Sombart, Werner, 10, 42, 53–56, 58, 59, 91, 93

The Jews and Modern Capitalism, 54–55

Sorin, Savely, 126

South Africa, 327, 328

Soutine, Chaim, 126

Soviet Communist Party: and anti-Semitism, 244, 289, 290, 301, 302

and emigration of Jews, 355–56

failure of, 334

and intelligentsia, 332

and Nazism, 312

and professional elite, 306–7, 331–35

and purity, 229

and Truth, 306, 312–13

Sovietness, 276, 277

Soviet Union: affirmative action in, 223, 262, 331, 333, 335–36

and American Jews, 264–65, 291–92, 327

anti-Semitism in, 242–247, 248, 249, 250–251, 252–254, 289, 293, 294, 297–315, 318, 329, 331, 335–42, 355, 360

Apollonianism in, 209, 237, 238, 254, 255

Armenians in, 336

in Babel, 266

backwardness of, 277–78, 331

blood in, 285

brotherhood in, 212–13

Christianity in, 338

class in, 331

collectivization in, 276

communism in, 104, 262, 314

and consumer society, 331

cosmopolitanism of, 247, 276

cultural elite of, 225–42

culture in, 334

disappearance of, 359–60

dissidents in, 342, 344–45

distinctions in, 208–9

economy of, 209, 210, 218, 219, 220, 222–23, 229, 230, 276, 333