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Waves of invisible force caught the goblins and the bugbear, hurling them away and into another cluster of Biish’s thugs. Dandra dashed forward, grabbed the startled Adarans, and pulled them out of the way as the coach came down. They stared at her in surprise for moment, then one of them raised his weapon. “Bhintava Adarani!” he crowed. His friend echoed him, and both of them threw themselves at the nearest hobgoblin. The cry spread, taken up by every fighting Adaran in the courtyard.

Ashi was the first out of the coach, heaving Natrac with her. Singe followed, then slapped the side of the coach. “Up, Rhazala! Get out of here and take this coach back wherever you stole it from!”

“Good luck, if you live!” the goblin said as she pulled on the steering rod. The coach shot up into the night, and for the first time, Dandra actually looked at the Thronehold spectacle unfolding in the sky. Among the stars and moons, warriors in ancient dress battled goblins in the story of the first human settlement of Sharn. She looked at Singe.

“Do you think that’s an omen?” she asked.

“I hope so!” He bent his head and gave her a kiss, then turned and sprinted in the direction of Vennet’s mad cries with Ashi watching his back.

A cry from Natrac brought her around. The half-orc struggled against a knot of goblins trying to drag him down by sheer weight. Natrac stabbed at them, but they clung to the arm that bore his knife-hand. Dandra cracked her spear across their skulls, and they dropped, though not before one had sunk his teeth into Natrac’s good arm. He howled and shook his arm so violently the goblin was flung away.

The bite was raw and deep, but Natrac just let it bleed. “Can you burn us a way through to the Gathering Light?” he said as they forced their way forward.

Dandra shook her head. “No! There are too many Adarans fighting and too many kalashtar-oh!”

A staring form, pushed by the dodge of a hobgoblin, fell against her. It wasn’t the sudden impact that forced the gasp from her lips-it was recognition. Nevchaned’s body was limp in her arms, his eyes fixed on Dah’mir. The old kalashtar was armed with a pair of heavy smith’s hammers, but they hadn’t done him any good. Rage and disgust surged in her, and she stared up at Dah’mir, still perched on the peak of the Gathering Light.

Natrac grabbed her arm and pulled her away. “The doors, Dandra! We can’t fight Dah’mir!”

“I can give him something to concentrate on other than the kalashtar though!” She reached into herself and summoned up the drone of whitefire. There was no one between her and the dragon. If she could break his hold on the kalashtar-

She didn’t get the chance. Abruptly, the hot glow of intense firelight fell over the front of the Gathering Light and raked across the battle in the courtyard. A roar like a furnace filled the air. The battle cries of the Adarans grew quiet and even Biish’s thugs froze. Her attack on Dah’mir forgotten, Dandra whirled around.

An airship swooped down from the skies, slipping right in among the towers and buildings of Fan Adar. The light and the roar came from the fiery elemental ring that wrapped around the ship, supported by great curved beams arcing above, below, and to either side of her hull. She wasn’t the largest airship Dandra had ever seen-from her size and lines and the name Mayret’s Envy written in elaborate script on her bow, Dandra guessed the ship was some wealthy aristocrat’s private yacht-but she had a look of speed and maneuverability about her.

The projecting ring made it impossible to land the vessel, but her unseen pilot brought her right alongside the raised walkway, on the other side of the Gathering Light’s sunken courtyard. The bugbears that had held the walkway pulled back from the heat, though they didn’t pull back far. Partway between the bow and the great ring, a hatch opened in the side of the ship and a long loading ramp unfolded, stretching beyond the radius of the ring to reach the walkway. Two bugbears rushed forward to seize and steady the end of the ramp.

Vennet’s voice rang out as clearly as if he’d been giving orders on the deck of Lightning on Water. “Make way! Time to load the cargo! Make way!” A cheer went up from Biish’s gang, and a new flurry of violence erupted as the thugs pushed back the Gathering Light’s Adaran defenders. Hobgoblins began racing up the ramp from courtyard to walkway, each with a kalashtar thrown casually over his shoulders. The bugbears from above met them halfway, taking two kalashtar at a time and lumbering across the loading ramp into the floating ship.

“Light of il-Yannah, no!” Dandra cursed. Across the courtyard, similar cries rose from the Adaran humans. Many of them began to fight their way back toward the captive kalashtar.

“Lords of the Host!” said Natrac. “That’s what Vennet needed Benti for! He needed a second Lyrandar pilot to fly that thing!” He looked at Dandra. “What do we do now?”

“You die, Natrac!” roared a new voice. “This time, you die!”

Heavy feet pounded stone. Dandra and Natrac turned together as Biish came rushing down the stairs of the Gathering Light, a jagged hobgoblin sword swinging in his hand. Goblins and hobgoblins alike jerked away from his charge. Most of the thugs around Dandra and Natrac took one look at the enraged ganglord and pulled away from the target of his wrath as well.

Most, but not all. Dandra sensed rather than saw the movement behind her and tried to dodge. It was too late. A heavy club swung by a lean hobgoblin smashed into her shoulder and sent her staggering. Natrac tried to steady her, but a goblin grabbed at his arm, holding him back. Dandra fought past her pain and jabbed her spear at the goblin. He yelped and let go, but more thugs found renewed courage and crowded in-only to be thrown back as Biish burst through their ranks. He leveled his sword at Natrac and at her. “You should have run again, Natrac!”

The half-orc thrust his tusks forward. “I’m through running, Biter.” He dropped into a defensive stance, knife-hand at the ready.

Until the airship came down, Singe had lost track of Vennet in the swirl of fighting. A trio of hobgoblins had come at him and Ashi, backing them into a cluster of Adarans gathered around a pair of stunned kalashtar. By the time blood stained Singe’s rapier, the chaos of battle in shadows had turned them around.

The flying ship arrived like dawn. The goblin who had been tying up Singe’s rapier with a pair of flashing daggers flinched at the sudden glare. Singe stayed focused, sliding his blade past the creature’s faltering guard and into his chest, before looking up to study the ship and read the name on her bow. He bit off a curse and blocked the swing of a hobgoblin’s sword. Ashi, fighting beside him, gave free vent to her emotions, however.

“Rond betch! What’s this for?”

Singe made a guess as he fought. If Dah’mir was going to stay in the city with them, skycoaches would have done the job. “To take the kalashtar out of Sharn!”

He thrust and the hobgoblin fell back clutching his leg. Ashi’s opponent dropped as well. Singe grabbed the hunter and pulled her toward the corner of the courtyard where the captive kalashtar were being held. “We have to hurry or-”

Vennet’s shouting voice cut him off. “Make way! Time to load the cargo! Make way!”

Through the fighting, Singe caught a glimpse of Vennet waving his cutlass, then lost him again as the battle heaved in response to the command. A hobgoblin carrying a kalashtar appeared on the ramp, climbing up toward the walkway and the airship. Singe tried to picture how many captives he had seen from above. It couldn’t have been seventeen, could it? “Dah’mir doesn’t have all his captives, yet!” he said.