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Jordan stepped closer. She studied each woman’s face and the photos from each crime scene. “Any similarities, I mean besides the obvious?”

Rebecca shook her head. “Pregnant. The only other link is they are all lesbians.”

“Hate crime?”

“We thought so at first, but we believe the nature of the crime is directed more at the pregnancy then at the sexual orientation.”

“Did you look into the area anti-gay groups?”

“Very thoroughly. We interviewed dozens of people and got nothing. The only lead we had was a link to the sperm bank they had all used. Unfortunately, everyone that was associated with the clinic had solid alibis and no motive for murder, almost all the employees were female, we had to rule that out.”

“What about someone else, even someone remotely connected with the clinic?” Jordan rubbed her chin. “Janitor? Tech? Delivery guy? Anyone?”

Rebecca exhaled loudly. “The CDD was very thorough in its investigation, Agent Gray. Believe me, we exhausted every possible angle, and we had nothing but dead ends. The attack on Julie Keppler was the first real break we got.”

Jordan smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you hadn’t done your job.”

“Yes, you did, whether that was your intention or not.” Rebecca bit back. “We’ve logged hundreds of hours on this case. I don’t need some cocky FBI agent coming in and questioning the work we’ve done.”

She pointed at the board angrily. “These women haunt me every day. I don’t need to be reminded, that up until now, we’ve made no real headway in catching the killer.”

“Again, I’m sorry, Detective. I know the CDD has done what they can. We’re just here to offer whatever help we can.” Jordan offered a conciliatory smile. “And you’re right, I’m way too cocky for my own good.”

She met Rebecca’s blazing green eyes. She knew in that second that she did not want this woman mad at her. She couldn’t risk getting herself and Matt thrown out on their asses. Susan wouldn’t take failure in this case, not when it involved her wife. Jordan scrambled to find something to smooth things over and almost hugged Rick when he jumped in to save her.

“Agent Gray, you have to understand that this case has been one of the most difficult ones we’ve ever been up against.” He met Rebecca’s eyes, and in a move that surprised them all, nodded towards a chair. She gave in reluctantly. Obviously, this barely put together detective had the ability to calm her when no one else did and Jordan thanked him silently. “What Detective Foxx means is that we’ve lost a lot of sleep over this case and not being any closer to catching the guy hits you in the gut. Forgive us, if we take things a little personally around here.”

Jordan shook her head from side to side. “It’s my fault.” She lowered her eyes from Rebecca’s glaring gaze ruefully. “I know what it’s like to have someone question how you do your job. Thank you for sharing your case files with us. We’ll get out of your hair now.”

Jordan grabbed Matt and started to leave. She turned back and met Rebecca’s gaze, once again looking inside her. “Whatever we can do to help, please let me know. You have my promise that even though our intrusion is off the record, you will have the full resources of the FBI.”

Rebecca nodded her headed slightly, a small sign that for the first time she might appreciate the help. “Thank you, Agent Gray.”

Chapter 4

Jordan knocked on the door leading into Julie’s room. She met Susan’s eyes, giving her a slight nod to let her know that she and Matt had already met with the CDD already. She didn’t take the folder with case notes out of her jacket for fear that it would upset Julie. “Assistant Director Mitchell.”

Susan’s wary eyes met hers, and she could see they were red-rimmed. “Susan, please. We’re outside the office.”

“Susan.” Jordan’s voice was decidedly low, given the sterile and ominous surroundings. She gestured towards Julie, who was still under heavy sedatives. “How is she?”

Susan stood up and rolled her shoulders. The ache that had started when her partner had been attacked hadn’t stopped. She wasn’t sleeping, and it showed. “Resting, finally. She’s been having nightmares.”

“As expected.” Jordan rested her hand on Susan’s arm. She met her eyes, not masking the concern in her own. “How are you holding up?”

“I’ve been better.” Susan shrugged. “I’m sure when the shock wears off, and I finally sit down, it will all hit me. I’m certain I’ll fall apart then.”

“Call me if you do. We’ll talk.” Jordan’s voice carried her concern. She suddenly felt closer to Susan, as if they were friends, and she wasn’t her subordinate. They would return to that when protocol dictated, but for now, Jordan knew Susan needed a friend more than a coworker.

Susan let herself feel anger for a few brief moments then her body grew tight and Jordan felt her pull away, physically and mentally. Her eyes flicked to Julie then back again, satisfied she was still asleep. “Did you get any leads from the CDD?”

Jordan shook her head. “Not here. Let me get you a cup of coffee. There’s a Starbucks right around the corner. You look like you could use a break.”

Susan looked as though she might resist, but her weariness got the better of her. “A quick one, okay?”

Jordan nodded her acquiescence. “Fifteen minutes.”

They rode the elevator in silence and didn’t talk again until they were seated at a corner table, nursing Venti coffees. Jordan pulled the folder out of her jacket and slid it on to the table in front of Susan.

Susan eyed it suspiciously and raised an eyebrow in Jordan’s direction. “This is it?”

“It’s not much to go on, I know. I’m hoping that Julie can give us at least a somewhat decent description of the UNSUB.”

Susan scanned the file quickly. The tips of her ears reddened as she read, the only sign that her ire was raising with every sentence. She finally shut the file and leaned back in her chair. “He’s a fucking monster.” She ran a hand through her unruly hair. She looked like she hadn’t slept or showered in days. She leveled Jordan with her gaze, hints of helplessness juxtaposed by seething anger. “I want him dead.”

“Is that my boss or my friend talking?” Jordan saw the mixed emotions in her eyes. “I know this is personal, but I need to know.”

Susan shook her head. “I can’t answer that. My heart wants this bastard dead for what he took from me, from Julie. I know he should rot in prison for his crimes, but why should he get to live when my baby is dead?”

Jordan watched the tears well in her eyes. Susan was making it even more difficult to keep her distance from the case. She was already too close to it. She needed to get that emotion under control, so she didn’t make a mistake. “I’m sorry, Susan. I’m so sorry for your loss. I won’t sit here and say that I know what you are going through. However, I will promise you today, we will get him, dead or alive.”

Susan saw the understanding in Jordan’s eyes. “I know you will. That’s why I asked you to do this for me.” Her eyes dropped, and she rolled her cup around in her hands. “I know that I don’t have to tell you what I want.”

Jordan shook her head from side to side. Susan didn’t need to tell her that officially or unofficially, it didn’t matter. She wanted him to suffer and eventually die. If asked on an official basis, both knew they would never say those words out loud. They would swear only to catch him and having faith in the justice system. Neither one would ever voice anything other than blind faith in the law. “No, you don’t.”