"Then proceed."
"Will you grant that the amphora of wine was already poisoned, because it was the wine with which Pompey intended to poison himself?"
Caesar nodded. "I grant as much. But what of the alabaster vial?" "I believe it was taken from my trunk by Merianis, just as she said, and for the reason she gave: She wished to deny me any chance to use the poison on myself. She stole the poison with my best interests at heart. I think that was about the only thing she told us that was true, because there was something Merianis left out. She was a spy for the queen; her eyes and ears belonged to Cleopatra. She told the queen everything, and I believe she told Cleopatra about the alabaster vial, as well. When you asked Merianis about disposing of the poison, she became flustered. I think that was her original intention, but someone ordered her not to-the queen, of course. For a woman like Cleopatra, such a poison might eventually serve a purpose, and so she ordered Merianis to keep the vial and its contents intact.
"Neither of them had any immediate use for the vial; for the moment, they both forgot about it, just as I did. Then came that terrible day on Antirrhodus. When Zoe died from the poisoned wine, the queen was as puzzled and alarmed as the rest of us. But her mind worked very quickly, searching for a way to turn events to her advantage. Because Meto had opened the amphora, he was an obvious suspect, and it may be that Cleopatra actually believed that Meto had poisoned the wine. Meto was her enemy; the queen knew that he disliked her. Whether he had poisoned the wine or not, it would benefit the queen to be rid of him, and she saw an opportunity to deal him a blow-even as she diverted suspicion from herself. A plot formed quickly in her mind, and she put it into action at once.
"While she held the body of Zoe, she called Merianis to her side. What did she say to Merianis? None of us could hear, for they kept their voices low, but did it not seem to you that Merianis balked at the queen's commands? This was what Cleopatra told her to do: first, to fetch the alabaster vial from her room, and to empty the poison from it; then to find Apollodorus, and to convey the queen's desire that he come at once and, when the occasion allowed, that he should plant the empty vial upon Meto. Merianis was appalled; she had no wish to harm Meto, but she had no will to resist the queen's command. Thus the strange look she shot at Meto; thus the shame she exhibited afterward. As for Apollodorus, he obeyed the queen's command without question, and for the very reason he gave today: 'Because I love her,' he said-but he didn't mean Merianis. He meant Cleopatra!"
Caesar rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "And-supposing this version of events is true-this was why you wished the two servants to be called here without their mistress. You hoped they might reveal the truth-and incriminate the queen."
"Yes. But Cleopatra foresaw that possibility. She might simply have refused to cooperate-but she sensed that you must, at some level, be given an explanation, and that someone would have to be punished. Before they came here, the queen told Merianis and Apollodorus exactly what to say, if called upon; and to save her, they lied, knowing it would mean their own deaths." I remembered the look of acquiescence on Merianis's face when Apollodorus delivered the deathblow, and my voice quavered. "If Merianis hadn't stolen the poison from my trunk, desiring only to save me from myself, she might yet be alive."
Caesar nodded. "Strange, how Cornelia's alabaster vial and Pompey's amphora of Falernian wine both seemed to take on a malevolent life of their own, even after their owners abandoned them. Dead men do bite, and so do their widows!"
"You accept my version of events, Consul?"
"It satisfies my curiosity, Gordianus. But it does not satisfy my needs."
"Your needs?"
"I came to Egypt to settle affairs here to my own advantage, and to the advantage of Rome, which amounts to the same thing. Debts must be repaid; for that to happen, the harvests must be gathered and taxes collected; for that to happen, Egypt must have peace. Either the king and queen must be reconciled, or one must be eliminated and the other put upon the throne-and whoever occupies the throne must be a steadfast ally of Rome. Through all that's happened, I've remained committed to carrying out the will of the Piper, namely that both siblings should rule jointly. What occurred on Antirrhodus was unfortunate; but as you yourself assert, the poisoning was accidental, and the queen's response, though regrettable, was not premeditated. To press the queen for answers, to badger her with questions as if she had plotted in some criminal fashion against my person, does not serve the greater purpose-"
"But she did plot against you, Consul! Not once, but twice! First, when she sought to falsely incriminate Meto-all the more terrible, if you ask me, precisely because it was spontaneous-and again, only moments ago, when she contrived, with complete premeditation, to have her subjects lie to you, even to die, in order to conceal the first deceit!"
"Would you have me call the queen a liar to her face?"
"I would have you call things what they are!"
"Ah, but there we see where you fail to grasp the situation, Gordianus. You possess knowledge, but you lack understanding. Through these deceits, the queen sought to advance herself, not to endanger me. That is a crucial point, Gordianus, and one that you fail to apprehend. This is a political matter; it has to do with the appearance of things. When the queen was pressed to supply a response that would satisfy appearances, she did precisely that."
"At the expense of two lives! The queen is a monster. To force those two to lie to protect her, and then to stand by and watch as they killed themselves, so that she might save face-"
"So that I might save face as well, Gordianus. Do you really believe she forced them to do anything? Quite the contrary, I should think; what they did, they did willingly, even eagerly. What extraordinary devotion! If only I could cultivate such depths of love and loyalty! Men have died for me, yes, but not in the way those two died for their queen. They truly believed her to be a goddess, with the power to grant them everlasting life. Amazing!" There was a note of envy in his wonderment. Would a Roman king ever be able to evoke such total devotion and blind self-sacrifice? I found the notion repellent, but Caesar seemed fascinated by the possibility.
He strode to the window and gazed at the vista that stretched to the distant Nile. "And yet…" I heard a note of resignation in his voice. I saw his shoulders sag. "You say that she's bewitched me, Gordianus, and I fear you may be right. I almost believe myself that she's a goddess, if only because she makes me feel like a god. I'm a man of fifty-two, Gordianus. Cleopatra makes me feel like a boy. I've conquered the world, and I feel weary; she offers me a fresh world to conquer, and makes me young again. She offers more than the world; she offers everlasting life. I'm fifty-two, and I've never produced an heir. Cleopatra has promised to give me a son. Can you imagine? A son to rule over not only Egypt, but Rome as well! Together we might found a dynasty to rule the whole world, forever."
I shook my head. Caesar, looking out the window, did not see my reaction, but must have sensed it.
"I suppose," he said, "this is precisely the sort of talk that turned Meto so adamantly against the queen and her influence on me. Do I sound like some deluded Eastern despot? Have I crossed the world, eluding every trap and besting every enemy, only to lose my bearings here in Egypt, to a twenty-one-year-old girl?"
"You say she promises you the world, Consul; yet she lies as easily as she breathes. You say she promises you a son; yet even if she were to announce that she was carrying your child, how could you be certain-"
He raised a hand. "Enough! Some thoughts are better left unspoken."