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Since that night, they had been back several times, and it never failed. The competition between them fueled their sexual tension, but now when it was almost too much, Jordan had only to give Rebecca a look, and they would be in bed minutes later making love. Not tonight. She breathed a loud sigh that wasn’t lost on Tony.

“What’s up, kiddo?” His eyes had lost the teasing sparkle that normally took up residence there, and he looked genuinely concerned. “More than the job I’d say.”

Jordan took a long swig of her Corona and leaned back in her chair, her face breaking into a weary smile. “How come you never settled down?”

An uncomfortable laugh answered her question. “Well, I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting that question. What’s got you wondering that?”

“Women.” Jordan blew out an exasperated breath.

“Women…or woman?”

Jordan pulled at the label on her beer. “Woman, I guess.”

‘That’s why I never settled down.”

“I don’t get it.” Jordan’s brow furrowed. “What’s why you didn’t settle down?”

Tony leaned over the table, his chin resting on his laced fingers. “Look at yourself. A mess over some chick. I never wanted to be that way. Man, it’s easier to keep it simple.”

“Didn’t you ever want more?” Jordan pressed.

He shrugged, but Jordan saw a cloud pass over his face before his happy-go-lucky smile replaced it. “Nah, not really.”

“You lying sack of shit. What’s her name?” Jordan grinned widely, already chomping at the bit. In all the years she had known Tony, he hadn’t seen the same woman more than once or twice and usually had more than one at a time.

Tony rubbed his meaty hands over his face and sighed loudly. “You know what, kid, you really know how to get to the old man, don’t ya?”

Jordan smiled ruefully. “You’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a father. I just wondered why you never got married.”

“I was in love once.” He confessed. “Back before I met you. We were running point on a big art theft ring that was hitting the art museum, and the mastermind behind it was a woman who actually worked at the museum. It was my job to know everything about her. You can’t get that close to someone and not learn a little bit about them in the process.”

“You fell for an art thief?” Jordan asked incredulously.

Tony smiled ruefully. “Can’t help who you fall in love with. It took three years to get enough on them to take them down. By the time that it was all said and done, I had long since fallen for her.”

“How on earth does that happen?” Jordan’s voice reverberated with disbelief.

Tony shrugged. “I was undercover. I probably took the case a little too personally. I ended up asking her out. Figured that was the only way to get close enough to find out how she was setting up the thefts.”

“She fell for your cover?”

“Fell for it and fell for me. In the end, my boss was worried I got too close. The only way to prove my loyalty was to take her down myself. Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

“Unbelievable.” Jordan shook her head. “You could have disappeared with her.”

“And done what?” Tony searched Jordan’s eyes. “As regimented as it was, this was the only life I had ever known, the only city I had ever lived in. I didn’t see myself hiding out in some remote island in the Caribbean for the rest of my life. I like people too much.”

“Wow.” Jordan downed her beer. “You never cease to amaze me. So, how did it end?”

He shook his head as his voice trailed off, a faraway look in his eyes. “She got fifteen years in a federal penitentiary, and I got a lifetime of memories. I poured myself into my work, and a couple of years later, I met the only person I ever loved more than myself.”

He didn’t say who it was, but Jordan could tell from the softening of his eyes and the fatherly smile he bestowed on her that she was that someone.

“I suddenly had someone to focus my energy on, someone who needed my undivided attention.”

“Hey!” Jordan took a playful swipe at his arm. “I wasn’t that bad.”

“Kiddo, when I found you, you were one arrest shy of juvie. I saved your ass, and you know it.” He patted her hand. “In a way, you saved mine. You stopped me from going off the deep end.”

He nodded at her empty bottle. “You want another?”

She shook her head. “Yeah, got more I need to talk to you about. Let’s call this a night of fatherly advice.”

Tony stood up with a chuckle. “Maybe I better get us a couple of shots too. Sounds like this could be a long night.”

When he returned, Jordan thanked him with her eyes. They tapped glasses and downed shots of half-decent tequila. She felt the heat go all the way down to her stomach and light a pleasant tingling from deep within. She met his questioning gaze and wrung her hands nervously.

“Come on, kiddo, spit it out. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.” Tony smiled the same warm smile she had seen a hundred times before. “Lay it on your old man.”

“I’m in love with Rebecca.” Jordan almost spit the words out for fear she wouldn’t have the courage to say them after all.

“The red-headed bird, right?” Tony rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “She’s a looker alright. So, what’s the problem?”

“Well, as of this morning, she may not even like me.” The pain etched in Jordan’s features was evident, even to Tony. Somewhere between walking into Rebecca’s office and waking up with her this morning, Jordan had fallen in love with her. She couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment, but now, before she had even had a chance to tell Rebecca how she felt, she was seeing the end of their relationship.

“What’s not to like?” Tony wrinkled his brow in confusion. “You got a great job, stellar personality, and if I do say so myself, good looks like your old man. That broad is crazy if she isn’t half in love with you already.”

“Thanks, Woz.” Jordan smiled. “I wish it were that easy. The crazy thing is I didn’t even do anything to mess it up. She says I distract her. That she needs space. She can’t concentrate enough to do her job.”

Tony chuckled softly. “You distract her? Well, kiddo, that’s sign enough that she loves you. She wouldn’t have any trouble working if you meant nothing to her.”

A hint of a smile worked its way onto Jordan’s face. “You think so?”

“I know so.” Tony smiled cryptically. “I know, because that’s what nearly blew it for me. Love almost messed my life up, and at the time, I would have let it. Hell, looking back, there are times I think I made the wrong choice. However, you, you’re different. I always knew you were meant for more.”

“What do you mean?”

He pointed at her chest. “’Cause that’s too big.”

“My boob is too big?” Jordan laughed. “Woz, I don’t know if you need glasses or not, but 34A isn’t exactly big.”

Tony reddened slightly. “I meant your heart, kiddo. People like you need love. You long for it.” He saw her open her mouth to protest. “Oh I know, you have spent your life running because you thought love was bad, but all you really wanted was to find it.”

“And now that I have found it, I’m about to lose it.” Jordan’s head hung low. The effect of the alcohol was making her totally bummed out and feeling sorry for herself. “Now do you see why I avoided it like the plague? I was right all those years. Love does suck.”

Tony shook his head. He recognized the despondency he had seen in his own eyes all those years ago. He grabbed her chin in between his thumb and forefinger, and forced her eyes up to meet his. “Don’t go getting all girly on me. Don’t let that broad flip you inside out. That kind of thinking isn’t going to do you a damn bit of good. You need to find a way to remind her why she fell in love with you in the first place. Odds are she’s going to realize not being with you is more distracting than loving you ever could be.”