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‘No? You were in two choirs with the woman.’

‘Yes, but she wasn’t the kind to give much away about herself.’

‘No?’ This one was more pointed. Carole couldn’t possibly know about the confession about Alice that Heather had made. Could she? Jude felt awkward and guilty. In the new circumstances of a murder, Carole was going to be much more curious about the dealings her neighbour had had with the dead woman. Jude’s ability to keep secrets would be sorely tested.

And the testing started straight away, as Carole asked, ‘Did you ever spend time with Heather, just the two of you?’

‘Erm …’

But fortunately, Jude’s decision about whether to tell a direct lie was delayed by her phone ringing. ‘Hello?’

‘Jude, this is Alice Mallett.’

‘Oh. I was terribly sorry to hear the news.’

‘Not half as sorry as I was.’

‘No, but I’m sure—’

The newly-wed cut across her sentence. ‘I need to talk to you,’ she said.

Carole was miffed when she heard who the call was from, but she couldn’t summon up an argument that would justify her staying to witness the encounter between her neighbour and the bereaved bride. ‘You will tell me what she says, won’t you?’ she demanded, as she moved reluctantly towards the front door.

‘I will tell you as much as I can.’

‘And what’s that supposed to mean?’ came the sniffy response.

‘It means that I’ll you as much as I can. It’s possible that Alice Mallett wants to consult me as a healer. If that’s the case, of course there would be an issue of client confidentiality.’

‘Oh, poppycock!’ said Carole. ‘You always fall back on that when you’re just basically being secretive. Anyway, the girl’s stepmother’s just been murdered. The first thing she does is hardly going to be to consult a healer, is it?’

‘I can’t think of a time when she might have more need of a healer.’

‘No, but …’ Carole gave up the unequal struggle. ‘Just remember, I can always tell when you’re keeping information from me.’

Which didn’t make Jude feel any better.

‘We couldn’t have met at Mum’s place,’ said Alice. ‘I’ve just come from there, and it’s crawling with police officers. I told them I had to nip out for some shopping. I don’t know whether they believed me. They may have followed me here.’

The possibility was alarming to her, and made the poor girl look even more ghastly. The radiant bride of the day before had been reduced to a dumpy, tear-stained mess, dressed in a hoodie, jogging bottoms and trainers. Her eyes were puffy from crying, and she didn’t look as if she’d slept for a month.

‘But,’ she went on, ‘it was important that I should talk to you before the police do.’

Jude nodded slowly. ‘I think I know why. Heather told you that she’d told me … about your father’s death?’

Alice nodded, too overcome for a moment to speak. Then she said, ‘And, given the awfulness of what’s happened to Mum, the thought of all that being revived … I couldn’t stand it.’

‘If you’re worrying about my telling the police what Heather told me, put your mind at rest. She shared that in confidence, on the understanding that I would keep it to myself. And I promise you I will do that.’

‘Thank you. That’s one small relief, but everything else …’ The girl’s eyes filled with tears.

‘It must be terrible. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Heather was in such wonderful form yesterday.’

‘Yes. Wonderful.’

‘When did you last see her?’

‘After the dancing finished. After we’d said goodbye to everyone. Our best man, who fortunately doesn’t drink, had said he’d drive Roddy and me to our hotel.’

‘And did Heather say what she was going to do?’

‘She said she’d had too much to drink to drive. I suggested she called a cab, but she said it was such a lovely evening – which, of course, it was – that she’d walk back to Sorrento. Which I suppose is what she did. And, on the way, she met …’ Alice shuddered and dissolved into tears.

Jude put her arms around the girl’s heaving shoulders. ‘Crying’s the best thing you can do. It’s better to express emotion than bottle it up.’

‘I know. I still can’t believe what’s happened; keep thinking it must have been a dream, that soon I’ll wake up and … But I won’t. That dream will be the reality for the rest of my life.’

‘At least you’ve got Roddy by your side to help you through it.’

‘Yes.’ Alice looked uncertain. ‘But Roddy’s not …’

‘Not what?’

‘Not as stable as he may appear to an outsider. Nobody does a tour of duty in Afghanistan and comes away totally unscathed. He’s … well, his way of coping is to build up this hearty exterior, behave as if he doesn’t take anything seriously, but … he’s not always like that. Sometimes, he just loses it and …’

‘Are you talking PTSD?’

‘He’d never admit that, and he refuses to go and have any treatment for it. His whole attitude is based on never admitting to weakness. I think it’s something to do with his relationship with his father. The old man prides himself on never showing emotion, and Roddy tries to do the same. Which means he bottles things up and, when he does let go …’ She seemed about to say more but thought better of it.

There was a silence. Then Jude said, gently, ‘Heather did tell me about your father, about how he behaved towards you … and her.’

‘Yes, she said she’d told you.’ The girl shuddered. ‘This is all his fault, everything. He’s the villain in all this. We’ll never escape his evil shadow. He’s still controlling us, from beyond the grave.’

‘Are you suggesting your stepmother’s death is connected with your father’s?’

‘It must be. The two happening so close, it’s too much of a coincidence for there to be no link.’

‘But there isn’t the obvious link.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘The killings weren’t done by the same person, were they?’

Alice’s red eyes turned on Jude, as she took in the impact of this. ‘God, no! I didn’t kill her. I loved her. She saved my life. I was so alone, after I lost my birth mother. Without Mum’s support, I’d never have got through.’

‘But do you have any idea who might have killed her?’

Slowly – perhaps too slowly – Alice said, ‘No.’

Jude let the silence settle before saying, ‘Do you mind if I ask you about the circumstances of your father’s death?’


‘I was just wondering … why then?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘You’d suffered abuse from him … what, from your childhood onwards?’

‘I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t … touching me.’ The girl shuddered involuntarily.

‘But life must have been better once you had Heather in the house. You say she saved you. You had an ally.’


‘And then you moved away from him, moved to London, and you had Roddy to support you. Things must have been better.’

‘Yes. The hurt was still there, the damage could never be undone, but yes, for the first time I could see that I had a possible future.’

‘So, I go back to my original question. Why then? Your feelings against your father had been building up for years. Perhaps your desire to kill him had also been around for years …?’ Alice nodded. ‘Then what drove you over the edge on the seventeenth of February?’

‘Two things.’ She corrected herself. ‘No, one thing, really. That lunchtime I was alone in the house. Mum was having her singing lesson – well, she’d told Dad she was doing some shopping, but I knew she was with KK. And Dad had gone off to some regular pub lunch with some old insurance cronies. He did that quite often. And I … I suppose I was feeling more confident. I’d got Roddy, the wedding date was set. So, I did something I’d never done before. I searched Dad’s study.’